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ezpnormalizelatlng.php - Simple script example of using eZ Publish Legacy Extension PHP Shell Script to Modify content object content programatically
#!/usr/bin/env php
* File containing the ezpnormalizelatlng.php bin script
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1999 - 2015 Brookins Consulting. All rights reserved.
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 Think Creative. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License v2 (or later)
* @version 0.0.3
* @package site
/** Add a starting timing point tracking script execution time **/
$srcStartTime = microtime();
/** Script autoloads initialization **/
require 'autoload.php';
/** Script startup and initialization **/
$cli = eZCLI::instance();
$script = eZScript::instance( array( 'description' => ( "eZ Publish Normalize Lat/Lng Attribute Content Script\n" .
"\n" .
"ezpnormalizelatlng.php --script-verbose" ),
'use-session' => false,
'use-modules' => true,
'use-extensions' => true,
'user' => true ) );
$options = $script->getOptions( "[script-verbose;][script-verbose-level;][test-only;]",
array( 'test-only' => 'Use this parameter to test for objects which need lat/lng attributes to be swapped. Test only no modifications to db made. Example: ' . "'--test-only'" . ' is an optional parameter which defaults to false',
'script-verbose' => 'Use this parameter to display verbose script output without disabling script iteration counting of images created or removed. Example: ' . "'--script-verbose'" . ' is an optional parameter which defaults to false',
'script-verbose-level' => 'Use only with ' . "'--script-verbose'" . ' parameter to see more of execution internals. Example: ' . "'--script-verbose-level=3'" . ' is an optional parameter which defaults to 1 and works till 5'),
array( 'user' => true ) );
/** Test for required script arguments **/
$verbose = isset( $options['script-verbose'] ) ? true : false;
$scriptVerboseLevel = isset( $options['script-verbose-level'] ) ? $options['script-verbose-level'] : 1;
$troubleshoot = ( isset( $options['script-verbose-level'] ) && $options['script-verbose-level'] > 0 ) ? true : false;
$test = isset( $options['test-only'] ) ? true : false;
/** Script default values **/
$adminUserID = 14;
$attributeSwapCount = 0;
$attributeSwapPublishCount = 0;
$parentNodeID = 2;
$offset = 0;
$limit = 100;
/** Display of execution time **/
function executionTimeDisplay( $srcStartTime, $cli )
/** Add a stoping timing point tracking and calculating total script execution time **/
$srcStopTime = microtime();
$startTime = next( explode( " ", $srcStartTime ) ) + current( explode( " ", $srcStartTime ) );
$stopTime = next( explode( " ", $srcStopTime ) ) + current( explode( " ", $srcStopTime ) );
$executionTime = round( $stopTime - $startTime, 2 );
/** Alert the user to how long the script execution took place **/
$cli->output( "\n\nThis script execution completed in " . $executionTime . " seconds" . ".\n" );
/** Login script to run as admin user This is required to see past content tree permissions, sections and other limitations **/
$currentuser = eZUser::currentUser();
$user = eZUser::fetch( $adminUserID );
/** Fetch total files count from content tree **/
$totalFileCountParams = array( 'ClassFilterType' => 'include',
'ClassFilterArray' => array( 'member' ),
'Depth' => 10,
'MainNodeOnly' => true,
'IgnoreVisibility' => true );
/** Fetch total count for member content objects **/
$totalFileCount = eZContentObjectTreeNode::subTreeCountByNodeID( $totalFileCountParams, $parentNodeID );
/** Debug verbose output **/
if ( !$totalFileCount )
$cli->error( "No member objects found" );
/** Call for display of execution time **/
executionTimeDisplay( $srcStartTime, $cli );
$script->shutdown( 3 );
elseif( $verbose && $totalFileCount > 0 )
$cli->warning( "Total member objects to be checked: " . $totalFileCount . "\n" );
/** Setup script iteration details **/
$script->setIterationData( '.', '.' );
$script->resetIteration( $totalFileCount );
/** Iterate over nodes **/
while ( $offset < $totalFileCount )
/** Fetch nodes under starting node in content tree **/
$subTreeParams = array( 'Limit' => $limit,
'Offset' => $offset,
'ClassFilterType' => 'include',
'ClassFilterArray' => array( 'member' ),
'SortBy' => array( 'modified', false ),
'Depth' => 10,
'MainNodeOnly' => true,
'IgnoreVisibility' => true );
/** Optional debug output **/
if( $troubleshoot && $scriptVerboseLevel >= 5 )
$cli->output( "Member object fetch params: \n");
$cli->output( print_r( $subTreeParams ) );
/** Fetch nodes with limit and offset **/
$subTree = eZContentObjectTreeNode::subTreeByNodeID( $subTreeParams, $parentNodeID );
$subTreeCount = count( $subTree );
/** Optional debug output **/
if( $troubleshoot && $scriptVerboseLevel >= 5 )
$cli->output( "Member objects fetched: ". $subTreeCount ."\n" );
if( $troubleshoot && $scriptVerboseLevel >= 6 )
$cli->output( print_r( $subTree ) );
/** Iterate over nodes **/
while ( list( $key, $childNode ) = each( $subTree ) )
$status = true;
/** Fetch object details **/
$nodeID = $childNode->attribute('node_id');
$nodeUrl = $childNode->attribute('url');
$object = $childNode->attribute( 'object' );
$objectID = $object->attribute( 'id' );
$objectDataMap = $object->dataMap();
$objectLatitude = $objectDataMap[ 'latitude' ]->content();
$objectLongitude = $objectDataMap[ 'longitude' ]->content();
/** Only iterate over objects with lng in the lat field **/
//if( $objectLatitude )
if( $objectLatitude < 0 )
/** Debug verbose output **/
if( $troubleshoot && $scriptVerboseLevel >= 3 )
$cli->warning( "\nFound! Member object pending attribute swap: " . $nodeUrl . ", NodeID " . $nodeID . "\n" );
$cli->warning( "Member object latitude: $objectLatitude");
$cli->warning( "Member object longitude: $objectLongitude\n");
/** Only modify object attributes when needed AND when not in test-only mode **/
if( !$test )
/** Modify member object and publish a new version wit the lat/lng attribute values normalized **/
$updateParams = array();
$updateAttributeList = array( "latitude" => $objectLongitude, "longitude" => $objectLatitude );
$updateParams['attributes'] = $updateAttributeList;
/** Optional debug output **/
if( $troubleshoot && $scriptVerboseLevel >= 5 )
$cli->output( "Member objects update params: ");
print_r( $updateParams );
$updateResult = eZContentFunctions::updateAndPublishObject( $object, $updateParams );
if( $updateResult )
/** Debug verbose output **/
if( $verbose )
$cli->output( "Fixed: Published new member object version with lat/lng attribute values normalized\n");
/** Iterate cli script progress tracker **/
$script->iterate( $cli, $status );
/** Iterate cli script progress tracker **/
$script->iterate( $cli, $status );
/** Iterate fetch function offset and continue **/
$offset = $offset + $subTreeCount;
/** Clear all related caches **/
/** Inform the script user of the results **/
if( $test )
$cli->warning( "\n\nTotal objects found needing the attributes to be swapped: $attributeSwapCount");
$cli->warning( "\n\nTotal objects re-published with the lat/lng attribute values swapped: $attributeSwapPublishCount");
/** Call for display of execution time **/
executionTimeDisplay( $srcStartTime, $cli );
/** Shutdown script **/
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