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Last active October 27, 2022 03:05
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Get the wavelength of a note in the Chromatic scale
function noteFrequency(offset) {
// A4 has a defined, integer frequency. Let's use this as the base for calculations
const A4Frequency = 440;
// Allows:
// - multiple flats and sharps in any order
// - usage of '♭' or lowercase 'B' as flat
const noteRegExp = /^([a-gA-G])([♭b♯#]*)(-?\d+)?$/;
const semitoneMultiplier = 2 ** (1/12);
const scaleNoteCount = 12;
// Pre calculate offsets of each note from A
// Octaves start at C so notes after B are negative
const noteOffsets = {
a: 0,
b: 2,
c: -9,
d: -7,
e: -5,
f: -4,
g: -2,
// Allow null or undefined to default to a 0 offset
offset = offset || 0;
// If a number is provided, use it directly as the offset
if (!isNaN(+offset)) {
// Decimals don't make sense, so we'll throw
if (+offset % 1) {
throw formattingError();
// Otherwise we'll try to calculate it from the string
else if (typeof offset === 'string') {
// Let's strip white spaces and lowercase everything so we know what we're dealing with
let offsetString = offset.replace(/\s+/g, '').toLowerCase();
if (!noteRegExp.test(offsetString)) {
throw formattingError();
// Pull the relevant information out of the RegExp
let [, note, sharpsAndFlats, octave = 4] = noteRegExp.exec(offsetString);
let sharpCount = (sharpsAndFlats.match(/[♯#]/g) || []).length;
let flatCount = (sharpsAndFlats.match(/[♭b]/g) || []).length;
let noteOffset = (sharpCount - flatCount + scaleNoteCount) % scaleNoteCount;
offset = ((noteOffsets[note] + noteOffset) % scaleNoteCount) + ((octave - 4) * scaleNoteCount);
// Non strings / number / undefined / null will throw an error
else {
throw formattingError();
return +(A4Frequency * semitoneMultiplier ** offset).toFixed(10);
function formattingError() {
return new Error(`${ offset } is not a valid note.
Please provide either:
- null or undefined to get the frequency of A4
- an integer number representing a semi-tone offset from A4
- a string depicting a note in the form '${ noteRegExp }'
That is:
The note letter[, flats and sharps][, the octave number]
If not stated otherwise:
- No sharps or flats are included
- The octave defaults to 4`.replace(/\n {6}/g, '\n'));
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