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Last active September 6, 2023 16:59
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No data alarm for PowerShell
# Check data is being written
# Tim Brooks Sept 2023 <>
# Specify a hashmap of Contacts with WhatsApp numbers and APIKeys
# E.g. > $Contacts=@{'+271234567890'=123456}; .\nodata_alarm.ps1
# Complete the enrolment described below to get an APIKey for each number:
$FileName = "foo.txt" #File that should grow in size
$PollTime = 5 #Check interval in seconds
$ReminderTime = 1800 #Send a reminder message after alerting for interval in seconds
if ( $Contacts -eq $Null ) {
Write-Host "No Contacts provided!"
Write-Host "Enroll on and provide WhatsApp and APIKey e.g.:"
Write-Host "> `$Contacts=@{'+271234567890'=123456}; .\nodata_alarm.ps1"
function Send-Message {
param (
$message = [uri]::EscapeDataString($message)
foreach ( $number in $Contacts.Keys ) {
Invoke-WebRequest "$number&text=$message&apikey=$APIKey"
function Set-Alert {
$message = "Warning, no increase in data size of $FileName in past $PollTime seconds."
Write-Host "$message"
Send-Message $message
function Clear-Alert {
$message = "All clear, $FileName now increasing in size."
Write-Host "$message"
Send-Message $message
function Remind-Alert {
param (
$message = "Warning, still no increase in data size of $FileName since $StartTime."
Write-Host "$message"
Send-Message $message
$LastLength = -1
$AlertSet = $false
while ( $true ) {
$NewLength = ( Get-Item $FileName ).length
if ( $NewLength -eq $LastLength ) {
if ( $AlertSet -eq $false ) {
$AlertSet = $true
$AlertTime = ( Get-Date )
} else {
$delta = ( Get-Date ) - $AlertTime
Write-Host $delta.Seconds
if ( $delta.TotalSeconds % $ReminderTime -lt $PollTime ) {
Remind-Alert $AlertTime
} else {
if ($AlertSet -eq $true ) {
$AlertSet = $false
$LastLength = $NewLength
Start-Sleep -Seconds $PollTime
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