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Created September 6, 2012 21:58
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  • Save brooksware2000/3660676 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save brooksware2000/3660676 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sends sensor data and relay status from the thermostat/temperature node over the serial port.
Demonstration sketch for the Hobbybotics Wireless Thermostat/Temperature Node.
Sends sensor data and relay status over the serial port.
#include <MCP23008.h> // MCP23008 I/O Expander (I2C)
#include <LCD.h> // I2C LCD
#include <Wire.h> // I2C functions
#include <OneWire.h> // One-wire devices
#include <DallasTemperature.h> // DS18B20
#include <MAX6675.h> // MAX6675 Thermocouple
#include <SHT15.h> // SHT15 humidity/temperature sensor
#include <TEMT6000.h> // TEMT6000 light sensor
#include <SPI.h> // DS3234 RTC
#include <DS3234.h> // DS3234 RTC
* Pin definitions
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Dallas DS18B20 temperature sensors
#define DS18B20_BUS A0
// TEMT6000 light sensor pin
#define TEMT6000_PIN A1
* Create object references
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Default I2C address for LCD is 0
LCD lcd;
// Setup One-wire instance to communicate with DS18B20 sensors
OneWire oneWire(DS18B20_BUS);
// Pass oneWire reference to DallasTemperature library
DallasTemperature _DS18B20(&oneWire);
// Create an array for DS18B20 sensor addresses
DeviceAddress DS18B20[3];
// Setup MCP23008 I/O Expander instance to communicate with the relays--address 2
MCP23008 relays;
// Setup MAX6675 instance to communicate with Type-K Thermocouple
MAX6675 _MAX6675;
// Setup light sensor object
TEMT6000 _TEMT6000;
// Setup SHT15 humidity/temperature sensor object
SHT15 _SHT15;
// Setup instance of DS3234 _DS3234
DS3234 _DS3234;
* Serial packet data structure
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
int light; // TEMT6000 measured light intensity
int humidity; // SHT15 humidity 0..100%
int temperature[5]; // Celcius: SHT15, DS18B20[1..4], MAX6675
int relays[7]; // Relay status1..7
int date_time[5]; // DS3234 day/month/year/hour/min/sec
} txdata;
* LCD custom characters
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// make a degree symbol
const char degree = 223;
* Function: init_relays
* Description: Initialize relays. Relays are connected to MCP23008 I/O Expander (address 2)
* Ins: none
* Outs: none
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void init_relays(){
for(int x = 0; x <= 7; x++){
relays.pinMode(x, OUTPUT);
* Function: get_relay_state
* Description: Get relay state(ON = 1/OFF = 0)
* Ins: Integer value for relay (0-7)
* Outs: relay state (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
int get_relay_state(int relaynum){
return relays.digitalRead(relaynum);
* Function: init_DS18B20
* Description: Initialize DS18B20 Temperature sensor(s)
* Ins: Integer value for sensor precision. Can be 9, 10, 11 or 12 bits
* Outs: none
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void init_DS18B20(int precision){
int available = _DS18B20.getDeviceCount();
for(int x = 0; x <= available; x++){
if(_DS18B20.getAddress(DS18B20[x], x)){
_DS18B20.setResolution(DS18B20[x], precision);
* Function: DS18B20_CELSIUS
* Description: Get celsius reading from DS18B20 Temperature sensor
* Ins: Integer value for sensor address
* Outs: Returns celsius reading
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
int DS18B20_CELSIUS(int address){
if (_DS18B20.getAddress(DS18B20[address], address)){
return _DS18B20.getTempC(DS18B20[address]);
return 0;
* Function: DS18B20_FAHRENHEIT
* Description: Get fahrenheit reading from DS18B20 Temperature sensor
* Ins: Integer value for sensor address
* Outs: Returns fahrenheit reading
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
//int DS18B20_FAHRENHEIT(int address){
// if (_DS18B20.getAddress(DS18B20[address], address)){
// _DS18B20.requestTemperatures();
// return DallasTemperature::toFahrenheit(_DS18B20.getTempC(DS18B20[address]));
// }
// else
// return 0;
* Function: init_DS3234
* Description: initialize the _DS3234 and check if date/time has already been set
* Ins: none
* Outs: none
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void init_DS3234(){
if (! _DS3234.isrunning()) // set _DS3234 to date & time this sketch was compiled
_DS3234.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__));
* Function: init_DS3234
* Description: initialize the _DS3234 and check if date/time has already been set
* Ins: none
* Outs: none
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void get_datetime(){
DateTime now =;
txdata.date_time[0] = now.hour();
txdata.date_time[1] = now.minute();
txdata.date_time[2] = now.second();
txdata.date_time[3] =;
txdata.date_time[4] = now.month();
txdata.date_time[5] = now.year();
txdata.date_time[6] = now.dayOfWeek();
* Function: set_cursor
* Description: Set LCD cursor to column and row
* Ins: Integer value for column and row
* Outs: none
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void set_cursor(int col, int row){
lcd.setCursor(col, row);
* Function: print_string
* Description: Set LCD cursor to column and row and print string
* Ins: Integer value for column and row. Pointer to string to print
* Outs: none
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void print_string(char *str, int col, int row){
lcd.setCursor(col, row);
* Function: print_custom_char
* Description: Set LCD cursor to column and row and print custom LCD character
* Ins: Integer value for column, row and address.
* Outs: none
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void print_custom_char(int address, int col, int row){
lcd.setCursor(col, row);
* Function: print_int
* Description: Set LCD cursor to column and row and print a Integer
* Ins: Integer value for column, row and number
* Outs: none
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void print_int(int num, int col, int row){
lcd.setCursor(col, row);
* Function: splash_screen
* Description:
* Ins: none
* Outs: none
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void splash_screen(){
print_string("Hobbybotics", 0, 0);
print_string("Serial Sensor Test 1", 0, 1);
* Main routines
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void setup(){
// Init LCD
lcd.begin(20, 4);
// Init light sensor
// Init MAX6675
_MAX6675.init(4, 5, 6);
// Init SHT15 sensor. SDA = D16 (A2), SCL = D17 (A3)
_SHT15.init(16, 17);
// Init relays (I2C)
// Init DS18B20 sensors with precision set to 9
// Init DS3234
void loop(){
// TEMT6000 : Light 0..100%
Serial.print("TEMT6000: ");
Serial.print(txdata.light = _TEMT6000.get_lux_int());
// SHT15 : Humidity 0..100%, Temperature Celsius
Serial.print(" SHT15: ");
Serial.print(txdata.humidity = _SHT15.measure(HUMI));
Serial.print("% ");
Serial.print(txdata.temperature[0] = _SHT15.measure(TEMPC));
// DS18B20 : Temperature Celsius
Serial.print(" DS18B20: ");
Serial.print(txdata.temperature[1] = DS18B20_CELSIUS(0));
Serial.print("C ");
Serial.print(txdata.temperature[2] = DS18B20_CELSIUS(1));
Serial.print("C ");
Serial.print(txdata.temperature[3] = DS18B20_CELSIUS(2));
Serial.print("C ");
// Serial.print(txdata.temperature[4] = DS18B20_CELSIUS(3));
// Serial.write(degree);
// Serial.print("C");
// MAX6675 : Temperature Celsius
Serial.print(" MAX6675: ");
Serial.print(txdata.temperature[5] = _MAX6675.measure(_MAX6675.TEMPC));
// Relays : 0..7
Serial.print(" Relays: ");
Serial.print(txdata.relays[0] = get_relay_state(0));
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(txdata.relays[1] = get_relay_state(1));
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(txdata.relays[2] = get_relay_state(2));
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(txdata.relays[3] = get_relay_state(3));
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(txdata.relays[4] = get_relay_state(4));
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(txdata.relays[5] = get_relay_state(5));
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(txdata.relays[6] = get_relay_state(6));
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(txdata.relays[7] = get_relay_state(7));
// DS3234 : hh:mm:ss dd:mm:yyyy d
DateTime now =;
Serial.print(" Time: ");
// Hour
txdata.date_time[0] = now.hour();
// Pad if necessary for double-digit
if (txdata.date_time[0] < 10)
// Minutes
txdata.date_time[1] = now.minute();
// Pad if necessary for double-digit
if (txdata.date_time[1] < 10)
// Seconds
txdata.date_time[2] = now.second();
// Pad if necessary for double-digit
if (txdata.date_time[2] < 10)
Serial.print(" Date: ");
// Day of month
txdata.date_time[3] =;
// Pad if necessary for double-digit
if (txdata.date_time[3] < 10)
// Month
txdata.date_time[4] = now.month();
// Pad if necessary for double-digit
if (txdata.date_time[4] < 10)
// Year
Serial.print(txdata.date_time[5] = now.year());
Serial.print(" Day: ");
// Day of week
Serial.print(txdata.date_time[6] = now.dayOfWeek());
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