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Last active March 14, 2016 15:09
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import Foundation
public enum Persistence {
case Stop
case Continue
public final class Signal<Subtype> {
typealias Observation = Subtype -> Persistence
private var observations: [Observation] = []
public init() {}
public func onReception (observeFunction: Subtype -> Persistence) -> Signal {
return self
public func map<OtherSubtype>(transform: Subtype -> OtherSubtype) -> Signal<OtherSubtype> {
let mappedSignal = Signal<OtherSubtype>()
onReception {
return .Continue
return mappedSignal
public func flatMap<OtherSubtype>(transform: Subtype -> Signal<OtherSubtype>) -> Signal<OtherSubtype> {
let mappedSignal = Signal<OtherSubtype>()
onReception {
transform($0).onReception {
return .Continue
return .Continue
return mappedSignal
public func filter(predicate: Subtype -> Bool) -> Signal {
let filteredSignal = Signal<Subtype>()
onReception {
if predicate($0) {
return .Continue
return filteredSignal
public func unionWith (otherSignal: Signal<Subtype>) -> Signal {
let unifiedSignal = Signal<Subtype>()
let observeFunction = { (value: Subtype) -> Persistence in
return .Continue
return unifiedSignal
public func + <Subtype> (left: Signal<Subtype>, right: Signal<Subtype>) -> Signal<Subtype> {
return left.unionWith(right)
extension Signal {
private func send (value: Subtype) {
var newObservations: [Observation] = []
while observations.count > 0 {
let observe = observations.removeFirst()
let persistence = observe(value)
switch persistence {
case .Continue:
case .Stop: break
observations = newObservations
public final class Emitter<Subtype> {
public let signal = Signal<Subtype>()
public func emit(value: Subtype) {
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