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code for the article "Lenses and Prisms in Swift: a pragmatic approach"
/// source:
protocol LensType {
associatedtype WholeType
associatedtype PartType
var get: (WholeType) -> PartType { get }
var set: (PartType,WholeType) -> WholeType { get }
init(get: @escaping (WholeType) -> PartType, set: @escaping (PartType,WholeType) -> WholeType)
struct Lens<Whole,Part>: LensType {
typealias WholeType = Whole
typealias PartType = Part
let get: (Whole) -> Part /// get the "focused" part
let set: (Part,Whole) -> Whole /// set a new value for the "focused" part
init(get: @escaping (Whole) -> Part, set: @escaping (Part,Whole) -> Whole) {
self.get = get
self.set = set
extension LensType {
func over(_ transform: @escaping (PartType) -> PartType) -> (WholeType) -> WholeType {
return { whole in self.set(transform(self.get(whole)),whole) }
func join<Subpart, OtherLens>(_ other: OtherLens) -> Lens<WholeType,Subpart> where OtherLens: LensType, OtherLens.WholeType == PartType, OtherLens.PartType == Subpart {
return Lens<WholeType,Subpart>(
get: { other.get(self.get($0)) },
set: { (subpart: Subpart, whole: WholeType) -> WholeType in
func zip<OtherPart, OtherLens>(_ other: OtherLens) -> Lens<WholeType,(PartType,OtherPart)> where OtherLens: LensType, OtherLens.WholeType == WholeType, OtherLens.PartType == OtherPart {
return Lens<WholeType,(PartType,OtherPart)>(
get: { (self.get($0),other.get($0)) },
set: { other.set($0.1,self.set($0.0,$1)) })
struct Company {
var name: String
var board: BoardOfDirectors
struct lens {
static let name = Lens<Company,String>(
get: { $ },
set: { (p,w) in
var m_w = w = p
return m_w
static let board = Lens<Company,BoardOfDirectors>(
get: { $0.board },
set: { (p,w) in
var m_w = w
m_w.board = p
return m_w
struct BoardOfDirectors {
var ceo: Employee
var cto: Employee
var cfo: Employee
var coo: Employee
struct lens {
static let ceo = Lens<BoardOfDirectors,Employee>(
get: { $ },
set: { BoardOfDirectors(ceo: $0, cto: $1.cto, cfo: $1.cfo, coo: $1.coo) })
static let cto = Lens<BoardOfDirectors,Employee>(
get: { $0.cto },
set: { BoardOfDirectors(ceo: $, cto: $0, cfo: $1.cfo, coo: $1.coo) })
static let cfo = Lens<BoardOfDirectors,Employee>(
get: { $0.cfo },
set: { BoardOfDirectors(ceo: $, cto: $1.cto, cfo: $0, coo: $1.coo) })
static let coo = Lens<BoardOfDirectors,Employee>(
get: { $0.coo },
set: { BoardOfDirectors(ceo: $, cto: $1.cto, cfo: $1.cfo, coo: $0) })
struct Employee {
var name: String
var salary: Salary
struct lens {
static let name = Lens<Employee,String>(
get: { $ },
set: { (p,w) in
var m_w = w = p
return m_w
static let salary = Lens<Employee,Salary>(
get: { $0.salary },
set: { (p,w) in
var m_w = w
m_w.salary = p
return m_w
struct Salary {
var amount: Double
var bonus: Double
struct lens {
static let amount = Lens<Salary,Double>(
get: { $0.amount },
set: { Salary(amount: $0, bonus: $1.bonus) })
static let bonus = Lens<Salary,Double>(
get: { $0.bonus },
set: { Salary(amount: $1.amount, bonus: $0) })
var currentCompany = Company(
name: "Something inc.",
board: BoardOfDirectors(
ceo: Employee(
name: "Jane Doe",
salary: Salary(
amount: 100,
bonus: 10)),
cto: Employee(
name: "John Doe",
salary: Salary(
amount: 80,
bonus: 8)),
cfo: Employee(
name: "Jane Doe Jr.",
salary: Salary(
amount: 80,
bonus: 4)),
coo: Employee(
name: "John Doe Jr.",
salary: Salary(
amount: 80,
bonus: 4))))
struct Repository {
static var getCompany: Company {
print("Retrieving company: \(currentCompany)\n")
return currentCompany
static func setCompany(_ company: Company) {
print("Saving company: \(company)\n")
currentCompany = company
func example1() {
var com = Repository.getCompany *= 0.5
extension Double {
static func average(_ values: Double...) -> Double {
return values.reduce(0, +)/Double(values.count)
func example2() {
var com = Repository.getCompany
let ceoSalary =
let cfoSalary = com.board.cfo.salary
com.board.cto.salary.amount = Double.average(ceoSalary.amount,cfoSalary.amount)
func example3() {
var com = Repository.getCompany
let cfoAmount = com.board.cfo.salary.amount
var cfoBonus = com.board.cfo.salary.bonus
if cfoBonus/cfoAmount < 0.06 {
cfoBonus = cfoAmount*0.06
com.board.cfo.salary.bonus = cfoBonus
let onCEO = Company.lens.board.join(
let onCTO = Company.lens.board.join(BoardOfDirectors.lens.cto)
let onCFO = Company.lens.board.join(BoardOfDirectors.lens.cfo)
let onSalaryAmount = Employee.lens.salary.join(Salary.lens.amount)
let onSalaryBonus = Employee.lens.salary.join(Salary.lens.bonus)
func updateCompany(with action: (Company) -> Company) {
func example1_lenses() {
updateCompany(with: onCEO.join(onSalaryAmount).over { $0*0.5 })
func example2_lenses() {
updateCompany {
func example3_lenses() {
updateCompany(with: onCFO.join(onSalaryAmount)
.over { (amount,bonus) in
if bonus/amount < 0.06 {
return (amount,amount*0.06)
} else {
return (amount,bonus)
typealias AnyDict = [String:Any]
/* this is wrong
func anyDictLens<Part>(at key: String, as: Part) -> Lens<AnyDict,Part> {
return Lens<AnyDict,Part>(
get: { (whole: AnyDict) -> Part in whole[key] as! Part },
set: { (part: Part, whole: AnyDict) -> AnyDict in
var m_dict = whole
m_dict[key] = part
return m_dict
func anyDictLens<Part>(at key: String, as: Part) -> Lens<AnyDict,Part?> {
return Lens<AnyDict,Part?>(
get: { (whole: AnyDict) -> Part? in whole[key] as? Part },
set: { (part: Part?, whole: AnyDict) -> AnyDict in
var m_dict = whole
m_dict[key] = part
return m_dict
let dict: AnyDict = ["user" : ["name" : "Mr. Creosote"]]
let lens1 = anyDictLens(at: "user", as: AnyDict.self)
let lens2 = anyDictLens(at: "name", as: String.self)
/* this won't compile
let nameLens = lens1.join(lens2)
protocol PrismType {
associatedtype WholeType
associatedtype PartType
var tryGet: (WholeType) -> PartType? { get }
var inject: (PartType) -> WholeType { get }
init(tryGet: @escaping (WholeType) -> PartType?, inject: @escaping (PartType) -> WholeType)
struct Prism<Whole,Part>: PrismType {
typealias WholeType = Whole
typealias PartType = Part
let tryGet: (Whole) -> Part? /// get the part, if possible
let inject: (Part) -> Whole /// changes the value to reflect the part that's injected in
init(tryGet: @escaping (Whole) -> Part?, inject: @escaping (Part) -> Whole) {
self.tryGet = tryGet
self.inject = inject
extension PrismType {
func tryOver(_ transform: @escaping (PartType) -> PartType) -> (WholeType) -> WholeType? {
return { whole in self.tryGet(whole).map { self.inject(transform($0)) } }
func join<OtherPart, OtherPrism>(_ other: OtherPrism) -> Prism<WholeType,OtherPart> where OtherPrism: PrismType, OtherPrism.WholeType == PartType, OtherPrism.PartType == OtherPart {
return Prism<WholeType,OtherPart>(
tryGet: { self.tryGet($0).flatMap(other.tryGet) },
inject: { self.inject(other.inject($0)) })
func zip<OtherWhole, OtherPrism>(_ other: OtherPrism) -> Prism<(WholeType,OtherWhole),PartType> where OtherPrism: PrismType, OtherPrism.PartType == PartType, OtherPrism.WholeType == OtherWhole {
return Prism<(WholeType,OtherWhole),PartType>(
tryGet: { (whole,otherWhole) in
self.tryGet(whole) ?? other.tryGet(otherWhole)
inject: { part in
func anyDictPrism<Part>(at key: String, as: Part.Type) -> Prism<AnyDict,Part> {
return Prism<AnyDict,Part>(
tryGet: { $0[key] as? Part },
inject: { [key:$0] })
let prism1 = anyDictPrism(at: "user", as: AnyDict.self)
let prism2 = anyDictPrism(at: "name", as: String.self)
let namePrism = prism1.join(prism2)
let name = namePrism.tryGet(dict) /// it's Mr. Creosote!
let prism3 = anyDictPrism(at: "weight", as: String.self)
let weightPrism = prism1.join(prism3)
let weight = weightPrism.tryGet(dict) /// this is nil
let otherDict = prism1.join(prism3).inject("200 kg") /// this is ["user": ["weight": "200 kg"]]
func dictOverride(_ first: AnyDict, _ second: AnyDict) -> AnyDict {
var m_dict = first
for (key,value) in second {
if let current = m_dict[key] {
if let firstAnyDict = current as? AnyDict, let secondAnyDict = value as? AnyDict {
m_dict[key] = dictOverride(firstAnyDict, secondAnyDict)
} else {
m_dict[key] = value
} else {
m_dict[key] = value
return m_dict
let fullDict = dictOverride(dict, otherDict) /// this is ["user": ["name": "Mr. Creosote", "weight": "200 kg"]]
let jsonExample1 = [
"info" : [
"image" : [
"icon_urls" : [
let jsonExample2 = [
"info" : [
"image" : [
"icon_urls" : [String]()]]]
let jsonExample3 = [
"info" : [
"image" : [
let infoDictPrism = anyDictPrism(at: "info", as: AnyDict.self)
let imageDictPrism = anyDictPrism(at: "image", as: AnyDict.self)
let iconURLsPrism = anyDictPrism(at: "icon_urls", as: [String].self)
let firstURLPrism = Prism<[String],String>(
tryGet: { $0.first },
inject: { [$0] })
let imageURLPrism1 = infoDictPrism
let firstURL = imageURLPrism1.tryGet(jsonExample1) /// this is ""
let noFirstURL = imageURLPrism1.tryGet(jsonExample2) /// this is nil
let stillNoFirstURL = imageURLPrism1.tryGet(jsonExample3) /// this is nil
let jsonExample4 = [
"info" : [
"main_image_icon_url" : "",
"image" : [
"icon_urls" : [
let imageURLPrism2 = infoDictPrism.join(anyDictPrism(at: "main_image_icon_url", as: String.self))
let finalURL1 =,jsonExample4) /// this is ""
let finalURL2 =,jsonExample1) /// this is ""
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