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/** @OnlyCurrentDoc */
/* Globals */
let sheetDataRanges = {};
let sheetVals = {};
let skuParentInfo = {};
/* This is the launch point! */
function buildNewList() {
Logger.log('Building parent SKU info...');
Logger.log(`Parent SKU info parsed! ${Object.keys(skuParentInfo).length} parent SKUs parsed.`)
Logger.log(`Parent SKU MXH-BIO-FG-01 has the following info:\n${JSON.stringify(skuParentInfo['MXH-BIO-FG-01'], null, 2)}`);
let curSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
let curSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
Logger.log('Duplicating sheet...')
// duplicate sheet
curSheet = curSpreadsheet.duplicateActiveSheet();
Logger.log('Sheet duplicated')
Logger.log('Finding all FG SKUs to replace...');
let fgSkuCount = 0;
let totalSkuCount = 0;
let curSheetDataRange = curSheet.getDataRange();
let data = curSheetDataRange.getValues();
let fgRanges = [];
for(let rowNum = 0; rowNum < data.length; rowNum++) {
let row = data[rowNum];
let sku = row[0];
if(sku.includes('-FG-')) {
fgRanges.push(curSheetDataRange.getCell(rowNum + 1,1));
Logger.log(`Found ${fgSkuCount} FG SKUs in ${totalSkuCount} total SKUs`);
Logger.log(`Annotating output file...`)
let totalAddedRows = 0;
for(let fgCell of fgRanges) {
fgCell = fgCell.offset(totalAddedRows, 0);
let sku = fgCell.getValue();
let parentSkuData = skuParentInfo[sku];
let fgRowIndex = fgCell.getRowIndex();
if(parentSkuData) {
fgCell.offset(0, 9).setValue(`Parent SKU ${sku} has ${parentSkuData.components.length} component SKUs`);
curSheet.insertRows(fgRowIndex + 1, parentSkuData.components.length);
totalAddedRows += parentSkuData.components.length;
for(let i = 0; i < parentSkuData.components.length; i++) {
fgCell.offset(1 + i, 0).setValue(parentSkuData.components[i].sku); // Product SKU
fgCell.offset(1 + i, 1).setValue(parentSkuData.components[i].sku); // Product UPC
fgCell.offset(1 + i, 2).setValue(parentSkuData.components[i].name); // Product Name
fgCell.offset(1 + i, 3).setValue(0); // On Order
fgCell.offset(1 + i, 4).setValue(0); // Allocated
fgCell.offset(1 + i, 5).setValue(0); // On Hand
fgCell.offset(1 + i, 6).setValue(Number(parentSkuData.components[i].qty) * Number(fgCell.offset(0,6).getValue())); // Available
fgCell.offset(1 + i, 0).setBackground('#ccccff');
} else {
// fgCell.offset(0, 9).setValue(`Could not find component SKUs`);
function buildParentInfo() {
let curSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
let allSheets = curSpreadsheet.getSheets();
let totalSheetsCount = allSheets.length;
let curSheetIndex1 = 1;
for(let sheet of allSheets) {
let sheetName = sheet.getName();
sheetDataRanges[sheetName] = sheet.getDataRange();
sheetVals[sheetName] = sheetDataRanges[sheetName].getValues();
Logger.log(`processing ${curSheetIndex1}/${totalSheetsCount}: ${sheetName}...`);
for(let rowNum = 0; rowNum < sheetVals[sheetName].length; rowNum++) {
for(let colNum = 0; colNum < sheetVals[sheetName][rowNum].length; colNum++) {
let val = sheetVals[sheetName][rowNum][colNum];
if(val.startsWith && val.startsWith('MXH-')) {
let components = getComponentsForParent(sheetName, rowNum, colNum);
if(!components.error) {
skuParentInfo[val] = components;
Logger.log(`${Object.keys(skuParentInfo).length} parent SKUs found`);
function getComponentsForParent(sheetName, r, c) {
let kidNameCol;
let kidSkuCol;
let kidQtyCol;
let kidRow = r + 2;
let descriptor = {
components: []
// try {
if((sheetVals[sheetName].length > (r + 2)) && sheetVals[sheetName][r][c + 1] == 1 && sheetVals[sheetName][r + 2][c] && sheetVals[sheetName][r + 2][c].startsWith('MXH-') && c > 0) {
// format is: Name | SKU | Qty
kidNameCol = c - 1;
kidSkuCol = c;
kidQtyCol = c + 1;
} else if((sheetVals[sheetName].length > (r + 2)) && sheetVals[sheetName][r][c + 2] == 1 && sheetVals[sheetName][r + 2][c] && sheetVals[sheetName][r + 2][c].startsWith('MXH-')) {
// format is: SKU | Name | Qty
kidNameCol = c + 1;
kidSkuCol = c;
kidQtyCol = c + 2;
} else {
return {error: 'Unknown child component format'};
while((kidRow < sheetVals[sheetName].length) && '' != sheetVals[sheetName][kidRow][kidNameCol] && sheetVals[sheetName][kidRow][kidSkuCol] && sheetVals[sheetName][kidRow][kidSkuCol].startsWith('MXH-')) {
name: sheetVals[sheetName][kidRow][kidNameCol],
sku: sheetVals[sheetName][kidRow][kidSkuCol],
qty: sheetVals[sheetName][kidRow][kidQtyCol]
// Logger.log(`sheetName: ${sheetName}, r: ${r}, c: ${c}, length: ${sheetVals[sheetName].length}`)
// Logger.log(`name: ${kidNameCol}, sku: ${kidSkuCol}, qty: ${kidQtyCol}, row: ${kidRow}`);
// } catch(e) {
// Logger.log(`sheetName: ${sheetName}, r: ${r}, c: ${c}, e: ${e},`)
// }
return descriptor;
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