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Created October 15, 2016 19:30
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# In[]
class DiscretePolicy(object):
def __init__(self, env):
if not issubclass(type(env), gym.envs.toy_text.discrete.DiscreteEnv):
raise Exception('env should be subclass of gym.envs.toy_text.'
self.env = env
self.policy = np.array([env.action_space.sample() for i in
def action(self, state):
return self.policy[state]
# In[] Monte Carlo Discrete Model Free Predictor
class MonteCarloDMFPredictor(object):
def __init__(self, env):
if not issubclass(type(env), gym.envs.toy_text.discrete.DiscreteEnv):
raise Exception('env should be subclass of gym.envs.toy_text.'
self.env = env
def evaluate(self, policy, iterations=1000, discount=1.,
if not isinstance(policy, DiscretePolicy):
raise Exception('policy should have type DiscretePolicy')
counts = np.zeros((self.env.nS))
values = np.zeros((self.env.nS))
max_time_steps = 500
for i_episode in xrange(iterations):
# reset environment to beginning
observations = np.zeros((max_time_steps),
rewards = np.zeros((max_time_steps))
# generate an episode using policy
observations[0] = env.reset()
steps = 0
for t in xrange(1, max_time_steps):
# sample a random action
action = policy.action(observations[t - 1])
# observe next step and get reward
observations[t], rewards[t - 1], done, info = env.step(action)
#observations[t] = observation
if done:
steps = t + 1
if steps <= 1:
if i_episode % 1000 == 0:
print 'Episode {} finished in {} steps.'.format(i_episode,
observations = observations[:steps]
rewards = rewards[:steps]
returns = np.zeros((steps))
returns[-1] = rewards[-1]
for t in reversed(xrange(steps - 1)):
returns[t] = discount * returns[t + 1] + rewards[t]
visited = np.zeros((self.env.nS), dtype=np.bool)
for t in xrange(steps):
s = observations[t]
if every_visit or not visited[s]:
counts[s] += 1.
values[s] += (returns[t] - values[s]) / counts[s]
visited[s] = True
return values
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