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Created November 11, 2011 14:40
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Simple markov chain generator
from __future__ import division
import collections
from StringIO import StringIO
import sys
import random
def analyze(string, k):
# Maps strings of length k to dictionaries of charcter to frequency counts
markovchain = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(int))
for i in xrange(len(string)-k):
substr = string[i:i+k]
nextchar = string[i+k]
print "Looking at %r next char %r" % (substr, nextchar)
markovchain[substr][nextchar] += 1
# Normalize the counts in each
for contextstr, chain in markovchain.items():
# Turn it from a counter dict to a regular dict
chain = dict(chain)
total = sum(chain.itervalues())
print "%r occurred %s times" % (contextstr, total)
for s in chain.keys():
chain[s] = chain[s] / total
markovchain[contextstr] = chain
# Turn it from a defaultdict back to a regular dict
return dict(markovchain)
def choose_nextchar(possibilities):
rvalue = random.random()
for item,weight in possibilities.iteritems():
if rvalue < weight:
return item
rvalue -= weight
return item
def generate(markovchain, seed):
s = seed
out = sys.stdout
while True:
nextchar_possibilities = markovchain[s]
nextchar = choose_nextchar(nextchar_possibilities)
s = s[1:] + nextchar
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