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Forked from sid137/
Created September 15, 2011 06:21
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Save brownman/1218663 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
" Many settings taken from
" Most general settings first
set nocompatible " Set Vim rather than Vi settings; must go first
set noeb " Set no audio or visual error beep
set bs=2
set bs=indent,eol,start " Allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
set history=1000 " Keep 1000 lines of command line history
set undolevels=1000
""Text basics
set textwidth=80 " Set text to wrap at 80 columns
set expandtab " Convert tabs to spaces
set tabstop=4 " Tabs = 4 spaces
set shiftwidth=4 " Indent/outdent 4 spaces
set softtabstop=4 " Tab key indents
set shiftround " Indent/outdent to nearest tabstop
set smarttab " Uses shiftwidth @ start of lines
set fo=trcn
set hidden
set autoindent
set smartindent
set hlsearch
set incsearch
set t_Co=256 " Make terminal more colorful
set backupdir=~/.tmp
set directory=~/.tmp " Don't clutter my dirs up with swp and tmp files"
set gdefault " assume the /g flag on :s substitutions to replace all matches in a line
set laststatus=2 " Always show status line.
"highlight clear SpellBad
"highlight SpellBad term=reverse ctermbg=1 gui=undercurl guisp=Blue
" set background=dark
set title
set cursorline
set scrolloff=999
" Set items for view @ bottom of windows
set ruler " Show the cursor position all the time
set showcmd " Display incomplete commands
set showmode " Display current mode
set ls=2 " Always show status bar
" Enable mouse in all modes
set mouse=a
"Enable spellcheck"
set spell
" togle paste mode
set pastetoggle=<F2>
colorscheme delek
syntax on
" Use pathogen to easily modify the runtime path to include all
" plugins under the ~/.vim/bundle directory
call pathogen#helptags()
call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()
filetype on " Enable filetype detection
filetype indent on " Enable filetype-specific indenting
filetype plugin on " Enable filetype-specific plugin
filetype plugin indent on
" Key Maps
" Map leader to ","
let mapleader = ","
let g:mapleader = ","
" Fast saving
imap <leader>w <Esc>:w!<cr>
nmap <leader>w :w!<cr>
" " Fast editing of the .vimrc
map <leader>e :e! ~/.vimrc<cr>
" Map jk to <ESC> in insert mode
imap <Leader><Leader> <ESC>
imap jk <ESC>
" Quickly edit/reload the vimrc file
nmap <silent> <leader>sv :so $MYVIMRC<CR>
" Use jw to go to the end of a line in Insert mode"
imap jw <END>
" turn ; into :
nnoremap ; :
" Use Q for formatting the current paragraph (or selection)
vmap Q gq
nmap Q gqap
nnoremap j gj
nnoremap k gk
" Tired of clearing highlighted searches by searching for “ldsfhjkhgakjks”? Use this:
" It clears the search buffer when you press ,/
nmap <silent> ,/ :let @/=""<CR>
" post sudo with !!
cmap w!! w !sudo tee % >/dev/null
inoremap <silent> <C-a> <ESC>u:set paste<CR> :set nopaste<CR>gi
map <M-F10> :!ruby -r xmp -n -e 'xmp($_, "\%l\t\t\# \%r\n")'<CR>
" Smart way to move btw. windows
map <C-j> <C-W>j
map <C-k> <C-W>k
map <C-h> <C-W>h
map <C-l> <C-W>l
" Close the current buffer
map <leader>bd :Bclose<cr>
" Close all the buffers
map <leader>ba :1,300 bd!<cr>
" Use the arrows to something usefull
map <right> :bn<cr>
map <left> :bp<cr>
" When pressing <leader>cd switch to the directory of the open buffer
map <leader>cd :cd %:p:h<cr>
" Easier non-interactive command insertion
" "nnoremap <Space> :
" Autocommands
" " When vimrc is edited, reload it
autocmd! BufWritePost .vimrc source $MYVIMRC
" Enable extended % matching
runtime macros/matchit.vim
" execute script with F5 is shebbang is prersent
function! RunShebang()
if (match(getline(1), '^\#!') == 0)
:!clear; ./%
echo "No shebang in this file."
map <F5> :call RunShebang()<CR>
" Python Auto Filetype"
autocmd FileType python set autoindent smartindent et sts=4
\ cinwords=class,def,elif,else,except,finally,for,if,try,while
autocmd FileType python inoremap # X#
augroup filetypedetect
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.ru setfiletype ruby
au BufRead,BufNewFile Gemfile setfiletype ruby
au BufRead,BufNewFile Rakefile setfiletype ruby
augroup END
" ================
" Ruby stuff
" ================
" "
augroup myfiletypes
" Clear old autocmds in group
" autoindent with two spaces, always expand tabs
autocmd FileType ruby,eruby,yaml,haml,js set ai sw=2 sts=2 et
augroup END
" ================
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.thor set filetype=ruby
autocmd FileType ruby :call DoRubyMappings()
function! DoRubyMappings()
" bind control-l to hashrocket
imap <buffer> ji <Space>=><Space>
" convert word into ruby symbol
imap <buffer> <C-k> <C-o>b:<Esc>Ea
nmap <buffer> <C-k> lbi:<Esc>E"
inoremap <buffer> [[ ?def <CR>
inoremap <buffer> ]] /def <CR>
nmap <buffer> [[ ?def <CR>
nmap <buffer> ]] /def <CR>
inoremap <buffer> ; :
inoremap <buffer> ;; ;
" Ruby mapppings from Ben Orenstein
vmap <Leader>b :<C-U>!git blame <C-R>=expand(%:p) <CR> \| sed -n <C-R>=line('<) <CR>,<C-R>=line('>) <CR>p <CR>
"" map <Leader>cc :!cucumber %<CR>
"" map <Leader>co :TComment<CR>
"" map <Leader>d odebugger<cr>puts 'debugger'<esc>:w<cr>
map <Leader>gac :Gcommit -m -a <LEFT>
map <Leader>gc :Gcommit -m <LEFT>
map <Leader>gs :Gstatus<CR>
"" map <Leader>fa :sp test/factories.rb<CR>
map <Leader>f :sp spec/factories.rb<CR>
map <Leader>sc :sp db/schema.rb<cr>
"" map <Leader>fix :cnoremap % %<CR>
"" map <Leader>i mmgg=G`m<CR>
map <Leader>l :!ruby <C-r>% \| less<CR>
"map <Leader>s :!ruby -Itest -Ispec %<CR>
map <Leader>s :!clear; rspec spec<CR>
imap <Leader>s <ESC>:!clear; rspec spec<CR>
map <Leader>rd :!bundle exec rspec % --format documentation<CR>
imap <Leader>a ,w,s
map <Leader>a ,w,s
map <Leader>o ?def <CR>:nohl<CR>wzy$:!ruby -Itest <C-r>% -n <C-r>z<CR>
map <Leader>p :set paste<CR>i
map <Leader>rw :%s/\s\+$//
map <Leader>m :Rmodel
map <Leader>sm :RSmodel
map <Leader>su :RSunittest
map <Leader>sv :RSview
map <Leader>u :Runittest
map <Leader>vc :RVcontroller
map <Leader>vf :RVfunctional
map <Leader>vu :RVunittest<CR>
map <Leader>vm :RVmodel
map <Leader>vv :RVview
" "Nerdtree
" NERTree Plugin
""nmap ,n :NERDTreeClose<CR>:NERDTreeToggle<CR>
""nmap ,m :NERDTreeClose<CR>:NERDTreeFind<CR>
""nmap ,N :NERDTreeClose<CR>
" Store the bookmarks file
let NERDTreeBookmarksFile=expand("$HOME/.vim/NERDTreeBookmarks")
" Don't display these kinds of files
let NERDTreeIgnore=[ '\.pyc$', '\.pyo$', '\.py\$class$', '\.obj$',
\ '\.o$', '\.so$', '\.egg$', '^\.git$' ]
let NERDTreeShowBookmarks=1 " Show the bookmarks table on startup
let NERDTreeShowFiles=1 " Show hidden files, too
let NERDTreeShowHidden=1
let NERDTreeQuitOnOpen=1 " Quit on opening files from the tree
let NERDTreeHighlightCursorline=1 " Highlight the selected entry in the tree
let NERDTreeMouseMode=2 " Use a single click to fold/unfold directories
" and a double click to open files
" load comments.vim for easy commenting
let &printexpr="(v:cmdarg=='' ? ".
\"system('lpr' . (&printdevice == '' ? '' : ' -P' . &printdevice)".
\". ' ' . v:fname_in) . delete(v:fname_in) + v:shell_error".
\" : system('mv '.v:fname_in.' '.v:cmdarg) + v:shell_error)"
" FoldSearch-based folding.
" Copyright (C) 2005 Mauricio Fernandez <>
" Current version:
" Add this to your .vimrc and fold with :R. The default fold expression will
" work with Ruby scripts; you can specify where folds start with
" let b:foldsearchexpr = 'myexpression'
" e.g.
" let b:foldsearchexpr='\(^\s*\(\(private\|public\|protected\|class\)\s\)\)'
" or so for Java.
" One way to have this buffer-local variable set is
" au Filetype java let b:foldsearchexpr='\(^\s*\(\(private\|public\|protected\|class\)\s\)\)'
" It is possible to have comments above a method/class/etc be included in the
" fold, by setting b:foldsearchprefix. All the lines above the detected fold
" matching b:foldsearchprefix will be included in said fold.
" For instance, for Ruby code:
" let b:foldsearchprefix = '\v^\s*(#.*)?$'
" which can be automated with
" au Filetype ruby let b:foldsearchprefix='\v^\s*(#.*)?$'
" Changelog:
" 2005-12-12 1.1 use b:foldsearchprefix to prepend comments to a fold.
"{{{ set s:sid
map <SID>xx <SID>xx
let s:sid = maparg("<SID>xx")
unmap <SID>xx
let s:sid = substitute(s:sid, 'xx', '', '')
"{{{ FoldText
function! s:Num2S(num, len)
let filler = " "
let text = '' . a:num
return strpart(filler, 1, a:len - strlen(text)) . text
execute 'set foldtext=' . s:sid . 'MyNewFoldText()'
function! <SID>MyNewFoldText()
let linenum = v:foldstart
while linenum <= v:foldend
let line = getline(linenum)
if !exists("b:foldsearchprefix") || match(line, b:foldsearchprefix) == -1
let linenum = linenum + 1
if exists("b:foldsearchprefix") && match(line, b:foldsearchprefix) != -1
" all lines matched the prefix regexp
let line = getline(v:foldstart)
let sub = substitute(line, '/\*\|\*/\|{{{\d\=', '', 'g')
let diff = v:foldend - v:foldstart + 1
return '+ [' . s:Num2S(diff,4) . ']' . sub
"{{{~foldsearch adapted from t77: Fold on search result (Fs <pattern>)
"Fs pattern Fold search
"Vimtip put to good use by Ralph Amissah
"Modified by Mauricio Fernandez <>
function! Foldsearch(search)
setlocal fdm=manual
let origlineno = line(".")
normal zE
normal G$
let folded = 0 "flag to set when a fold is found
let flags = "w" "allow wrapping in the search
let line1 = 0 "set marker for beginning of fold
if a:search == ""
if exists("b:foldsearchexpr")
let searchre = b:foldsearchexpr
"Default value, suitable for Ruby scripts
let searchre = '\v(^\s*(def|class|module|attr_reader|attr_accessor|alias_method)\s' .
\ '|^\s*\w+attr_(reader|accessor)\s|^\s*[#%"0-9]{0,4}\s*\{(\{\{|!!))' .
\ '|^\s*[A-Z]\w+\s*\='
let b:foldsearchexpr = searchre
let searchre = a:search
while search(searchre, flags) > 0
let line2 = line(".")
while line2 - 1 >= line1 && line2 - 1 > 0 "sanity check
let prevline = getline(line2 - 1)
if exists("b:foldsearchprefix") && (match(prevline, b:foldsearchprefix) != -1)
let line2 = line2 - 1
if (line2 -1 >= line1)
execute ":" . line1 . "," . (line2-1) . "fold"
let folded = 1 "at least one fold has been found
let line1 = line2 "update marker
let flags = "W" "turn off wrapping
normal $G
let line2 = line(".")
if (line2 >= line1 && folded == 1)
execute ":". line1 . "," . line2 . "fold"
execute "normal " . origlineno . "G"
"{{{~folds Fold Patterns
" Command is executed as ':Fs pattern'"
command! -nargs=? -complete=command Fs call Foldsearch(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=? -complete=command Fold call Foldsearch(<q-args>)
"command! R Fs \(^\s*\(\(def\|class\|module\)\s\)\)\|^\s*[#%"0-9]\{0,4\}\s*{\({{\|!!\)
command! D Fs
command! Bclose call <SID>BufcloseCloseIt()
function! <SID>BufcloseCloseIt()
let l:currentBufNum = bufnr("%")
let l:alternateBufNum = bufnr("#")
if buflisted(l:alternateBufNum)
buffer #
if bufnr("%") == l:currentBufNum
if buflisted(l:currentBufNum)
execute("bdelete! ".l:currentBufNum)
" Specify the behavior when switching between buffers
set switchbuf=usetab
set stal=2
" => Command-T
let g:CommandTMaxHeight = 15
set wildignore+=*.o,*.obj,.git,*.pyc
noremap <leader>t :CommandT<cr>
noremap <leader>y :CommandTFlush<cr>
" Use AutoCMD to automaticall create nonexistant directories on save
augroup AutoMkdir
autocmd BufNewFile * :call EnsureDirExists()
augroup END
function! EnsureDirExists ()
let required_dir = expand("%:h")
if !isdirectory(required_dir)
call AskQuit("Directory '" . required_dir . "' doesn't exist.", "&Create it?")
call mkdir( required_dir, 'p' )
call AskQuit("Can't create '" . required_dir . "'", "&Continue anyway?")
function! AskQuit (msg, proposed_action)
if confirm(a:msg, a:proposed_action . "\n&Quit?") == 2
""Snipmate Mod
" Reload snippets and close snippet buffer on snippet save
autocmd BufWritePost *.snippet :call ReloadAllSnippets() | :Bclose
"shortcuts to quickly create new snippet
map <Leader>ca :call MakeSnippet()<CR>
imap <Leader>ca <ESC> :call MakeSnippet()<CR>
function! MakeSnippet()
if exists("g:snippet_file_type")
unlet g:snippet_file_type
if empty(&ft)
echo "No filetype defined for snippet"
let name = input('Enter the snippet abbreviation: ')
let g:snippet_file_type = &ft
let snippet_path = g:snippets_dir . g:snippet_file_type . '/' . name . '.snippet'
exec "edit" snippet_path
let &filetype=g:snippet_file_type
song = ["do", "re", "mi", "fa", "so"]
singers = {Jagger: "Rock", Elvis: "Roll"}
bitlist = [
1, 0, 1
0, 0, 1
1, 1, 0
kids =
name: "Max"
age: 11
name: "Ida"
age: 9
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