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Brian Roxbury broxbury

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broxbury /
Last active August 6, 2020 19:08
From 0-to-CODER in 7 months: The Roller Coaster of Emotions Experienced as a Turing Student

My first website:

Screen Shot 2020-08-06 at 11 00 17 AM

Less than a year ago, I attended a weekend workshop for Front End web development at Turing School of Software and Design. We animated a little ghost to bounce around the screen in a CodePen. "This is pretty cool", I thought.

But is it $20,000 and 7 months of my life cool?? It's not an easy decision for anyone to make. What if I'm not good at it? What if I don't like it? What if I fail? A couple weeks and many "What if's" later, I decided that yes, the prospect of a more fulfilling and challenging career was absolutely worth it (not going to lie that a quick search of Jr. Dev salaries swayed my decision a little bit).

A couple months after my initial exposure to Turing, I was required to build a 'Capstone' project to present on the first day of class. The result of my dozens of hours of work in HTML and CSS can be seen

const numerals = [{1000: 'M'}, {900: 'CM'}, {500: 'D',}, {400: 'CD'}, {100: 'C'}, {90: 'XC'}, {50: 'L'}, {40: 'XL'}, {10: 'X'}, {9: 'IX'}, {5: 'V'}, {4: 'IV'}, {1: 'I'}]
function toRoman(num) {
let result
let remainder;
if(!num) {
for (let i = 0; i < numerals.length; i++) {

Project: Stretch MOD 3: NAME TBD

Group Member Names: Brian, Kyle, Elliot

Project Expectations:

What does each group member hope to get out of this project?

All: We would all like to learn hooks and make an app using only functional components.

React Router Prework

This gist contains a short assignment I'd like everyone to complete before our formal lesson. The prework involves reading some of the React Router documentation, and will allow us to keep the lesson more hands on.


  1. Fork this gist
  2. On your own copy, go through the listed readings and answer associated questions
  3. Comment a link to your forked copy on the original gist

Questions / Readings

Project: VRAD MOD3 Paired Project

Group Member Names: Brian and Megan

Project Expectations:

What does each group member hope to get out of this project? Megan: Better understanding of Fetching data and API workflow process. Continue to improve in React. Brian: Same as Megan, Improve fetch and data work flow, and learn React Router in the process.

broxbury /
Last active July 20, 2020 20:26
MOD3 Professional Development Journal

MOD 4 Week 3:

Add 2-3 sentences on your resiliency plan in your career journals. At this point, I am feeling a little more optomistic. I am excited to complete this last project, as I will be able to update/beef up my resume with another great project to display. However, I still am slacking on the outreach.

Find someone in this cohort and ask them for a LinkedIn recommendation, and return the favor If you did not attend the optional session, what did you spend your PD time doing?

Recomendation #1 completed. My goal for this week is to coordinate with at least two other people in the coming week to add to this initial recomendation.

broxbury /
Created May 1, 2020 02:40
MOD 3 Prework Prompts.

What is a "framework?" And how does it differ from a "library?"

A "framework" is a collection of libraries we can use to make building apps and websites easier. As opposed to a library, a framework is highly structured and more restrictive in how you use and implement the borrowed code into your project. A library allows more freedom for a developer to be flexible in how they are using the code. In a library, for example, you are albe to call that library directly from your own code, and the library will display what you're expecting. With a framework, you are more limited in how and when you call the code.

Why should we consider using a framework over vanilla JS like you have been doing in mods 1 and 2?

Frameworks allow us to build our sites in a more efficient manner. We are able to use the 'structure' of the framework so that we aren't starting 'from scratch' every time we start a new project. They also allow us to clean up our code and segment

broxbury / gist:444c2f158ee46cc252e1d1e095f965c2
Created March 30, 2020 18:45
Professional Story Telling
## My story
# Who am I?
My identity both personally and professionally has been shaped tremendously by my
experiences over the last ten years. After graduating from CSU with a degree in
Broadcast Journalism, I decided I wanted to spend a few years traveling the world
and teaching English. Upon completing a Teaching English as a Second Language course,
I moved to Taiwan where I spent a year there teaching at an after-school
English "Cram school". While in Taiwan, I met my wife who is from Brazil, and then moved
broxbury / Problem Solving Reflection
Created February 21, 2020 17:59
My Process for Approaching Coding Specific Problems
# How to Approach Problems as a Coding Newbie
As a Mod1 student, I've accepted that the overwhelming feeling that not knowing
what the f**k I'm doing is the norm, and that the small victories that happen on a daily
(or sometimes weekly) basis are something to be celebrated!
Struggling through the first month of the program has taught me a lot about myself, how I handle pressure,
and how to not panic when faced with a seemingly impossible task. My mentor has been great at working with me
to improve how I approach coding specific problems, and his steps for approaching challenging problems is something
I've been trying to perfect. Bellow are a few steps that I have been trying to implement not only at the beginning of starting
broxbury / gist:ea0d055ae798ea1b4d9e44583eaf7d87
Last active March 4, 2020 16:28
Mod 1 Project Reflextion
## Abstract-
The Intention Timer paired project was a tool that was designed to log and keep track of wellness activities of the user.
It's funcionality included 3 choices for activities; Meditate, Study, or Exercise.
Once selected, the user could then input additional information about what they are hoping to accomplish during their time
spent doing the selected activity.
The user can then enter the amount of time they wish to spend doing the activity. When their information is submitted,
the user is shown a timer page with a 'start' button and a timer clock that will start to count down when the button is clicked.
Upon completion of the timer, the user is notified of the activities completion, and they are offered the choice to
log the activity. When this option is utilized, a card appears on the right section of the page with the information
pertaining to the recently completed activity.