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Created March 6, 2021 18:45
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pragma solidity 0.6.11;
import "";
import "";
contract Voting is Ownable {
using SafeMath for uint;
struct Voter {
bool isRegistered;
bool hasVoted;
uint votedProposalId;
struct Proposal {
string description;
uint voteCount;
enum WorkflowStatus {
event VoterRegistered(address voterAddress);
event ProposalsRegistrationStarted();
event ProposalsRegistrationEnded();
event ProposalRegistered(uint proposalId);
event VotingSessionStarted();
event VotingSessionEnded();
event Voted (address voter, uint proposalId);
event VotesTallied();
event WorkflowStatusChange(WorkflowStatus previousStatus, WorkflowStatus newStatus);
uint public winningProposalId;
WorkflowStatus public status;
mapping(address => Voter) public voters;
Proposal[] public proposals;
function whitelist(address _addr) external onlyOwner {
require(status == WorkflowStatus.RegisteringVoters, "Registering voters terminated");
require(voters[_addr].isRegistered != true, "You are already whitelisted");
voters[_addr].isRegistered = true;
emit VoterRegistered(_addr);
function registerProposal(string memory _description) external {
require(status == WorkflowStatus.ProposalsRegistrationStarted, "Not allowed");
require(voters[msg.sender].isRegistered,"You are not whitelisted");
Proposal memory propositionR = Proposal(_description, 0);
uint proposalId = proposals.length;
emit ProposalRegistered(proposalId);
function vote(uint _proposalId) external {
require(status == WorkflowStatus.VotingSessionStarted, "Not allowed");
Voter storage votant = voters[msg.sender];
require(votant.isRegistered,"You are not whitelisted");
require(!votant.hasVoted, "You are not whitelisted");
votant.hasVoted = true;
votant.votedProposalId = _proposalId;
emit Voted(msg.sender, _proposalId);
Proposal storage propositionV = proposals[_proposalId - 1];
propositionV.voteCount = (propositionV.voteCount).add(1);
function setWinner() external onlyOwner {
require(status == WorkflowStatus.VotingSessionEnded, "Not allowed");
uint count;
uint winner;
for(uint i = 0; i < proposals.length; i++) {
if (proposals[i].voteCount > count) {
count = proposals[i].voteCount;
winner = i;
winningProposalId = winner + 1;
emit VotesTallied();
function changeToNextStatus() external onlyOwner {
WorkflowStatus previousStatus = status;
if (status == WorkflowStatus.RegisteringVoters) {
status = WorkflowStatus.ProposalsRegistrationStarted;
else if (status == WorkflowStatus.ProposalsRegistrationStarted) {
status = WorkflowStatus.ProposalsRegistrationEnded;
else if (status == WorkflowStatus.ProposalsRegistrationEnded) {
status = WorkflowStatus.VotingSessionStarted;
else if (status == WorkflowStatus.VotingSessionStarted) {
status = WorkflowStatus.VotingSessionEnded;
else {
status = WorkflowStatus.VotesTallied;
emit WorkflowStatusChange(previousStatus, status);
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