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Forked from pbrisbin/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Redis cheat shet #redis
# Connect to a server
redis-cli server
# Make an insert
set key value
# Make multiple insert
mset key value key value [key value ...]
# Get a key (registry) value
get key
# Get many keys (registrys) value
mget key key ...
# Increment the value of an interger (only numbers)
incr keyInteger
# Decrement the value of an interger (only numbers)
decr keyInteger
# Start a queue of commands for serial execution
# Execute the queued commands (clean the queue)
# Clean the queue (therefore non command to execute, must start a new queue)
# Create a hash
hset my:hash key1 [value]
# Set multiple values to a hash
hmset my:hash key1 key2
# Get single value from hash
hget my:hash key
# Get all values from the hash
hvals my:hash
# Get all keys from the hash
hkeys my:hash
# Insert elements to the right of the list
rpush my:list key1 key2
# Get elements from a range (firts it's the beggin and the second is the end of range (inclusive))
# Negatives represents how many steps backward
# Get all elements
lrange my:list 0 -1
# Remove a element by the times of occurrence. Negatives does the same, but search inverse. Zero represents all the occurrence
# [lr]rem - removes searching from the left or the right
lrem my:list 2 key
# Pop Remove and get the value
# [lr]pop
lpop my:list key
# To do a stack, should do rpush and rpop
# To do a queue, should do a lpush and rpop
# To move the first element of a list and put in the end of other, use rpoplpush
rpoplpush my:list my:listB
# Hold (block) some seconds (120) and read the key, use b[r, l]pop and brpoplpush
brpop key 120
# Add some values to a set -> sadd
sadd tech mkyong javacodegeeks theserverside
# Get members of the set
smembers tech
# Get the intersections
sinter tech mkyong
# Get the difference of the set1 from the set2
sdiff tech mkyong
# See all the elements of differents sets
sunion set1 set2 set3
# Store the union of many sets with sunionstore (Also sdiffstore sinterstore)
sunionstore destination set1 set2 set3
# Count the elements of the set (cardinality)
scard set
# Removing: Ramdonly with spop, a specified key srem
spop set
srem tech mkyong
# Add elements (rank) to sorted set1
zadd ss score rank scoren rankn
# Increment score of an rank in a ss. Negative for decrement
zincrby ss newScore rank
# Get elements as list. USE WITHSCORES to get the score of every rank
# Also can use zrevrange to get the ss in reverse inserction order.
zrange ss 0 -1 withscores
# Get elements according to the score (IT'S THE REASON OF THE SORTED SET).
# The range is inclusive, so, use '(' to make it exclusive.
# Use the "inf" keyword to make reference to the infinity
zrangebyscore ss (-8 inf
# To remove a range by rank, use ZREMRANGEBYRANK
zremrangebyrank ss gog
# To remove a range by score, use ZREMRANGEBYSCORE
zremrangebyscore ss 9 14 # ?
# First, theres must be a key, then express the expiration time in secconds
expire key 10 # In 10 sec
# Check if the key still alive, 1 if yes, 0 otherwise
exists key
# Check how much time is left
ttl key
# Remote timer
persist key
# Set the expiration in a date, using Unix timestamp ins secconds
# A common trick for keeping only recently used keys is to update the expire
# time whenever you retrieve a value. This is the most recently used (MRU)
# caching algorithm to ensure your most recently used keys will remain in
# Redis, while the neglected keys will just expire as normal.
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