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Created January 10, 2012 15:02
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Custom error page for IIS to redirect removed pages. F&S/Tankbar. Installation instruction on:
'Redirection from old Friskis&Svettis sites to pages on new sites
'Version R2A
'Script adapted by 2004-01-07
'Script adapted by 2012-01-10
'Script patched to match substring source url (to match each F&S club file archive instead of individual files). 2012-01-23
'This ASP script originally lived at
'For the latest version of this code please see;
Function FixURL( ByVal sURI )
'Code to append current server name to be standards compliant, but first check
' that the URL is making use of an absolute path
Const csHttpPrefix = "http://"
'First of all remove the default document if they exist
sURI = StripDefaultDoc( sURI )
'Try to make the url absolute if possible
If StrComp( Left( sURI, Len( csHttpPrefix ) ), csHttpPrefix, vbTextCompare ) <> 0 And Left( sURI, 1 ) = "/" Then
'Check if we have the HOST variable to work from
FixURL = csHttpPrefix & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") & sURI
End If
End Function
Function StripDefaultDoc( ByVal sURI )
'Code to remove the first instance of a default document name from a given URL
sURI = Replace( sURI, "/default.asp", "/", 1, 1, vbTextCompare )
sURI = Replace( sURI, "/default.html", "/", 1, 1, vbTextCompare )
sURI = Replace( sURI, "/default.htm", "/", 1, 1, vbTextCompare )
sURI = Replace( sURI, "/index.asp", "/", 1, 1, vbTextCompare )
sURI = Replace( sURI, "/index.html", "/", 1, 1, vbTextCompare )
sURI = Replace( sURI, "/index.htm", "/", 1, 1, vbTextCompare )
StripDefaultDoc = sURI
End Function
Function StripQuerystring( ByVal sURI )
'Code to strip querystring parameters to enable matching to work properly
'If InStrRev( sURI, "?" ) > 0 Then
' sURI = Left( sURI, InStrRev( sURI, "?" ) - 1 )
'End If
StripQuerystring = sURI
End Function
Function URLDecode( ByVal sURI )
'Code to replace encoded characters with their physical representations, this is really
' aimed at stopping over-active browsers from breaking the redirect.
Dim iChar
For iChar = 33 To 126
sURI = Replace( sURI, "%" & Hex( iChar ), Chr( iChar ), 1, 5, vbTextCompare )
URLDecode = sURI
End Function
Sub ReDirect_Handle()
'Code to run the core of the smart 404 handling
Dim sSrcPage, sDstPage, sOpType
Dim iStatus
Dim sVersion, iVersion
'Check our list of redirects to see if this error is a known error and so can be
' gracefully handled, otherwise trip out a 404
sSrcPage = Redirect_Source
iStatus = 0
'Determine the the version number of the server software, this will then
' be used later on to enable us to check if it supports server.transfer
' i.e. IIS 5 or later.
sVersion = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE")
sVersion = Right( sVersion, Len( sVersion ) - InStrRev( sVersion, "/" ) )
If IsNumeric( sVersion ) Then
iVersion = CInt( sVersion )
End If
If sSrcPage <> vbNullString Then
iStatus = ReDirect_Known( sSrcPage, sDstPage, sOpType )
End If
'Check if we have set a return status code
If iStatus > 0 Then
'Test if the output from the redirect code is numeric
If ISNumeric( Left( sOpType, 3 ) ) Then
'Compare the status code and the status text
If CInt( Left( sOpType, 3 ) ) = CInt( iStatus ) Then
'Assign the returned status text
Response.Status = sOpType
End If
End If
If iStatus = 301 Or iStatus = 302 Then
Response.AddHeader "Location", sDstPage
<title>Object moved</title>
<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
<h1>Object moved</h1>
The requested object can currently be found <a href="<%= sDstPage %>">here</a>.
ElseIf iStatus = 403 Then
<title>Access Denied</title>
<meta name="robots" content="noindex nofollow" />
<h1>Access Denied</h1>
Access to the requested resource has been denied.
ElseIf iStatus = 1001 And iVersion >= 5 Then
'Server.Transfer will not work with pages which include a
' querystring so strip it if there is one
sDstPage = StripQuerystring( sDstPage )
Server.Transfer( sDstPage )
End If
'Set headers and any content so stop executing the script
'unable to locate a suitable handler
Response.Status = "404 Not Found"
End If
End Sub
Function ReDirect_Source()
'Figure out which page triggered this page
Dim sPage
ReDirect_Source = vbNullString
sPage = Request.QueryString
'Ensure this is an error message we are capable of handling
If Left( sPage, 3 ) = "404" Then
'Check there is a semi-colon
If InStr( 1, sPage, ";" ) > 0 Then
'Drop everything before the semi-colon
sPage = Right( sPage, Len( sPage ) - InStr( 1, sPage, ";" ) )
'Tidy whats left of the url
sPage = StripQuerystring( sPage )
sPage = StripDefaultDoc( sPage )
sPage = URLDecode( sPage )
'Attempt to strip out the server name
If InStr( Len( "http://" )+1, sPage, "/" ) > 0 Then
sPage = Right( sPage, Len( sPage ) - (InStr( Len( "http://" )+1, sPage, "/" )-1) )
End If
'Attempt to drop trailing forward slash if present
If Right( sPage, 1 ) = "/" And sPage <> "/" Then
sPage = Left( sPage, Len( sPage ) - 1 )
End If
'Assuming anything is left then return the data
If Len( sPage ) > 0 Then
ReDirect_Source = LCase( sPage )
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Sub ReDirect_Add( ByVal sSource, ByVal sDestination, ByVal sType, ByRef sRedirects() )
'Code to add extra re-directs into the redirection array
'Drop any trailing slash on a sub-directory
If Right( sSource, 1 ) = "/" And sSource <> "/" Then
sSource = Left( sSource, Len( sSource ) - 1 )
End If
'If the initial index has been populated then add another index
If sRedirects(0,0) <> vbNullString Then
ReDim Preserve sRedirects(2, UBound( sRedirects, 2 )+1 )
End If
'Populate this new index
sRedirects(0,UBound( sRedirects, 2 )) = sSource
sRedirects(1,UBound( sRedirects, 2 )) = sDestination
sRedirects(2,UBound( sRedirects, 2 )) = sType
End Sub
Function ReDirect_Known( ByVal sSrcURL, ByRef sDstURL, ByRef sOpType )
'Code to test if a given url has been assigned a redirection or not,
' and if it has to retrieve the destination and the operation type
Dim xmlDoc, xmlNode
Dim sXPath
Dim sReDir(), iRedirect
ReDim sReDir(2,0)
'Fail closed
ReDirect_Known = 0
'Populate the redirections as required
' ReDirect_Add "__old_url__" , "__new_url__", "PERM", sReDir
ReDirect_Add "/webarchive/data_foreningar/haninge/" , "", "PERM", sReDir
ReDirect_Add "/webarchive/data_foreningar/huddinge/" , "", "PERM", sReDir
ReDirect_Add "/webarchive/data_foreningar/lidingo/" , "", "PERM", sReDir
ReDirect_Add "/webarchive/data_foreningar/norrtalje/" , "", "PERM", sReDir
ReDirect_Add "/webarchive/data_foreningar/sodertalje/" , "", "PERM", sReDir
ReDirect_Add "/webarchive/data_foreningar/taby/" , "", "PERM", sReDir
ReDirect_Add "/webarchive/data_foreningar/akersberga/" , "", "PERM", sReDir
'Cycle through all the redirects
For iRedirect = LBound( sReDir, 2 ) To UBound( sReDir, 2 )
'Check if the source url matches the source redirect url
' If StrComp( sReDir( 0, iRedirect ), sSrcURL, vbTextCompare ) = 0 Then
' If string2 is found within string1 - InStr returns the position at which match is found
' Patched here for F&S to match sub string (in file archive)
If InStr(1, sSrcURL, sReDir( 0, iRedirect ), vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
sDstURL = sReDir( 1, iRedirect )
Select Case LCase( sReDir( 2, iRedirect ) )
Case "perm"
'Permanent redirect
sOpType = "301 Moved Permanently"
sDstURL = FixURL( sDstURL )
ReDirect_Known = 301
Case "temp"
'Temporary redirect
sOpType = "302 Moved Temporarily"
sDstURL = FixURL( sDstURL )
ReDirect_Known = 302
Case "deny"
'Access forbidden
sOpType = "403 Access Denied"
ReDirect_Known = 403
Case "virt"
'Temporarily alias the requested file
sOpType = "Virtual Alias"
ReDirect_Known = 1001
Case Else
'Request type was unknown
Response.Write "Unknown method encountered"
End Select
End If
End Function
'Run the error handling code
'Assign this request a 404 status code and display the rest of their text
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<h1>Vi kan tyv&auml;rr inte hitta sidan som du var p&aring; v&auml;g till</h1>
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<p>Du kan prova n&aring;got av dessa s&auml;tt f&ouml;r att hitta vidare:</p>
<li>G&aring; till <a href="">Friskis&amp;Svettis hemsida</a>. D&auml;r finns l&auml;nkar till alla st&auml;llen d&auml;r du kan tr&auml;na.</li>
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<li>S&ouml;k p&aring; i f&auml;ltet h&auml;r nedanf&ouml;r.</li>
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<h1>We are sorry, we can not find the page you were looking for</h1>
<p>We are in the processes of moving some pages around.</p>
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<li>Go to <a href="">the home page of Friskis&amp;Svettis in English</a>.</li>
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<!-- 404.asp 2012-01-20T16:00:00+1-->
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