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Last active September 11, 2023 17:50
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import marisa_trie
from functools import partial
def get_five_letter_words_from_file(filename, occurences):
words = []
revwords = []
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
next(file) # Skip the header line
for line in file:
columns = line.split()
if len(columns) < 2 or len(columns[1]) != 5 or int(columns[2].replace(",", "")) < occurences: # Check if there's a word in the line
word = columns[1].lower()
return words, revwords
words, revwords = get_five_letter_words_from_file('frequency-alpha-alldicts.txt', 10000000)
wordset = set(words)
trie = marisa_trie.Trie(words)
revtrie = marisa_trie.Trie(revwords)
guesses = [
["penis", "poops", "farts", "boobs"],
["voice", "pitch", "music", "upper"],
["april", "march", "vowel", "nvmbr", "dcmbr"],
["tries", "lucky", "grind", "labor", "death"],
["drugs", "cable", "grind"]
# ones with guesses first
order = sorted(range(len(guesses)), key=lambda i: (len(guesses[i]) == 0, len(guesses[i])))
across = [
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" "
down = [
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" "
def get_constraints(i, a):
if a:
return down[0][i] + down[1][i] + down[2][i] + down[3][i] + down[4][i]
return across[0][i] + across[1][i] + across[2][i] + across[3][i] + across[4][i]
def filter_word(constraint, word):
for i in range(len(constraint)):
if constraint[i] != " " and word[i] != constraint[i]:
return False
return True
def get_words(constraint):
if " " not in constraint: # no spaces
if constraint in wordset:
return [constraint]
return []
if constraint == " ": # no constraints
return words
index_l = 0
index_r = 4
for i in range(5): # see how many left letters there are (for trie)
if constraint[i] == " ":
index_l = i+1
if index_l >= 3: # 4 or 5 letters
return trie.keys(constraint[0:index_l])
if index_l == 2: # 3 letters
if constraint[4] != " ": # check if 5th letter present, filter if so
return filter(lambda x: constraint[4] == x[4], trie.keys(constraint[0:index_l]))
return trie.keys(constraint[0:index_l])
for i in range(4, -1, -1): # see how many right letters there are (for revtrie)
if constraint[i] == " ":
index_r = i-1
if index_r <= 0: # 4 or 5 right letters
return map(lambda x: x[::-1], revtrie.keys(constraint[index_r:4:-1]))
if index_r == 1: # 3 right letters
if constraint[0] != " ": # check if 1st letter is present, filter if so
return filter(lambda x: constraint[0] == x[0], map(lambda x: x[::-1], revtrie.keys(constraint[index_r:4:-1])))
return map(lambda x: x[::-1], revtrie.keys(constraint[index_r:4:-1]))
if index_r == 2 and index_l == 2: # hole in middle, do set intersection on each trie
return set(trie.keys(constraint[0:index_l])).intersection(set(map(lambda x: x[::-1], revtrie.keys(constraint[index_r:4:-1]))))
if index_l == 1: # one left letter, filter the trie results with the constraint
return filter(partial(filter_word, constraint), trie.keys(constraint[0]))
if index_r == 3: # one right letter, filter the revtrie results with the constraint
return filter(partial(filter_word, constraint), map(lambda x: x[::-1], revtrie.keys(constraint[index_r:4:-1])))
# all trie speedups failed, just filter all the words
# these are cases with 1 or 2 letters in the middle of the constraint
return filter(partial(filter_word, constraint), words)
def word_generator(constraint, priority_words):
for word in priority_words:
if filter_word(constraint, word):
yield word
yield from get_words(constraint)
constraints0a = get_constraints(order[0], True)
for word0a in word_generator(constraints0a, guesses[order[0]]):
across[order[0]] = word0a
constraints0d = get_constraints(order[0], False)
for word0d in word_generator(constraints0d, guesses[order[0]]):
if word0d == word0a:
down[order[0]] = word0d
constraints1a = get_constraints(order[1], True)
for word1a in word_generator(constraints1a, guesses[order[1]]):
across[order[1]] = word1a
constraints1d = get_constraints(order[1], False)
for word1d in word_generator(constraints1d, guesses[order[1]]):
if word1d == word1a:
down[order[1]] = word1d
constraints2a = get_constraints(order[2], True)
for word2a in word_generator(constraints2a, guesses[order[2]]):
across[order[2]] = word2a
constraints2d = get_constraints(order[2], False)
for word2d in word_generator(constraints2d, guesses[order[2]]):
if word2d == word2a:
down[order[2]] = word2d
constraints3a = get_constraints(order[3], True)
for word3a in word_generator(constraints3a, guesses[order[3]]):
across[order[3]] = word3a
constraints3d = get_constraints(order[3], False)
for word3d in word_generator(constraints3d, guesses[order[3]]):
if word3d == word3a:
down[order[3]] = word3d
constraints4a = get_constraints(order[4], True)
for word4a in word_generator(constraints4a, guesses[order[4]]):
across[order[4]] = word4a
constraints4d = get_constraints(order[4], False)
for word4d in word_generator(constraints4d, guesses[order[4]]):
if word4d == word4a:
down[order[4]] = word4d
# print("\n".join(down))
# print("=====")
down[order[4]] = " "
across[order[4]] = " "
down[order[3]] = " "
across[order[3]] = " "
down[order[2]] = " "
across[order[2]] = " "
down[order[1]] = " "
across[order[1]] = " "
down[order[0]] = " "
across[order[0]] = " "
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