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Last active July 17, 2020 16:37
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Career Journal - Bruce Gordon

Mod 0 Questions

1. When you've worked towards a goal in the past, what systems or tools have been helpful for you in accomplishing that goal? How could you adapt those same systems/tools to use while at Turing?

In the past I have used organization, planning, and clear deadlines to reach my goals. I worked primarily in public education from 2007 to 2020, which is a hectic working environment. I used clearly marked and organized folders (both paper and digital) to keep track of key documents and tools that I used at work. This included using my GoogleDrive and GoogleDocs, Spreadsheets, etc. In terms of planning and deadlines, I regularly utilized my online calendars to track meetings and upcoming deadlines. I also kept a paper journal with a "To do" list that was always visible on my desk. I plan to apply this same approach to organization and planning while I am in Turing so that I can keep all relevant files and materials organized, and so that I can stay on top of deadlines, meetings, etc.

2. As you start this new career, what is one of your strengths and how do you know?

I tend to be self-disciplined when it comes to meeting goals. This is something I recognize about myself, but it was also pointed out in the Pairin Survey. This includes health and fitness, career, personal, etc. I set goals, create plans, and largely stick to those plans (with reasonable flexibility). I'm not perfect by any means, but I make a conscious effort to be structured. I also tend not to procrastinate, but to take a more proactive approach to large tasks. This was true in college when I was completing assignments, and in my education career when I was meeting state or district deadlines, submitting lesson plans, etc. I plan to approach Turing my looking over my required work and deadlines, creating plans and sub-deadlines for myself, and then meeting them.

3. Describe how you work best (conditions, environment, preferences, etc.):

I work best in a well-lit (preferrably natural sunshine), uninterrupted space. I can work well in my own home or office, but I also enjoy being in a coffeeshop or public space as long as I am not interrupted. It's nice if it is a comfortable set up with a beverage and/or music available (unless I am reading, in which I find music distracting).

4. As you start this new career, what is your greatest area of improvement when it comes to your professional skills?

I want to work on approaching new/unknown situations with a greater sense of calm and confidence. Having worked in the same field for so long, I have grown comfortable knowing what I need to know. Although I continued to learn and grow, it was within a field and framework with which I was comfortable and familiar. It can be stressful or overwhelming to face something that is entirely unfamiliar. It can be daunting. I am determined to push past that initial stress and manage my anxiety with clear thinking and calm, but I know this will take time and intentionality.

5. How will developing a deeper understanding of your strengths and working preferences benefit you as a software developer?

As I better understand my strengths and working preferences I should be able to optimize my efficiency and output. If I know where I am strongest than I can lean into my strengths, and also try to develop the areas where I have the most room for growth. Being aware of my work preferences would allow me to create the ideal work environment when possible.

6. Describe the vision you currently have for your career after Turing:

I plan to make the most of Turing and learn as much as possible. I want to be proactive in my job search and move into a position that I am happy with as close to my completion of Turing as possible (although I am prepared to give myself grace if it takes longer than hoped due to COVID). I am excited to begin a career with a company that makes me feel valued and allows me to have a reasonable work/life balance. I am also envisioning opportunities for career advancement as I continue my own professional learning and growth.

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