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Created November 16, 2008 15:15
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require 'cucumber/rake/task'
cucumber_options = proc do |t|
t.binary = Merb.root / 'bin' / 'cucumber'
t.cucumber_opts = "--format pretty"
end, &cucumber_options), &cucumber_options)
namespace :merb_cucumber do
task :test_env do
Merb.start_environment(:environment => "test", :adapter => 'runner')
dependencies = ['merb_cucumber:test_env', 'db:automigrate']
task :features => dependencies
task :feature => dependencies
Feature: Login
To ensure the safety of the application
A regular user of the system
Must authenticate before using the app
Scenario: Failed Login
Given I am not authenticated
When I go to /login
And I fill in "login" with "i_dont_exist"
And I fill in "password" with "and_i_dont_have_a_password"
And I press "Log In"
Then the login request should fail
Then I should see an error message
Scenario: Passed Login
Given I am not authenticated
When I go to /login
And I fill in "login" with "bruce"
And I fill in "password" with "test"
And I press "Log In"
Then the login request should succeed
And I should not see an error message
And I should see "Welcome, Bruce Williams"
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