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Last active February 8, 2019 14:57
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Generate txt
const {set, get, chain, trim, last, unset} = require('lodash')
module.exports = function generateTxt(json, strings = []) {
for (const item of strings) {
const {original, translation, stage, key} = item
const text = `"${stage > 0 || translation ? translation : original}<!-${original}-!>`
.replace(/^""(.+)/g, '"$1')
.replace(/(.+)""$/g, '$1"')
let keyPath = key.split('|')
if (last(keyPath) === '__key__') {
// key now is like [monarch_names, 7, __key__]
const parentPath = keyPath.slice(0, -2) // to [monarch_names]
const index = parseInt(keyPath[keyPath.length - 2])
const originalKeyName = chain(json).get(parentPath).keys().get(index).value() // get current key name with index
const value = get(json, [...parentPath, originalKeyName]) // get monarch_name odds like 20 or 0
if (value === undefined) {
unset(json, [...parentPath, originalKeyName]) // delete [monarch_names, "Karl #0 Theodor"]
// set key name as "卡尔 #0 西奥多", note that wrapping quote is essential
set(json, [...parentPath, `"${trim(translation || original, '"')}"`], value)
/* now the whole object is like
monarch_names: {
// "Karl #0 Theodor": "20" // this has been removed
"卡尔 #0 西奥多": "20", // we set this with above code
"Otto Heinrich #0": "20" // next loop will replace this
set(json, keyPath, text)
let string = JSON.stringify(json, null, 4)
string = string.split('\n')
.slice(1, -1)
.map(line => line.replace(/^\s{4}/, '')).join('\n')
.replace(/\\"/g, '@@') // \" -> @@
.replace(/#+(?=")/g, '') // remove # in key name
.replace(/"/g, '') // remove "
.replace(/: /g, ' = ') // : -> =
.replace(/@@/g, '"') // @@ -> "
.replace(/,$/gm, '') // remove trailing comma
.replace(/\[/g, '{') // [ -> {
.replace(/]/g, '}') // ] -> }
.replace(/^(\s*)=(\s?){/gm, '$1{') // remove empty key and =
.replace(/<!-/g, '" # ').replace(/-!>/g, '') // add original text
return string
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