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A friendly way to log different types of messages (warnings, errors, debug, etc).
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/// Sass Logger
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/// The idea is to provide some kind of friendly API to log stuff in Sass,
/// including a way to log different type of messages (warnings, errors...).
/// Current implementation provides:
/// - 5 levels of logging ("DEBUG" "INFO" "WARN" "ERROR" "FATAL");
/// - a minimum level at which the logger starts printing;
/// - an history of all logs, that can be printed as CSS;
/// - a friendly API with easy-to-use functions;
/// - a helper to learn more about different levels of logging.
/// Also note that SassMeister doesn't show `@warn` but this code
/// would print content in the console in a regular environment.
/// Instantiate a logger.
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/// This should be called once only.
/// @param {String} minimum-level - Level at which the logger starts printing. Use `OFF` to disable.
/// @requires {function} logger-conf
/// @output Nothing, it just creates a global configuration map.
/// @example scss - Instantiate a new logger logging INFO and up.
/// @include logger("INFO");
@mixin logger($minimum-level) {
$levels: "DEBUG" "INFO" "WARN" "ERROR" "FATAL";
$minimum-level: to-upper-case($minimum-level);
/// If level is ALL, go with lowest level
@if $minimum-level == "ALL" {
$minimum-level: nth($levels, 1);
/// Fallback
@if not index($levels "OFF", $minimum-level) {
$minimum-level: "INFO";
/// Create global variable
$logger-configuration: (
"levels" : $levels,
"errors" : "FATAL" "ERROR",
"min" : index($levels, $minimum-level),
"enabled" : $minimum-level != "OFF",
"history" : (
"DEBUG" : (),
"INFO" : (),
"WARN" : (),
"ERROR" : (),
"FATAL" : ()
) !global;
/// Helper to get a key from `$logger-configuration` map.
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/// @access private
/// @param {String} $key - Option to get from map
/// @requires $logger-configuration
/// @return {*} Option from `$logger-configuration` or `null` if `$key` doesn't exist.
/// @example scss - Get history from configuration map
/// $history: logger-conf("history");
@function logger-conf($key) {
@return map-get($logger-configuration, $key);
/// Log a new `$message` with `$level`.
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/// This should be called once only.
/// @access private
/// @param {String} $level - Message's level
/// @param {String} $message - Message to log
/// @requires {function} logger-conf
/// @requires {mixin} logger-update-history
/// @output Nothing, but warn/error in the console
/// @example scss - Log a new error.
/// @include log("ERROR", "Something's wrong.");
@mixin log($level, $message) {
/// Test whether `logger-configuration` global variable exists.
/// If it doesn't, it means `logger` has not been included,
/// so we include it, arbitrary setting the min level to `INFO`.
@if not global-variable-exists("logger-configuration") {
@include logger("INFO");
$level: to-upper-case($level);
/// Unless it's disabled, proceed
@if logger-conf("enabled") {
/// Get current level's index
$index-current-level: index(logger-conf("levels"), $level);
/// If `$level` is invalid, falls back on `INFO`
@if not $index-current-level { $level: "INFO" }
/// Update logger history
@include logger-update-history($level, $message);
/// Finally, print message in console if current level is over minimum level
@if $index-current-level >= logger-conf("min") {
$print: $level + " :: " + $message;
/// `@error` if it's an error level
@if index(logger-conf("errors"), $level) {
@error $print;
/// Else `@warn`
@else {
@warn $print;
/// A couple of shortcuts for `log` mixin.
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@mixin FATAL($message) { @include log("FATAL", $message); }
@mixin ERROR($message) { @include log("ERROR", $message); }
@mixin WARN($message) { @include log("WARN", $message); }
@mixin INFO($message) { @include log("INFO", $message); }
@mixin DEBUG($message) { @include log("DEBUG", $message); }
/// Update logger history
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/// @access private
/// @param {String} $level - Message's level
/// @param {String} $message - Message to log
/// @requires {function} logger-conf
/// @requires $logger-configuration
/// @output Nothing
/// @example scss - Update logger history with new entry
/// @include logger-update-history($level, $message);
@mixin logger-update-history($level, $message) {
$history: logger-conf("history");
$current-level-history: map-get($history, $level);
$current-level-history: append($current-level-history, $message);
$logger-history: map-merge($history, ($level: $current-level-history));
$logger-configuration: map-merge($logger-configuration, ("history": $logger-history)) !global;
/// Print logger history
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/// @requires logger-conf
/// @output A `logger-logs` block
/// @example scss - Print current logs.
/// @include logger-print-logs;
@mixin logger-print-logs {
logger-logs {
@each $level, $logs in logger-conf("history") {
@if index(logger-conf("levels"), $level) >= logger-conf("min") and length($logs) > 0 {
@each $log in $logs {
#{$level}: $log;
/// Print some extra informations about logger levels and what they mean
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/// @output A `logger-help` block
/// @example scss - Print some extra help.
/// @include logger-help;
@mixin logger-help {
logger-help {
OFF: "Disable the logger.";
FATAL: "Severe errors that cause premature termination.";
ERROR: "Other runtime errors or unexpected conditions.";
WARN: "Use of deprecated APIs, poor use of API, 'almost' errors," + "other runtime situations that are undesirable or unexpected, but not necessarily wrong.";
INFO: "Interesting runtime events (startup/shutdown).";
DEBUG: "Detailed information on the flow through the system.";
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/// Instantiate a new logger, with "INFO" as the minimum
/// level for logging. If you don't instantiate it yourself,
/// it will be done automatically on first log.
@include logger("INFO");
/// Logger help (optional, obviously)
@include logger-help;
/// Log stuff
@include INFO("Hey, look at that.");
@include INFO("Bring in the unicorns!");
@include WARN("Dude, pay attention.");
/// This one is not printed in the console but still tracked in logs.
@include DEBUG("Debug and stuff.");
/// Output History (optional), especially useful for debugging.
@include logger-print-logs;
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