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Last active June 4, 2018 20:44
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Installing the ChefDK on macOS, using it alongside `rbenv`
# Install the ChefDK on macOS
# ./
# Arguments:
# VERSION Version of the ChefDK to install
# URL_PREFIX URL of the ChefDK package download
# PKG_NAME Name of the ChefDK package to install
# SHA_256 Hash for the ChefDK package version
# 1. Open the Terminal or iTerm application on your Mac.
# 2. Navigate to the directory where you saved the `` script. For example:
# $ cd ~/dotfiles/scripts/
# 3. Make sure that the `` file is executable:
# $ chmod u+x
# 4. Now, execute & run the following script to convert your movie:
# $ ./
# 5. The script downloads the specified `ChefDK` package to the Current User's `~/Downloads` directory.
# $ cd ~/Downloads
# $ curl -O "${URL_PREFIX}/${PKG_NAME}"
# 6. Once downloaded, it will mount the downloaded `.dmg` file for the ChefDK installation.
# $ hdiutil attach ${PKG_NAME}
# 7. Now mounted, it navigates to the mounted volume directory.
# $ cd "/Volumes/${VOLUME_NAME/"
# 8. It looks for the ChefDK `.pkg` within this directory, installs as the root user, to the `/` (root) directory.
# $ sudo installer -pkg ${PKG_NAME} -target "/"
# 9. The ChefDK installs.
# 10. Once complete, the script will navigate out of the mounted volume directory, to the `~/Downloads` directory.
# $ cd ~/Downloads
# 11. Finally, the script will eject (unmount) the ChefDK disk image.
VERSION='2.3.4' # Our Current ChefDK Version
PKG_NAME="chefdk-${VERSION}-1.dmg" # Package Name OF The Downloaded `.dmg` File
VOLUME_NAME="Chef Development Kit" # Mounted Volume Name Of The `.dmg` File On macOS
bold=$(tput bold); # Bold Text
reset=$(tput sgr0); # Reset Text
function installChefDK() {
echo -e "${bold}Getting ready to install the ChefDK v${VERSION} ...${reset}";
echo "";
# Navigate To Directory Where We'll Save The ChefDK Package.
cd ~/Downloads
# Download The Specified ChefDK Package.
curl -O "${URL_PREFIX}/${PKG_NAME}"
echo "";
echo -e "${bold}Successfully downloaded the ${PKG_NAME} to the '~/Downloads' directory ...${reset}";
echo "";
# Mount The Downloaded ChefDK Package To `/Volumes/Chef Development Kit".
hdiutil attach ${PKG_NAME}
echo "";
echo -e "${bold}Successfully mounted ${PKG_NAME} Volume to '/Volumes/${VOLUME_NAME}' ...${reset}";
echo "";
# Navigate To The Mounted Volume Directory.
cd "/Volumes/${VOLUME_NAME}/"
# Install To The `/` (root) Directory, As The `sudo` (root) User.
sudo installer -pkg "chefdk-${VERSION}-1.pkg" -target "/"
echo "";
echo -e "${bold}Successfully installed chefdk-${VERSION}-1.pkg to the '/' (root) directory ...${reset}";
echo "";
# Navigate Out Of The Mounted Volume Directory, Back To The Current User's `~/Downloads` Directory.
cd ~/Downloads
# Eject (unmount) The ChefDK Disk Image.
hdiutil detach "/Volumes/${VOLUME_NAME}/"
echo "";
echo -e "${bold}Successfully ejected (unmounted) ${PKG_NAME} Disk Image ...${reset}";
echo "";
function installRbenv() {
# Check if Homebrew is installed
echo -e "${bold}Checking for rbenv installation ...${reset}";
echo "";
which -s rbenv
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
# Install rbenv
echo -e "${bold}Installing rbenv ...${reset}";
echo "";
brew update;
brew install rbenv;
rbenv init;
echo -e "${bold}Installing ChefDK plugin for rbenv ...${reset}";
echo "";
git clone $(rbenv root)/TEST/plugins;
mkdir -p $(rbenv root)/TEST/versions/chefdk;
rbenv local chefdk;
rbenv rehash;
RUBY_PATH=`rbenv which ruby`;
RUBY_VERSION=`ruby --version`;
echo -e "${bold}Ruby Executable Path: ${reset}\n ${RUBY_PATH}";
echo -e "${bold}Ruby Version: ${reset}\n ${RUBY_VERSION}";
echo "";
echo -e "${bold}The next time you log-in, you can run the following, and test for Chef
before and after switching to chefdk:${reset}"
echo "";
echo -e " $ rbenv which ruby
$ gem list | grep 'chef\s'
$ rbenv global chefdk
$ rbenv which ruby
$ gem list | grep 'chef\s'
chef (14.1.12, 13.4.19, 12.19.36)";
echo "";
echo -e "${bold}If you need to use ChefDK in your chef repository for all cookbooks, or
maybe just a single cookbook, you can use '.ruby-version' mechanism to lock the version
of ruby in that directory.${reset}"
echo "";
echo -e " $ cd /path/to/your/cookbook
$ echo chefdk > .ruby-version";
echo "";
installChefDK && installRbenv
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