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Last active November 4, 2020 22:52
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Basic kubectl commands
kubectl create job job1 -o yaml --dry-run=client --image=busybox
kubectl apply -f ./my-manifest.yaml # create resource(s)
kubectl apply -f ./my1.yaml -f ./my2.yaml # create from multiple files
kubectl apply -f ./dir # create resource(s) in all manifest files in dir
kubectl get services # List all services in the namespace
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces # List all pods in all namespaces
kubectl get pods -o wide # List all pods in the current namespace, with more details
kubectl get deployment my-dep # List a particular deployment
kubectl get pods # List all pods in the namespace
kubectl get pod my-pod -o yaml # Get a pod's YAML
# Create multiple YAML objects from stdin
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: busybox-sleep
- name: busybox
image: busybox
- sleep
- "1000000"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: busybox-sleep-less
- name: busybox
image: busybox
- sleep
- "1000"
az aks get-credentials --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --name $AKS_NAME
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