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Created July 14, 2020 08:34
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-- Create a line using 2 points
-- Place 100 evenly spaced points along line
-- intersect each point with a single band raster called elevation
-- return results as X, Y, Z, index_of_point, distance_from_start_point (in metres)
makeline(geom) as (
select ST_SetSRID(
ST_MakePoint(116.170,-31.958)), 4326) as geom
linelen(l) as (select ST_Length(geom::geography)::float / 100.0 from makeline),
points(geom) as (SELECT
ml.geom,generate_series(0, 100):: double precision / 100.0
) as geom from makeline ml
SELECT ST_X(geom) as x, ST_Y(geom) as y,
ROUND(ST_Value(r.rast, 1, p.geom)::NUMERIC, 3) AS val,
row_number() OVER () as i,
(row_number() OVER ()) * l as dist
FROM elevation r, points p, linelen
WHERE ST_Intersects(r.rast, p.geom)
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