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Last active July 20, 2022 04:08
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LinearMap Error
using LinearMaps, LinearAlgebra
Ising model
function buildIsing(h=1.0) # Ising model with transverse magnetic field h (critical h=1 by default)
X = [0 1; 1 0]
Z = [1 0; 0 -1]
Iden = Matrix(1.0I, (2, 2))
XX = kron(X, X)
ZI = kron(Z, Iden)
IZ = kron(Iden, Z)
H2 = -(XX + h/2 * (ZI + IZ))
return H2
Multiply local hamiltonian h with the total wavefunction.
See Vidal's explanation in PSI.
function multiplyHPsi!(nPsi::AbstractVector, Psi::AbstractVector) # requires H2 to have been defined
h = 1
H2 = buildIsing(h) # Hamiltonian
D,U = eigen(H2)
shiftE = D[end]
# remember to re-shift the energy later on!
H2 = H2 - shiftE * Matrix(1.0I, (4, 4))
# input and output wavefunction should have the same dimensions
length(nPsi)==length(Psi) || throw(DimensionMismatch())
dimN = length(Psi) # Dimension of the vector space
N = convert(Int64, log2(dimN)) # Number of spins
dimPsi = tuple(fill(2::Int,(1, N))...) # dimsPsi =(2,2,2, ..., 2)
# for shifting the spin position by 1
a = collect(2:N)
a = [a;1]
# tuple for cyclic permutation cyclperm = (2, 3, ... N, 1)
cyclperm = tuple(a...)
Psi = reshape(Psi, dimPsi)
nPsi = zeros(dimPsi)
for n in 1:N
# multplication of H2 using matrix shape
Psi = reshape(Psi, (4, 2^(N-2)))
nPsi = reshape(nPsi, (4, 2^(N-2)))
# Act on H2 to the input wavefunction and save
# it to the output wavefunction
nPsi += H2 * Psi
# shift the leg using the tensor shape
Psi = reshape(Psi, dimPsi)
nPsi = reshape(nPsi, dimPsi)
Psi = permutedims(Psi, cyclperm)
nPsi = permutedims(nPsi, cyclperm)
nPsi = reshape(nPsi, dimN)
return nPsi
# Define the LinearMap from `multiplyHPsi!`
N = 2 # number of spins
H = LinearMap{Float64}(multiplyHPsi!, 2^N; ismutating=true, issymmetric=true)
# test the actions of `H` and `multiplyHPsi!` on the same random vector, they should give the same result
# initialize the input and output vector `Psi` and `nPsi`
Psi = randn(2^N)
nPsi = randn(2^N)
# normalize the input vector
Psi = Psi / norm(Psi)
# action of `multiplyHPsi!`. It looks correct
nPsi1 = multiplyHPsi!(nPsi, Psi)
# action of `H`. It doesn't look correct
nPsi2 = H(Psi)
println("Output vector after the action of multiplyHPsi! is:")
println("Output vector after the action of H is:")
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