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Last active November 20, 2024 08:57
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  • Save brucemcpherson/3414615 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save brucemcpherson/3414615 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
useful color manipulation functions for VBA
' :do not modify this line - see for details: updated on 28/02/2013 09:55:55 : from manifest:3414394 gist
' this is all about colors
Option Explicit
' v2.7 3414615
Public Type colorProps
' this is a single type to hold everything i know how to calculate about a color
rgb As Long
red As Long
green As Long
blue As Long
htmlHex As String
textColor As Long
luminance As Double
contrastRatio As Double
cyan As Double
magenta As Double
yellow As Double
black As Double
hue As Double
saturation As Double
lightness As Double
value As Double
x As Double
y As Double
z As Double
LStar As Double
aStar As Double
bStar As Double
cStar As Double
hStar As Double
End Type
Enum eCompareColor
End Enum
'Reference white for XYZ space/Observer = 2 deg Illuminant = D65
Const refWhiteX As Double = 95.047
Const refWhiteY As Double = 100
Const refWhiteZ As Double = 108.883
Const ref1 = 11181951
Const ref2 = 5934250
Public Function getlStar(rgbColor As Long) As Double
getlStar = makeColorProps(rgbColor).LStar
End Function
Public Function getCstar(rgbColor As Long) As Double
getCstar = makeColorProps(rgbColor).cStar
End Function
Public Function getBstar(rgbColor As Long) As Double
getBstar = makeColorProps(rgbColor).bStar
End Function
Public Function getHstar(rgbColor As Long) As Double
getHstar = makeColorProps(rgbColor).hStar
End Function
Public Function getAstar(rgbColor As Long) As Double
getAstar = makeColorProps(rgbColor).aStar
End Function
Public Function fromRef(rgbColor As Long, ref As Long) As Double
fromRef = compareColors(rgbColor, ref)
End Function
Public Function fromRefX(rgbColor As Long) As Double
fromRefX = fromRef(rgbColor, ref1)
End Function
Public Function fromRefY(rgbColor As Long) As Double
fromRefY = fromRef(rgbColor, ref2)
End Function
Public Function cellProperty(r As Range, p As String) As String
' find the excel property given the requested style
Select Case p
Case "background-color"
cellProperty = rgbToHTMLHex(r.Interior.color)
Case "color"
cellProperty = rgbToHTMLHex(r.Font.color)
Case "font-size"
cellProperty = r.Font.size
Case Else
Debug.Assert False
End Select
End Function
Public Function cellCss(r As Range, p As String) As String
cellCss = p & ":" & cellProperty(r, p) & ";"
End Function
Public Function heatmapColor(min As Variant, _
max As Variant, value As Variant) As Long
heatmapColor = rampLibraryRGB("heatmap", min, max, value)
End Function
Public Function rgbExpose(r As Long, g As Long, b As Long) As Long
' so i can use it in worksheets
rgbExpose = rgb(r, g, b)
End Function
Public Function rgbRed(rgbColor As Long) As Long
rgbRed = rgbColor Mod &H100
End Function
Public Function rgbGreen(rgbColor As Long) As Long
rgbGreen = (rgbColor \ &H100) Mod &H100
End Function
Public Function rgbBlue(rgbColor As Long) As Long
rgbBlue = (rgbColor \ &H10000) Mod &H100
End Function
Public Function rgbToHex(rgbColor As Long) As String
' just a synonym
rgbToHex = rgbToHTMLHex(rgbColor)
End Function
Public Function rgbToHTMLHex(rgbColor As Long) As String
' just swap the colors round for rgb to bgr
rgbToHTMLHex = "#" & maskFormat(Hex(rgb(rgbBlue(rgbColor), _
rgbGreen(rgbColor), rgbRed(rgbColor))), "000000")
End Function
Public Function htmlHexToRgb(htmlHex As String) As Long
Dim x As Long, s As String
s = LTrim(RTrim(htmlHex))
Debug.Assert Len(htmlHex) > 1 And left(htmlHex, 1) = "#"
x = val("&H" & Right(s, Len(s) - 1) & "&")
' these are purposefully reversed since byte order is different in unix
htmlHexToRgb = rgb(rgbBlue(x), rgbGreen(x), rgbRed(x))
End Function
Private Function maskFormat(sIn As String, f As String) As String
Dim s As String
s = sIn
If Len(s) < Len(f) Then
s = left(f, Len(f) - Len(s)) & s
End If
maskFormat = s
End Function
Private Function lumRGB(rgbCom As Double, brighten As Double) As Double
Dim x As Double
x = rgbCom * brighten
If x > 255 Then x = 255
If x < 0 Then x = 0
lumRGB = x
End Function
Public Function rgbToHsl(rgbColor As Long) As colorProps
' adapted from //
Dim r As Double, g As Double, b As Double, d As Double, _
dr As Double, dg As Double, db As Double, mn As Double, mx As Double, _
p As colorProps
r = rgbRed(rgbColor) / 255
g = rgbGreen(rgbColor) / 255
b = rgbBlue(rgbColor) / 255
mn = min(r, g, b)
mx = max(r, g, b)
d = mx - mn
' HSL sets here
p.hue = 0
p.saturation = 0
' lightness
p.lightness = (mx + mn) / 2
If (d <> 0) Then
' saturation
If (p.lightness < 0.5) Then
p.saturation = d / (mx + mn)
p.saturation = d / (2 - mx - mn)
End If
' hue
dr = (((mx - r) / 6) + (d / 2)) / d
dg = (((mx - g) / 6) + (d / 2)) / d
db = (((mx - b) / 6) + (d / 2)) / d
If r = mx Then
p.hue = db - dg
ElseIf g = mx Then
p.hue = (1 / 3) + dr - db
p.hue = (2 / 3) + dg - dr
End If
'force between 0 and 1
If p.hue < 0 Then p.hue = p.hue + 1
If p.hue > 1 Then p.hue = p.hue - 1
Debug.Assert p.hue >= 0 And p.hue <= 1
End If
p.hue = p.hue * 360
p.saturation = p.saturation * 100
p.lightness = p.lightness * 100
rgbToHsl = p
End Function
Private Function rgbToHsv(rgbColor As Long) As colorProps
' adapted from //
Dim r As Double, g As Double, b As Double, _
mn As Double, mx As Double, _
p As colorProps
r = rgbRed(rgbColor) / 255
g = rgbGreen(rgbColor) / 255
b = rgbBlue(rgbColor) / 255
mn = min(r, g, b)
mx = max(r, g, b)
' this is the same as hsl and hsv are the same.
p = rgbToHsl(rgbColor)
' HSV sets here
p.value = mx
rgbToHsv = p
End Function
Private Function xyzCorrection(v As Double) As Double
If (v > 0.04045) Then
xyzCorrection = ((v + 0.055) / 1.055) ^ 2.4
xyzCorrection = v / 12.92
End If
End Function
Private Function xyzCIECorrection(v As Double) As Double
If (v > 0.008856) Then
xyzCIECorrection = (v ^ (1 / 3))
xyzCIECorrection = (7.787 * v) + (16 / 116)
End If
End Function
Private Function rgbToXyz(rgbColor As Long) As colorProps
' adapted from //
Dim r As Double, g As Double, b As Double, _
p As colorProps
r = xyzCorrection(rgbRed(rgbColor) / 255) * 100
g = xyzCorrection(rgbGreen(rgbColor) / 255) * 100
b = xyzCorrection(rgbBlue(rgbColor) / 255) * 100
p.x = r * 0.4124 + g * 0.3576 + b * 0.1805
p.y = r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722
p.z = r * 0.0193 + g * 0.1192 + b * 0.9505
rgbToXyz = p
End Function
Private Function rgbToLab(rgbColor As Long) As colorProps
' adapted from //
Dim x As Double, y As Double, z As Double, _
p As colorProps
p = rgbToXyz(rgbColor)
x = xyzCIECorrection(p.x / refWhiteX)
y = xyzCIECorrection(p.y / refWhiteY)
z = xyzCIECorrection(p.z / refWhiteZ)
p.LStar = (116 * y) - 16
p.aStar = 500 * (x - y)
p.bStar = 200 * (y - z)
rgbToLab = p
End Function
Public Function findNearestColorInRange(rSearchFor As Range, rSearchIn As Range) As Range
Dim r As Range, d As Double, dmin As Double, dr As Range, t As Long
Set dr = Nothing
t = rgbColorOf(firstCell(rSearchFor))
For Each r In rSearchIn.Cells
d = compareColors(rgbColorOf(r), t)
If d < dmin Or dr Is Nothing Then
Set dr = r
dmin = d
End If
Next r
Set findNearestColorInRange = dr
End Function
Public Function compareColors(rgb1 As Long, rgb2 As Long, _
Optional compareType As eCompareColor = eCompareColor.eccieDe2000) As Double
Dim p1 As colorProps, p2 As colorProps
p1 = makeColorProps(rgb1)
p2 = makeColorProps(rgb2)
Select Case compareType
Case eCompareColor.eccieDe2000
compareColors = cieDe2000(p1, p2)
Case Else
Debug.Assert False
End Select
End Function
Public Function cieDe2000(p1 As colorProps, p2 As colorProps) As Double
' calculates the distance between 2 colors using CIEDE200
' see
Dim c1 As Double, c2 As Double, _
c As Double, g As Double, a1 As Double, b1 As Double, _
a2 As Double, b2 As Double, c1Tick As Double, c2Tick As Double, _
h1 As Double, h2 As Double, dh As Double, dl As Double, dc As Double, _
lTickAvg As Double, cTickAvg As Double, hTickAvg As Double, l50 As Double, sl As Double, _
sc As Double, t As Double, sh As Double, dTheta As Double, kp As Double, _
rc As Double, kl As Double, kc As Double, kh As Double, dlk As Double, _
dck As Double, dhk As Double, rt As Double, dBigH As Double
kp = 25 ^ 7
kl = 1
kc = 1
kh = 1
' calculate c & g values
c1 = Sqr(p1.aStar ^ 2 + p1.bStar ^ 2)
c2 = Sqr(p2.aStar ^ 2 + p2.bStar ^ 2)
c = (c1 + c2) / 2
g = 0.5 * (1 - Sqr(c ^ 7 / (c ^ 7 + kp)))
' adjusted ab*
a1 = (1 + g) * p1.aStar
a2 = (1 + g) * p2.aStar
' adjusted cs
c1Tick = Sqr(a1 ^ 2 + p1.bStar ^ 2)
c2Tick = Sqr(a2 ^ 2 + p2.bStar ^ 2)
' adjusted h
h1 = computeH(a1, p1.bStar)
h2 = computeH(a2, p2.bStar)
' deltas
If (h2 - h1 > 180) Then '1
dh = h2 - h1 - 360
ElseIf (h2 - h1 < -180) Then ' 2
dh = h2 - h1 + 360
Else '0
dh = h2 - h1
End If
dl = p2.LStar - p1.LStar
dc = c2Tick - c1Tick
dBigH = (2 * Sqr(c1Tick * c2Tick) * sIn(toRadians(dh / 2)))
' averages
lTickAvg = (p1.LStar + p2.LStar) / 2
cTickAvg = (c1Tick + c2Tick) / 2
If (c1Tick * c2Tick = 0) Then '3
hTickAvg = h1 + h2
ElseIf (Abs(h2 - h1) <= 180) Then '0
hTickAvg = (h1 + h2) / 2
ElseIf (h2 + h1 < 360) Then '1
hTickAvg = (h1 + h2) / 2 + 180
Else '2
hTickAvg = (h1 + h2) / 2 - 180
End If
l50 = (lTickAvg - 50) ^ 2
sl = 1 + (0.015 * l50 / Sqr(20 + l50))
sc = 1 + 0.045 * cTickAvg
t = 1 - 0.17 * Cos(toRadians(hTickAvg - 30)) + 0.24 * _
Cos(toRadians(2 * hTickAvg)) + 0.32 * _
Cos(toRadians(3 * hTickAvg + 6)) - 0.2 * _
Cos(toRadians(4 * hTickAvg - 63))
sh = 1 + 0.015 * cTickAvg * t
dTheta = 30 * Exp(-1 * ((hTickAvg - 275) / 25) ^ 2)
rc = 2 * Sqr(cTickAvg ^ 7 / (cTickAvg ^ 7 + kp))
rt = -sIn(toRadians(2 * dTheta)) * rc
dlk = dl / sl / kl
dck = dc / sc / kc
dhk = dBigH / sh / kh
cieDe2000 = Sqr(dlk ^ 2 + dck ^ 2 + dhk ^ 2 + rt * dck * dhk)
End Function
Private Function computeH(a As Double, b As Double) As Double
If (a = 0 And b = 0) Then
computeH = 0
ElseIf (b >= 0) Then
computeH = Application.WorksheetFunction.Degrees(Application.WorksheetFunction.Atan2(a, b))
computeH = Application.WorksheetFunction.Degrees(Application.WorksheetFunction.Atan2(a, b)) + 360
End If
End Function
Public Function hslToRgb(p As colorProps) As Long
' adapted from //
Dim x1 As Double, x2 As Double, h As Double, s As Double, l As Double, _
red As Double, green As Double, blue As Double
h = p.hue / 360
s = p.saturation / 100
l = p.lightness / 100
If s = 0 Then
red = l * 255
green = l * 255
blue = l * 255
If l < 0.5 Then
x2 = l * (1 + s)
x2 = (l + s) - (l * s)
End If
x1 = 2 * l - x2
red = 255 * hueToRgb(x1, x2, h + (1 / 3))
green = 255 * hueToRgb(x1, x2, h)
blue = 255 * hueToRgb(x1, x2, h - (1 / 3))
End If
hslToRgb = rgb(red, green, blue)
End Function
Private Function hueToRgb(a As Double, b As Double, h As Double) As Double
' adapted from //
If h < 0 Then h = h + 1
If h > 1 Then h = h - 1
Debug.Assert h >= 0 And h <= 1
If (6 * h < 1) Then
hueToRgb = a + (b - a) * 6 * h
ElseIf (2 * h < 1) Then
hueToRgb = b
ElseIf (3 * h < 2) Then
hueToRgb = a + (b - a) * ((2 / 3) - h) * 6
hueToRgb = a
End If
End Function
Public Function makeColorProps(rgbColor As Long) As colorProps
Dim p As colorProps, p2 As colorProps
'store the source color
p.rgb = rgbColor
'split the components = rgbRed(rgbColor) = rgbGreen(rgbColor) = rgbBlue(rgbColor)
'the html hex rgb equivalent
p.htmlHex = rgbToHTMLHex(rgbColor)
'the w3 algo for luminance
p.luminance = w3Luminance(rgbColor)
'determine whether black or white background
If (p.luminance < 0.5) Then
p.textColor = vbWhite
p.textColor = vbBlack
End If
'contrast ratio - to comply with w3 recs 1.4 should be at least 10:1 for text
p.contrastRatio = contrastRatio(p.textColor, p.rgb)
' myck - just an estimate = min(1 - / 255, 1 - / 255, 1 - / 255)
If < 1 Then
p.cyan = (1 - / 255 - / (1 -
p.magenta = (1 - / 255 - / (1 -
p.yellow = (1 - / 255 - / (1 -
End If
' calculate hsl + hsv and other wierd things
p2 = rgbToHsl(p.rgb)
p.hue = p2.hue
p.saturation = p2.saturation
p.lightness = p2.lightness
p.value = rgbToHsv(p.rgb).value
p2 = rgbToXyz(p.rgb)
p.x = p2.x
p.y = p2.y
p.z = p2.z
p2 = rgbToLab(p.rgb)
p.LStar = p2.LStar
p.aStar = p2.aStar
p.bStar = p2.bStar
p2 = rgbToLch(p.rgb)
p.cStar = p2.cStar
p.hStar = p2.hStar
makeColorProps = p
End Function
Public Function pokeLchH(p As colorProps, newH As Double) As colorProps
p.hStar = newH
pokeLchH = p
End Function
Public Function lchToLab(p As colorProps) As colorProps
Dim h As Double
h = toRadians(p.hStar)
p.aStar = Cos(h) * p.cStar
p.bStar = sIn(h) * p.cStar
lchToLab = p
End Function
Private Function labxyzCorrection(x As Double) As Double
If (x ^ 3 > 0.008856) Then
labxyzCorrection = x ^ 3
labxyzCorrection = (x - 16 / 116) / 7.787
End If
End Function
Public Function lchToRgb(p As colorProps) As Long
lchToRgb = xyzToRgb(labToXyz(lchToLab(p)))
End Function
Private Function labToXyz(p As colorProps) As colorProps
p.y = (p.LStar + 16) / 116
p.x = p.aStar / 500 + p.y
p.z = p.y - p.bStar / 200
p.x = labxyzCorrection(p.x) * refWhiteX
p.y = labxyzCorrection(p.y) * refWhiteY
p.z = labxyzCorrection(p.z) * refWhiteZ
labToXyz = p
End Function
Private Function xyzrgbCorrection(x As Double) As Double
If (x > 0.0031308) Then
xyzrgbCorrection = 1.055 * (x ^ (1 / 2.4)) - 0.055
xyzrgbCorrection = 12.92 * x
End If
End Function
Public Function xyzToRgb(p As colorProps) As Long
Dim r As Double, g As Double, b As Double
Dim x1 As Double, y1 As Double, z1 As Double
Dim x2 As Double, y2 As Double, z2 As Double
Dim x As Double, y As Double, z As Double, c As Double
x = p.x / 100
y = p.y / 100
z = p.z / 100
x1 = x * 0.8951 + y * 0.2664 + z * -0.1614
y1 = x * -0.7502 + y * 1.7135 + z * 0.0367
z1 = x * 0.0389 + y * -0.0685 + z * 1.0296
x2 = x1 * 0.98699 + y1 * -0.14705 + z1 * 0.15997
y2 = x1 * 0.43231 + y1 * 0.51836 + z1 * 0.04929
z2 = x1 * -0.00853 + y1 * 0.04004 + z1 * 0.96849
r = xyzrgbCorrection(x2 * 3.240479 + y2 * -1.53715 + z2 * -0.498535)
g = xyzrgbCorrection(x2 * -0.969256 + y2 * 1.875992 + z2 * 0.041556)
b = xyzrgbCorrection(x2 * 0.055648 + y2 * -0.204043 + z2 * 1.057311)
c = rgb(min(255, max(0, CLng(r * 255))), _
min(255, max(0, CLng(g * 255))), _
min(255, max(0, CLng(b * 255))))
xyzToRgb = c
End Function
Public Function rgbWashout(rgbColor As Long) As Long
' take a color and wash it out
Dim p As colorProps
p = makeColorProps(rgbColor)
p.saturation = p.saturation * 0.2
p.lightness = p.lightness * 0.9
rgbWashout = hslToRgb(p)
End Function
Public Function rgbToLch(rgbColor As Long) As colorProps
' convert from cieL*a*b* to cieL*CH
' adapted from
Dim p As colorProps
p = rgbToLab(rgbColor)
If rgbColor = 0 Then
p.hStar = 0
p.hStar = Application.WorksheetFunction.Atan2(p.aStar, p.bStar)
If p.hStar > 0 Then
p.hStar = fromRadians(p.hStar)
p.hStar = 360 - fromRadians(Abs(p.hStar))
End If
End If
p.cStar = Sqr(p.aStar * p.aStar + p.bStar * p.bStar)
rgbToLch = p
End Function
Public Function contrastRatio(rgbColorA As Long, rgbColorB As Long) As Double
Dim lumA As Double, lumB As Double
lumA = w3Luminance(rgbColorA)
lumB = w3Luminance(rgbColorB)
contrastRatio = (max(lumA, lumB) + 0.05) / (min(lumA, lumB) + 0.05)
End Function
Public Function w3Luminance(rgbColor As Long) As Double
' this is based on
w3Luminance = (0.2126 * ((rgbRed(rgbColor) / 255) ^ 2.2)) + _
(0.7152 * ((rgbGreen(rgbColor) / 255) ^ 2.2)) + _
(0.0722 * ((rgbBlue(rgbColor) / 255) ^ 2.2))
End Function
Public Function rampLibraryRGB(ramp As Variant, min As Variant, _
max As Variant, value As Variant, _
Optional brighten As Double = 1) As Long
Dim x As Long
If IsArray(ramp) Then
' ramp colors have been passed here
rampLibraryRGB = colorRamp(min, max, value, _
ramp, , _
Select Case Trim(LCase(CStr(ramp)))
Case "heatmaptowhite"
rampLibraryRGB = colorRamp(min, max, value, _
Array(vbBlue, vbGreen, vbYellow, vbRed, vbWhite), , _
Case "heatmap"
rampLibraryRGB = colorRamp(min, max, value, _
Array(vbBlue, vbGreen, vbYellow, vbRed), , _
Case "blacktowhite"
rampLibraryRGB = colorRamp(min, max, value, _
Array(vbBlack, vbWhite), , brighten)
Case "whitetoblack"
rampLibraryRGB = colorRamp(min, max, value, _
Array(vbWhite, vbBlack), , brighten)
Case "hotinthemiddle"
rampLibraryRGB = colorRamp(min, max, value, _
Array(vbBlue, vbGreen, vbYellow, vbRed, _
vbYellow, vbGreen, vbBlue), , brighten)
Case "candylime"
rampLibraryRGB = colorRamp(min, max, value, _
Array(rgb(255, 77, 121), rgb(255, 121, 77), _
rgb(255, 210, 77), rgb(210, 255, 77)), , _
Case "heatcolorblind"
rampLibraryRGB = colorRamp(min, max, value, _
Array(vbBlack, vbBlue, vbRed, vbWhite), , brighten)
Case "gethotquick"
rampLibraryRGB = colorRamp(min, max, value, _
Array(vbBlue, vbGreen, vbYellow, vbRed), _
Array(0, 0.1, 0.25, 1), brighten)
Case "slowramp"
rampLibraryRGB = colorRamp(min, max, value, _
Array(vbBlack, rgb(0, 46, 184), rgb(0, 138, 184), _
rgb(0, 184, 138), _
rgb(138, 184, 0), rgb(184, 138, 0), _
rgb(138, 0, 184)), _
Array(0, 0.04, 0.1, 0.15, 0.22, 0.3, 1), brighten)
Case "greensweep"
rampLibraryRGB = colorRamp(min, max, value, _
Array(rgb(153, 204, 51), rgb(51, 204, 179)), , _
Case "terrain"
rampLibraryRGB = colorRamp(min, max, value, _
Array(vbBlack, rgb(0, 46, 184), rgb(0, 138, 184), _
rgb(0, 184, 138), _
rgb(138, 184, 0), rgb(184, 138, 0), _
rgb(138, 0, 184), vbWhite), , _
Case "terrainnosea"
rampLibraryRGB = colorRamp(min, max, value, _
Array(vbGreen, rgb(0, 184, 138), _
rgb(138, 184, 0), rgb(184, 138, 0), _
rgb(138, 0, 184), vbWhite), , _
Case "greendollar"
rampLibraryRGB = colorRamp(min, max, value, _
Array(rgb(225, 255, 235), _
rgb(2, 202, 69)), , _
Case "lightblue"
rampLibraryRGB = colorRamp(min, max, value, _
Array(rgb(230, 237, 246), _
rgb(163, 189, 271)), , _
Case "lightorange"
rampLibraryRGB = colorRamp(min, max, value, _
Array(rgb(253, 233, 217), _
rgb(244, 132, 40)), , _
Case Else
MsgBox ramp & " is an unknown library entry"
End Select
End If
End Function
Public Function colorRamp(min As Variant, _
max As Variant, value As Variant, _
Optional mileStones As Variant, _
Optional fractionStones As Variant, _
Optional brighten As Double = 1) As Long
' create a value from a colorramp going through the array of milestones
Dim spread As Double, ratio As Double, red As Double, _
green As Double, blue As Double, j As Long, _
lb As Long, ub As Long, cb As Long, r As Double, i As Long
'----defaults and set up milestones on ramp
Dim ms() As Long
Dim fs() As Double
If IsMissing(mileStones) Then
ReDim ms(0 To 4)
ms(0) = vbBlue
ms(1) = vbGreen
ms(2) = vbYellow
ms(3) = vbRed
ms(4) = vbWhite
ReDim ms(0 To UBound(mileStones) - LBound(mileStones))
j = 0
For i = LBound(mileStones) To UBound(mileStones)
ms(j) = mileStones(i)
j = j + 1
Next i
End If
' tedious this is
lb = LBound(ms)
ub = UBound(ms)
cb = ub - lb + 1
' only 1 milestone - thats the color
If cb = 1 Then
colorRamp = ms(lb)
Exit Function
End If
If Not IsMissing(fractionStones) Then
If UBound(fractionStones) - LBound(fractionStones) <> _
cb - 1 Then
MsgBox ("no of fractions must equal number of steps")
Exit Function
ReDim fs(lb To ub)
j = lb
For i = LBound(fractionStones) To UBound(fractionStones)
fs(j) = fractionStones(i)
j = j + 1
Next i
End If
ReDim fs(lb To ub)
For i = lb + 1 To ub
fs(i) = i / (cb - 1)
Next i
End If
'spread of range
spread = max - min
Debug.Assert spread >= 0
If spread = 0 Then spread = 0.5
ratio = (value - min) / spread
Debug.Assert ratio >= 0 And ratio <= 1
' find which slot
For i = lb + 1 To ub
If ratio <= fs(i) Then
r = (ratio - fs(i - 1)) / (fs(i) - fs(i - 1))
red = rgbRed(ms(i - 1)) + (rgbRed(ms(i)) - rgbRed(ms(i - 1))) * r
blue = rgbBlue(ms(i - 1)) + (rgbBlue(ms(i)) - rgbBlue(ms(i - 1))) * r
green = rgbGreen(ms(i - 1)) + (rgbGreen(ms(i)) - rgbGreen(ms(i - 1))) * r
colorRamp = rgb(lumRGB(red, brighten), _
lumRGB(green, brighten), _
lumRGB(blue, brighten))
Exit Function
End If
Next i
Debug.Assert False
End Function
Public Sub applyHeatMapToRange(rIn As Range, Optional libraryEntry As String = "heatmap")
Dim mx As Variant, mn As Variant, r As Range, c As colorProps
mx = Application.WorksheetFunction.max(rIn)
mn = Application.WorksheetFunction.min(rIn)
For Each r In rIn.Cells
c = makeColorProps(rampLibraryRGB(libraryEntry, mn, mx, r.value))
r.Interior.color = c.rgb
r.Font.color = c.textColor
Next r
End Sub
Public Function hexColorOf(r As Range) As String
' this should be volatile but turning off
hexColorOf = rgbToHTMLHex(rgbColorOf(r))
End Function
Public Function rgbColorOf(r As Range) As Long
rgbColorOf = r.Interior.color
End Function
Public Sub colorizeCell(target As Range, c As String)
Dim p As colorProps
If Len(c) > 1 And left(c, 1) = "#" Then
p = makeColorProps(htmlHexToRgb(c))
target.Interior.color = p.rgb
target.Font.color = p.textColor
End If
End Sub
Private Function colorPropBigger(a As colorProps, b As colorProps, byProp As String, _
Optional descending As Boolean = False) As Boolean
Dim result As Boolean
Select Case LCase(byProp)
Case "hue"
result = a.hue > b.hue
Case "saturation"
result = a.saturation > b.saturation
Case "lightness"
result = a.lightness > b.lightness
Case "lstar"
result = a.LStar > b.LStar
Case "cstar"
result = a.cStar > b.cStar
Case "hstar"
result = a.hStar > b.hStar
Case Else
Debug.Assert False
End Select
If descending Then
colorPropBigger = Not result
colorPropBigger = result
End If
End Function
Public Sub sortColorProp(pArray() As colorProps, inlow As Long, inhi As Long, byProp As String, _
Optional descending As Boolean = False)
Dim p As colorProps, swap As colorProps, low As Long, hi As Long, half As Long
If inlow < inhi Then
half = (inlow + inhi) \ 2
p = pArray(half)
low = inlow
hi = inhi
Do While colorPropBigger(p, pArray(low), byProp, descending)
low = low + 1
Do While colorPropBigger(pArray(hi), p, byProp, descending)
hi = hi - 1
If (low <= hi) Then
swap = pArray(low)
pArray(low) = pArray(hi)
pArray(hi) = swap
low = low + 1
hi = hi - 1
End If
Loop Until low > hi
If hi <= half Then
sortColorProp pArray, inlow, hi, byProp, descending
sortColorProp pArray, low, inhi, byProp, descending
sortColorProp pArray, low, inhi, byProp, descending
sortColorProp pArray, inlow, hi, byProp, descending
End If
End If
End Sub
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It doesn't run as-is (for example I had to add worksheetFunction. in front the min and max functions) and the single colorProps variable is a little awkward to work with, but nonetheless all the logic is there (and it tested as accurate) so it solved my adhoc issue (when I couldn't locate my own version!)... thanks! 😉👍

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mill1 commented Nov 19, 2024

Also, when calling applyHeatMapToRange you need to change FromRadians to Application.WorksheetFunction.Radians. Other than that great module, does the job.

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Thanks for noticing.Im sure others will find it useful

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