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Save brucemcpherson/3414836 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
regexexpression library for VBA
' :do not modify this line - see for details: updated on 28/02/2013 09:55:55 : from manifest:3414394 gist
Option Explicit
' v2.02
'for more about this
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'reuse of code
' for building up a library of useful regex expressions
Private pName As String
Private pRegex As RegExp
Public Property Get Pattern() As String
Pattern = pRegex.Pattern
End Property
Public Property Let Pattern(p As String)
pRegex.Pattern = p
End Property
Public Property Get name() As String
name = pName
End Property
Public Property Let name(p As String)
pName = p
End Property
Public Property Get ignorecase() As Boolean
ignorecase = pRegex.ignorecase
End Property
Public Property Let ignorecase(p As Boolean)
pRegex.ignorecase = p
End Property
Public Property Get rGlobal() As Boolean
rGlobal = pRegex.Global
End Property
Public Property Let rGlobal(p As Boolean)
pRegex.Global = p
End Property
Public Sub init(sname As String, _
Optional spat As String = "", _
Optional bIgnoreSpaces As Boolean = True, _
Optional bIgnoreCase As Boolean = True, _
Optional bGlobal As Boolean = True)
Dim s As String
s = spat
If bIgnoreSpaces Then
s = Replace(s, " ", "")
End If
Set pRegex = New RegExp
With pRegex
.Pattern = s
.ignorecase = bIgnoreCase
.Global = bGlobal
End With
pName = sname
End Sub
Public Function getString(sFrom As String) As String
Dim mc As matchcollection, am As Match, rs As String
Set mc = pRegex.execute(sFrom)
rs = ""
For Each am In mc
rs = rs & am.value
Next am
getString = rs
End Function
Public Function getGroup(sFrom As String, groupNumber As Long) As String
Dim mc As matchcollection, am As Match, bm As SubMatches, rs As String
Set mc = pRegex.execute(sFrom)
rs = ""
If mc.count > 1 And mc.count >= groupNumber Then
rs = mc.item(groupNumber - 1).value
ElseIf mc.count = 1 Then
If mc.item(0).SubMatches.count >= groupNumber Then
' dont really understand this yet
rs = mc.item(0).SubMatches(groupNumber - 1)
End If
End If
getGroup = rs
End Function
Function getReplace(sFrom As String, sTo As String) As String
getReplace = pRegex.Replace(sFrom, sTo)
End Function
Function getTest(sFrom As String) As Boolean
getTest = pRegex.Test(sFrom)
End Function
' :do not modify this line - see for details: updated on 28/02/2013 09:55:55 : from manifest:3414394 gist
Option Explicit
' v2.02
'for more about this
'to contact me
'reuse of code
Public Function rxString(sname As String, s As String, Optional ignorecase As Boolean = True) As String
Dim rx As cregXLib
' create a new regx
Set rx = rxMakeRxLib(sname)
rx.ignorecase = ignorecase
' extract the string that matches the requested pattern
rxString = rx.getString(s)
End Function
Public Function rxGroup(sname As String, s As String, group As Long, Optional ignorecase As Boolean = True) As String
Dim rx As cregXLib
' create a new regx
Set rx = rxMakeRxLib(sname)
rx.ignorecase = ignorecase
' extract the string that matches the requested pattern
rxGroup = rx.getGroup(s, group)
End Function
Public Function rxTest(sname As String, s As String, Optional ignorecase As Boolean = True) As Boolean
Dim rx As cregXLib
' create a new regx
Set rx = rxMakeRxLib(sname)
rx.ignorecase = ignorecase
' extract the string that matches the requested pattern
rxTest = rx.getTest(s)
End Function
Public Function rxReplace(sname As String, sFrom As String, sTo As String, Optional ignorecase As Boolean = True) As String
Dim rx As cregXLib
' create a new regx
Set rx = rxMakeRxLib(sname)
rx.ignorecase = ignorecase
' replace the string that matches the requested pattern
rxReplace = rx.getReplace(sFrom, sTo)
End Function
Public Function rxPattern(sname As String) As String
Dim rx As cregXLib
' create a new regx
Set rx = rxMakeRxLib(sname)
' just returnthe pattern
rxPattern = rx.Pattern
End Function
Function rxMakeRxLib(sname As String) As cregXLib
Dim rx As cregXLib, s As String
Set rx = New cregXLib
' normally sname points to a preselected regEX
' if not known, silently assume its a regex pattern
s = Replace(UCase(sname), " ", "")
Select Case s
rx.init s, _
"(((^[BEGLMNS][1-9]\d?) | (^W[2-9] ) | ( ^( A[BL] | B[ABDHLNRST] | C[ABFHMORTVW] | D[ADEGHLNTY] | E[HNX] | F[KY] | G[LUY] | H[ADGPRSUX] | I[GMPV] |" & _
" JE | K[ATWY] | L[ADELNSU] | M[EKL] | N[EGNPRW] | O[LX] | P[AEHLOR] | R[GHM] | S[AEGKL-PRSTWY] | T[ADFNQRSW] | UB | W[ADFNRSV] | YO | ZE ) \d\d?) |" & _
" (^W1[A-HJKSTUW0-9]) | (( (^WC[1-2]) | (^EC[1-4]) | (^SW1) ) [ABEHMNPRVWXY] ) ) (\s*)? ([0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2})) | (^GIR\s?0AA)"
rx.init s, _
rx.init s, _
Case "CREDITCARD" 'amex/visa/mastercard
rx.init s, _
rx.init s, _
rx.init s, _
rx.init s, _
rx.init s, _
Case "SINGLESPACE" ' should take a replace value of "$1 "
rx.init s, _
Case "EMAIL"
rx.init s, _
rx.init s, _
rx.init s, "[\x00-\x1F\x7F]"
rx.init s, "[^A-Za-z0-9\x20]+"
Case Else
rx.init "Adhoc", sname
End Select
Set rxMakeRxLib = rx
End Function
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