<link href="https://cdn.muicss.com/mui-0.9.9/css/mui.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> |
<script src="https://cdn.muicss.com/mui-0.9.9/js/mui.min.js"></script> |
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/4.12.0/d3.min.js"></script> |
<div id="content-wrapper"> |
<div id="app" class="mui-container"> |
<div class="mui--text-title">Sheets Efx Demo</div> |
<p></p> |
<div class="mui-panel" id="heat-panel"> |
<div id="grid-heat" style="margin:0px;height:320px;width:50%;padding:0;display:block;background-color:#fafafa;"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<script> |
var Render = (function(ns) { |
ns.state = { |
heatRange: ["#f1f8e9", "#8bc34a"], |
distortion: 2.5, |
radius: 200, |
margin: 10, |
unheat:"#ffffff", |
textColor:"#212121", |
lightTextColor:"#ffffff", |
borderColor:"#fafafa", |
borderWidth:1, |
a1Fill:"#FF5252", |
activeBorderColor:"#3F51B5", |
activeBorderWidth:2, |
scrollerActiveFill:"#0000ff", |
scrollerPassiveFill:"#8bc34a", |
clickFill:'#FF5252', |
scroll: { |
maxc:6, // max colums to show in a grid |
maxr:20, // max rows to show in a grid |
size:1.2, // how much of margin to take up |
scale:2.5 // how much toscale up by on focus |
} |
}; |
/** |
* update the heat maps |
* @param {[][]} [values] normally already provided |
*/ |
ns.updateHeat = function(sheetId,values) { |
// initialize if required |
ns.init(); |
// make a place |
const h = (ns.state.gridHeat = ns.state.gridHeat || {}); |
// accumulate the data |
if (!values) { |
ns.accumulateHeat(sheetId); |
} else { |
//this is for testing |
// as values will not normally be specified |
h.values = values.map(function(row, ri) { |
return row.map(function(cell, ci) { |
return { |
oc: ci, |
or: ri, |
value: ri ? row[3] : 0 // for this unplugged demo.use the elevation as theintensity |
}; |
}); |
}); |
h.sheetValues = values; |
} |
// redim everything for new data set |
ns.prepareHeat(); |
// render it |
return ns.drawHeat(); |
}; |
/** |
* redim everything for a new dataset |
*/ |
ns.prepareHeat = function() { |
const h = ns.state.gridHeat; |
h.box = null; |
const values = ns.state.gridHeat.values; |
// flatten the data |
const sv = ns.state.gridHeat.sheetValues; |
h.flat = values.reduce (function (p,c) { |
c.forEach (function (d) { |
// attach the sheet values |
d.sheetValue = d.or < sv.length && d.oc < sv[d.or].length ? sv[d.or][d.oc] : ""; |
p.push(d); |
}); |
return p; |
},[]); |
// setthe color domains |
const extent = d3.extent (h.flat, function (d) { |
return d.value; |
}); |
// heatscale calculator |
h.hs = d3.scaleLinear() |
.domain(extent) |
.range(ns.state.heatRange); |
return ns; |
}; |
/** |
*sets the active rc |
*/ |
ns.setActiverc = function (rc) { |
const h = ns.state.gridHeat; |
h.activerc = rc; |
ns.drawHeat(); |
return ns; |
}; |
/** |
* render it |
*/ |
ns.drawHeat = function() { |
const state = ns.state; |
const h = state.gridHeat; |
const scroll = h.scroll; |
// filter the flattened data to hold only max permissibile visible |
h.vizData = h.flat.filter (function (d) { |
return d.oc < scroll.oc + state.scroll.maxc && d.oc >= scroll.oc && |
d.or < scroll.or + state.scroll.maxr && d.or >= scroll.or; |
}); |
// the extent of the rows/cols |
const colExtent = d3.extent (h.vizData , function (d) { |
return d.oc; |
}); |
const rowExtent = d3.extent (h.vizData , function (d) { |
return d.or; |
}); |
// dim of each item |
h.idim = { |
width:(h.width - 2 * state.margin)/ (colExtent[1] - colExtent[0] + 1), |
height: (h.height - 2 * state.margin) / (rowExtent[1] - rowExtent[0] + 1) |
}; |
// build the width and height & x & y into data - will be useful when appending text |
// row /col = the effective row/col as per the viz |
// or/oc = the actual row/col in the data |
// scroll.or/oc |
h.vizData.forEach(function(d,i) { |
d.row = d.or - scroll.or; |
d.col = d.oc - scroll.oc; |
d.ox = d.col * h.idim.width + state.margin; |
d.oy = d.row * h.idim.height + state.margin; |
d.ow = h.idim.width; |
d.oh = h.idim.height; |
// now play with the actual co-ords with fish eye bias |
// vanilla co-ords |
const co = { |
x: d.ox, |
y: d.oy, |
scale: 1 |
}; |
// recalcl if fisheye |
const fc = h.box ? h.fish(co) : co; |
// now apply the fished values |
d.x = fc.x; |
d.y = fc.y; |
d.scale = fc.scale; |
// scale up the width/height |
d.width = d.ow * d.scale; |
d.height = d.oh * d.scale; |
// heat ramp |
d.fill = filler(d); |
}); |
// update the scrollers |
h.scrollPoint.attr ("r",function (d) { return d.or * d.scale;}) |
.style ("fill",state.scrollerActiveFill); |
h.scrollText.text (function (d) { |
// in focus - show the row/ column depending on which point is selected |
if (d.name === "top") return 1+d3.min ( h.vizData , function (e) { return e.or ;} ); |
if (d.name === "bottom") return 1+d3.max ( h.vizData , function (e) { return e.or ;} ); |
if (d.name === "left") return ns.columnLabelMaker(1+d3.min ( h.vizData , function (e) { return e.oc ;} )); |
if (d.name === "right") return ns.columnLabelMaker(1+d3.max ( h.vizData , function (e) { return e.oc ;} )); |
console.error ("failed to find scrollpoint", d); |
}) |
.style ("font-size", function (d) { |
return d.scale * d.or; |
}); |
// select all the cells |
const boxes = h.selection |
.selectAll(".heatgroup") |
.data(h.vizData); |
boxes.exit().remove(); |
// create new entries |
const genter = boxes.enter() |
.append("g") |
.attr("class", "heatgroup"); |
// create new items |
genter.append("rect").attr("class", "heatbox"); |
genter.append("text").attr("class", "heattext"); |
genter.append("circle").attr("class", "heatcircle"); |
genter.append("text").attr("class", "heata1"); |
// merge all that |
const enter = genter |
.merge (boxes) |
.classed ("hbox", function (d) { |
return ishbox(d); |
}); |
// and text |
enter.select(".heattext") |
.text(function(d) { return d.sheetValue }) |
.style("fill", state.textColor) |
.style("font-size", function(d) { |
d.textLength = this.getComputedTextLength(); |
return d.height / 3 + "px"; |
}) |
.attr("x", function(d, i) { return d.x; }) |
.attr("y", function(d, i) { return d.y; }) |
.attr("dx", function(d) { return ".5em"; }) |
.attr("dy", function(d) { return "2em"; }); |
enter.select (".heatbox") |
.attr("x", function (d) { return d.x; }) |
.attr("y", function (d) { return d.y; }) |
.attr("width", function (d) { |
return ishbox(d) ? Math.max(d.width, d.textLength) : d.width; |
}) |
.attr("height", function (d) { return d.height; }) |
.style("stroke", function (d) { |
return isharc (d) ? state.activeBorderColor : state.borderColor; |
}) |
.style("stroke-width", function (d) { |
return isharc (d) ? state.activeBorderWidth : state.borderWidth; |
}) |
.style("opacity", function (d) { |
return ishbox(d) ? 1 : 1; // .8 |
}) |
.style("fill", function(d) { return d.clicked ? state.clickFill : filler(d); }); |
// and circles |
enter.select(".heatcircle") |
.attr ("r",function (d) { |
return ishbox(d) ? d.height/3 : 0; |
}) |
.attr ("cx", function (d) { return !d.col ? d.width : d.x; }) |
.attr ("cy", function (d) { return !d.row ? d.height : d.y; }) |
.style ("fill",state.a1Fill) |
.style ("opacity", .7); |
// and text in the circles |
enter.select(".heata1") |
.attr ("x", function (d) { return !d.col ? d.width : d.x; }) |
.attr ("y", function (d) { return !d.row ? d.height : d.y; }) |
.style("text-anchor","middle") |
.text(function (d) { |
return ishbox(d) ? ns.columnLabelMaker(d.oc+1) + (d.or+1) : ''; |
}) |
.style ("fill",state.lightTextColor) |
.style("font-size", function(d) { return d.height / 3 + "px"; }) |
.attr("dy", "0.3em") |
.style ("opacity", .7); |
// sort everything |
enter.sort (function (a,b) { |
// we want the one with the biggest |
// scale to be last plotted and therefore on top |
// this will take care of ordering the |
// fisheyed items properly |
// always on top |
if (ishbox(a)) return 1; |
if (a.scale === b.scale) { |
// this'll be the normal case so do it in the natural order |
return a.row === b.row ? a.col - b.col : a.row - b.row; |
} |
else { |
return a.scale - b.scale; |
} |
}); |
return ns; |
}; |
ns.init = function() { |
if (!ns.state.gridHeat) { |
const state= ns.state; |
const h = (ns.state.gridHeat = {}); |
h.div = d3.select("#grid-heat"); |
h.panel = d3.select('#heat-panel'); |
h.dims = h.div.node().getBoundingClientRect(); |
h.height = h.dims.height; |
h.width = h.dims.width; |
// setup svg elem for grid |
h.frame = h.div |
.append("svg") |
.attr("width", h.width) |
.attr("height", h.height) |
.append("g") |
.attr("width", h.width) |
.attr("height", h.height) |
.attr("transform", "translate(" + 0 + "," + 0 + ")"); |
// this group is the grid rects |
h.selection = h.frame.append("g"); |
// the group is the scroll section |
h.scrollSelection = h.frame.append ("g"); |
// scroll points |
h.scroll = h.scroll || { |
or:0, |
oc:0 |
}; |
const r = state.margin * state.scroll.size; |
h.scroller = h.scrollSelection.selectAll(".heatboxscroller") |
.data ([{ |
name:"top", |
ox:h.width/2, |
oy:0, |
or:r, |
scale:1, |
ta:"middle", |
ab:"hanging", |
sc:0, |
sr:-1 |
}, { |
name:"bottom", |
ox:h.width/2, |
oy:h.height, |
or:r, |
scale:1, |
ta:"middle", |
ab:"ideographic", |
sc:0, |
sr:1 |
}, { |
name:"left", |
ox:0, |
oy:h.height/2, |
or:r, |
scale:1, |
ta:"start", |
ab:"middle", |
sc: -1 , |
sr:0 |
}, { |
name:"right", // which scroll point |
ox:h.width, // where to put it |
oy:h.height/2, // ... |
or:r, // normal radius |
scale:1, // will scale up when on |
ta:"end", // text horiz align |
ab:"middle", // text vertical al |
sc : 1, // increment col by this amount |
sr : 0 // incrment row by this anount |
} |
]) |
.enter () |
.append ("g") |
.attr("class", "heatboxscroller") |
.on ("click", function (d) { |
// a scroll is required |
h.box = null; |
const colExtent = d3.extent (h.flat, function (d){ return d.oc; }); |
const rowExtent = d3.extent (h.flat, function (d){ return d.or; }); |
const vizColExtent = d3.extent (h.vizData, function (d){ return d.oc; }); |
const vizRowExtent = d3.extent (h.vizData, function (d){ return d.or; }); |
if (vizColExtent[1] + d.sc <= colExtent[1] && vizColExtent[0] + d.sc >= colExtent[0]) { |
h.scroll.oc += d.sc; |
} |
if (vizRowExtent[1] + d.sr <= rowExtent[1] && vizRowExtent[0] + d.sr >= rowExtent[0]) { |
h.scroll.or += d.sr; |
} |
ns.drawHeat(); |
}) |
.on ("mouseover",function (d) { |
d.scale = state.scroll.scale; |
h.box = null; |
h.scrolling = d; |
ns.drawHeat(); |
}) |
.on ("mouseout", function (d) { |
d.scale = 1; |
h.scrolling = null; |
ns.drawHeat(); |
}); |
h.scrollPoint = h.scroller.append ("circle") |
.attr ("cx", function (d) { return d.ox ; }) |
.attr ("cy", function (d) { return d.oy ; }); |
h.scrollText = h.scroller.append ("text") |
.style("text-anchor",function (d) { |
return d.ta; |
}) |
.attr("alignment-baseline", function (d) { |
return d.ab; |
}) |
.attr ("x", function (d) { return d.ox;}) |
.attr ("y", function (d) { return d.oy;}) |
.style ("fill",state.lightTextColor); |
// click doesnt work properly, so using mousedown |
// this means to set the sheet to the current cell |
h.frame.on("mousedown", function(d) { |
// dont bother with this if we are scrolling just now |
const mousey = whereMouse (d3.mouse(this)); |
if (mousey.scrolling) return; |
// set any other clicked to false; |
h.vizData.forEach(function(d) { |
d.clicked = false; |
}); |
if (mousey.box) { |
// mark as clicked, but set a timer to reset it later. |
mousey.box.clicked = true; |
setTimeout (function () { |
mousey.box.clicked = false; |
ns.drawHeat(); |
}, 750); |
} |
// set this place as the new active place back in the sheets UI |
// if required |
return ns.drawHeat(); |
}); |
// mouse over selects fisheye for that cell |
h.frame.on("mouseover", function(d) { |
// dont bother with this if we are scrolling just now |
const mousey = whereMouse (d3.mouse(this)); |
if (mousey.scrolling) return; |
// if we've hit the border, deselect current hbox |
if (mousey.margins) { |
h.box = null; |
return ns.drawHeat(); |
} |
// we've got a box |
h.box = mousey.box; |
h.fishy = fishy(ns.state.distortion,ns.state.radius); |
h.fish = h.fishy(mousey.mouseAbout); |
return ns.drawHeat(); |
}); |
// having big trouble getting mouseleave to fire consistently so try on the div and the panel |
h.div.on("mouseout", function() { |
h.box = null; |
ns.drawHeat(); |
}); |
h.panel.on("mouseout", function() { |
h.box = null; |
ns.drawHeat(); |
}); |
/** |
* @param {object} mouse the mouse position |
* @return {object} what's happening |
*/ |
function whereMouse (mouse) { |
// nowhere if scrolling |
if (h.scrolling) { |
return { |
scrolling:true |
}; |
} |
const m = { |
x: mouse[0], |
y: mouse[1] |
}; |
// ignore the margins |
if (m.x < h.margin || m.x > h.width - h.margin || m.y < h.margin || m.y > h.height - m.margin){ |
return { |
margins:true |
}; |
} |
//find the active box |
const box = h.vizData.reduce(function(p,cell) { |
if (!p || (cell.x <= m.x && cell.y <= m.y)) { |
p = cell; |
} |
return p; |
}, null); |
if (!box) throw "couldnt find mouseover item at " + JSON.stringify(m); |
return { |
box:box, |
mouseAbout:m |
}; |
} |
return ns; |
} |
}; |
function ishbox (item) { |
const h = ns.state.gridHeat; |
return h.box && item.or === h.box.or && item.oc === h.box.oc; |
} |
function isharc (item) { |
const h = ns.state.gridHeat; |
return h.activerc && item.or === h.activerc.or && item.oc === h.activerc.oc; |
} |
function filler (item) { |
const h = ns.state.gridHeat; |
return item.value ? h.hs(item.value) : ns.state.unheat; |
} |
/** |
* https://github.com/chtefi/fisheye (babeled). |
* Create a factory to initialize a fisheye transformation. |
* It returns a function A that take a origin {x, y} that itself, return a |
* function B you can use to iterate through a list of items {x, y}. |
* |
* The items must have at least 2 properties { x, y }. |
* The function B returns a item with 3 properties { x, y, scale } according tp |
* the given origin and the parameter of the factory (` |
* and `radius`). |
* |
* @param {object} origin {x,y} |
* @param {number} distortion default: 2 |
* @param {number} radius default: 200 |
* @return {function} f(origin = {x, y}) => f(item = {x, y}) |
*/ |
function fishy() { |
var distortion = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? 2 : arguments[0]; |
var radius = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 200 : arguments[1]; |
var e = Math.exp(distortion); |
var k0 = e / (e - 1) * radius; |
var k1 = distortion / radius; |
return function (origin) { |
return function (item) { |
var dx = item.x - origin.x; |
var dy = item.y - origin.y; |
var distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); |
// too far away ? don't apply anything |
if (!distance || distance >= radius) { |
return { |
x: item.x, |
y: item.y, |
scale: distance >= radius ? 1 : 10 |
}; |
} |
var k = k0 * (1 - Math.exp(-distance * k1)) / distance * 0.75 + 0.25; |
return { |
x: origin.x + dx * k, |
y: origin.y + dy * k, |
scale: Math.min(k, 10) |
}; |
}; |
}; |
} |
/** |
* create a column label for sheet address, starting at 1 = A, 27 = AA etc.. |
* @param {number} columnNumber the column number |
* @return {string} the address label |
*/ |
ns.columnLabelMaker = function (columnNumber, s) { |
s = String.fromCharCode(((columnNumber - 1) % 26) + 'A'.charCodeAt(0)) + (s || ''); |
return columnNumber > 26 ? ns.columnLabelMaker(Math.floor((columnNumber - 1) / 26), s) : s; |
}; |
/** |
* accumulate on selection |
*/ |
ns.accumulateHeat = function (sheetId, selectedChanges) { |
const source = Client.state.sheets[sheetId.toString()]; |
if (!source) throw 'unknown sheet id selected' + sheetId; |
ns.state.gridHeat.sheetValues = source.sheetValues; |
ns.state.gridHeat.values = source.stats.changes.map (function (row,rin) { |
return row.map (function (cell,cin) { |
return Object.keys(cell).reduce (function(p,c){ |
if (!selectedChanges || selectedChanges.indexOf (c) !==-1) p.value = p.value + cell[c]; |
return p; |
},{value:0,or:rin,oc:cin}); |
}); |
}); |
}; |
return ns; |
})({}); |
const airports = [["name", "latitude_deg", "longitude_deg", "elevation_ft"], |
["Port Moresby Jacksons International Airport", -9.443380356,147.2200012, 146], |
["Edmonton International Airport", 53.30970001, -113.5800018 ,2373], |
["Halifax / Stanfield International Airport", 44.88079834, -63.50859833 , 477], |
["Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport", 45.32249832 ,-75.66919708 ,374], |
["Quebec Jean Lesage International Airport", 46.79109955, -71.39330292 ,244], |
["Vancouver International Airport", 49.19390106 ,-123.1839981 ,14], |
["Winnipeg Airport", 49.90999985 ,-97.23989868, 783], |
["London Airport",43.03559875 ,-81.15390015, 912], |
["Calgary International Airport", 51.11389923 ,-114.0199966, 3557], |
["Victoria International Airport", 48.64690018 ,-123.4260025 ,63], |
["St. John's International Airport", 47.61859894 ,-52.75189972 ,461], |
["Lester B. Pearson International Airport", 43.67720032 ,-79.63059998 ,569], |
["Houari Boumediene Airport", 36.69100189 ,3.215409994, 82], |
["Kotoka International Airport", 5.6051898, -0.1667860001, 205], |
["Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport", 9.006790161 ,7.263169765, 1123], |
["Akwa Ibom International Airport", 4.8725 ,8.093 ,170], |
["Murtala Muhammed International Airport", 6.577370167, 3.321160078, 135], |
["Tunis Carthage International Airport", 36.85100174, 10.22719955 ,22], |
["Brussels Airport", 50.90140152 ,4.48443985 ,184], |
["Brussels South Charleroi Airport", 50.45920181 ,4.453820229, 614], |
["Dresden Airport", 51.13280106 ,13.76720047 ,755], |
["Frankfurt am Main International Airport", 50.02640152, 8.543129921 ,364], |
["Hamburg Airport", 53.63040161, 9.988229752 ,53], |
["Cologne Bonn Airport", 50.86589813, 7.142739773 ,302], |
["Munich International Airport", 48.35380173, 11.78610039, 1487], |
["Nuremberg Airport", 49.49869919 ,11.06690025 ,1046 ], |
["Leipzig Halle Airport", 51.43239975, 12.24160004, 465]] |
Render.updateHeat( 0 , airports); |
</script> |