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Created September 7, 2012 08:06
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Save brucemcpherson/3664271 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Google apps script equivalent for cdataset
/** @description
* javaScript/Google Apps script functions for abstracting data from sheets
* See for more details
* @author <a href="">Bruce McPherson</a><a href=""></a>
* a cDataSet
* @class
* @implements {cDataSet}
* @return {cDataSet} a new cDataSet
function cDataSet () {
//-------private properties
var pCollect = new collection();
var pCollectColumns = new collection();
var pHeadingRow = new cHeadingRow();
//-------public properties ->methods
this.rows = function() {
return pCollect;
this.columns = function() {
return pCollectColumns;
this.headingRow = function() {
return pHeadingRow;
return this;
* return the cCell indexed
* @param {string|number} rowId the key or dataset row number of the cell
* @param {string|number} sid the key (column heading) or dataset column of the cell
* @return {cCell} the requested cCell
cDataSet.prototype.cell = function(rowId, sid, complain) {
if (! (dr = this.row(rowId,complain))){
if (fixOptional ( complain , false)) {
MsgBox (rowId.toString() + " is not a known row");
return dr.cell(sid,complain);
* return whether the cell contains a 'true like' value (yes/1/true etc..)
* @param {string|number} rowId the key or dataset row number of the cell
* @param {string|number} sid the key (column heading) or dataset column of the cell
* @return {boolean} whether cell is true
cDataSet.prototype.isCellTrue = function(rowId, sid) {
return isStringTrue(this.toString(rowId, sid)) ;
* convert the cell value to a string
* @param {string|number} rowId the key or dataset row number of the cell
* @param {string|number} sid the key (column heading) or dataset column of the cell
* @param {string=} sFormat an optional format to use
* @return {string} cell converted to use
cDataSet.prototype.toString = function(rowId, sid,sFormat) {
return this.cell(rowId, sid).toString() ;
* return the cell value
* @param {string|number} rowId the key or dataset row number of the cell
* @param {string|number} sid the key (column heading) or dataset column of the cell
* @param {boolean=} complain whether to complain if cell doesnt exist
* @return {*|undefined} cell value
cDataSet.prototype.value = function(rowId, sid,complain) {
var cc = this.cell(rowId, sid,complain);
return cc ? cc.value() : undefined;
* return the cDatarow indexed
* @param {string|number} rowId the key or dataset row number of the cell
* @param {boolean=} complain whether to complain if row doesnt exist
* @return {cDatarow|null} cDatarow
cDataSet.prototype.row = function(rowId,complain) {
if (!this.isLab()) {
if (!isTypeNumber(rowId) ) {
MsgBox ("Dataset " + + " must have labels enabled to use non-numeric labels");
return null;
return this.exists(rowId,complain);
* return the cDataColumn indexed
* @param {string|number} sid the key or dataset column number of the cell
* @return {cDataColumn|null} cDataColumn
cDataSet.prototype.column = function(sid) {
return this.columns().item(sid);
* return the collection of headings for this cDataSet
* @return {collection} collection of cCell
cDataSet.prototype.headings = function() {
return this.headingRow().headings();
* return the cDataRow indexed
* @param {string|number} sid the key or dataset row number of the cell
* @param {boolean=} complain whether to complain if row doesnt exist
* @return {cDataColumn|null} cDataColumn
cDataSet.prototype.exists = function(sid,complain) {
return this.rows().item(sid,complain);
* refresh the indexed cells
* @param {string|number=} rowId the key or dataset row number of the cell. Default all rows
* @param {string|number=} sId the key or dataset column number of the cell. Default all columns
* @return {cDataColumn|cDataRow|cCell} whatever was refreshed
cDataSet.prototype.refresh = function(rowId,sid) {
if (isUndefined(rowID) && isUndefined(sid)) {
for ( var i =0; i < this.rows().count(); i ++) {
else if (isUndefined(rowID)) {
return this.column(sid).refresh();
else if (isUndefined(sid)){
return this.row(sid).refresh();
else {
return this.cell(rowId,sid).refresh();
* commit the contents of the indexed cCells
* @param {*=} p a value to first enter in the indexed cell
* @param {string|number=} rowId the key or dataset row number of the cell. Default all rows
* @param {string|number=} sId the key or dataset column number of the cell. Default all columns
* @return {cDataColumn|cDataRow|cCell} whatever was committed
cDataSet.prototype.commit = function(p,rowId,sid) {
if (isUndefined(rowID) && isUndefined(sid)) {
for ( var i =0; i < this.rows().count(); i ++) {
else if (isUndefined(rowID)) {
return this.column(sid).commit(p);
else if (isUndefined(sid)){
return this.row(sid).commit(p);
else {
return this.cell(rowId,sid).commit(p);
* create a cDataSet - normally called automatically by populateData.
* @param {string=} sn a name for the cDataSet - default the same as the source worksheet
* @param {boolean=} blab whether to allow rows to have keys- default false
* @param {boolean=} keepFresh whether to keep the source sheet cache continually up to date- default false.
* @param {boolean=} stopAtFirstEmptyRow whether input data is delimited by a blank row- default true.
* @param {string=} sKey if blab (label keys allowed) this specifies the column name of the key - default the name of column 1.
* @param {number=} maxDataRows the maximum number of rows to use - default all rows.
* @return {cDataSet} the cDataSet
cDataSet.prototype.create = function(sn , blab,
keepFresh , stopAtFirstEmptyRow ,
sKey, maxDataRows ) {
var rCurrent = vOffset(this.headingRow().where(),1);
this.xWhere = rCurrent;
this.where = function () {
return this.xWhere;
this.xKeepFresh = fixOptional(keepFresh,false);
this.keepFresh = function() {
return this.xKeepFresh;
this.xName = makeKey(isUndefined(sn) ? this.xWhere.getSheet().getName() : sn); = function() {
return this.xName;
if ( this.xIsLab = fixOptional ( blab, false)) {
if (isUndefined(sKey) )
this.xKeyColumn = 1;
else if (this.headingRow().exists(sKey)) {
this.xKeyColumn = this.headingRow().exists(sKey).column();
this.isLab = function() {
return this.xIsLab;
this.keyColumn = function() {
return this.xKeyColumn;
var m = maxDataRows;
if (!m) m = wholeWs(WorkSheet(this.xWhere)).getNumRows();
// create the columns
for (var i = 0; i < this.headings().count() ; i++ ) {
var hCell = this.headings().item(i+1);
var dCol = new cDataColumn();
dCol.create (this, hCell, i+1) ;
this.columns().add( dCol, makeKey (hCell.toString()));
//get the shape of a blank delimited table
if (m > 0) {
this.xWhere = vResize(this.xWhere,m,this.headings().count());
if (stopAtFirstEmptyRow) this.xWhere = toEmptyRow(this.xWhere);
//read in the whole lot at once
if (this.xWhere) {
var rv = sheetCache(this.xWhere).getValues(this.xWhere);
var xw = vResize(this.xWhere,1); // avoid repeating making it one row
for (var i = 0 ; i < rv.length ; i++) {
var dRow = new cDataRow();
dRow.create (this, vOffset(xw,i), i+1 , rv[i]);
if (this.isLab()) {
var k = makeKey(dRow.cell(this.xKeyColumn).toString());
if (!this.rows().add (dRow, k, false)){
MsgBox ("Could not add duplicate key " + k +
" in data set " + + " column " +
else {
this.rows().add (dRow);
for (var j = 0; j < this.columns().count() ; j++ ) {
var dCol = this.columns().item(j+1);
dCol.rows().add (dRow.cell(dCol.column()));
else {
this.xWhere = Nothing;
return this;
* repopulate and potentially resize a cDataSet - will return a new cDataSet
* @return {cDataSet} the cDataSet
cDataSet.prototype.rePopulate = function(){
//this repopulates and creates a new cdataset
var s = this.xKeyColumn > 0 ? this.headingRow().headings(this.xKeyColumn) : '' ;
var newSet = new cDataSet();
//delete it from parent collection
if(this.parent()) this.parent().dataSets.remove(;
// recreate it with the same parameters as before
return newSet.populateData(firstcell(this.headingRow().where()), undefined ,, this.isLab(), undefined , this.parent(), true, s);
cDataSet.prototype.populateDataOptions = function(options) {
var jOptions = optionsExtend(options,
rStart : undefined,
keepFresh : false,
sn : undefined,
blab : false,
blockstarts : undefined,
ps : undefined,
bLikely : true, // different default
sKey : undefined,
maxDataRows : undefined,
stopAtFirstEmptyRow : true
return this.populateData(
* create and populate a cDataSet.
* @param {Range} rStart a range specifying either the start of or all of the input data set
* @param {boolean=} keepFresh whether to keep the source sheet cache continually up to date- default false.
* @param {string=} sn a name for the cDataSet - default the same as the source worksheet
* @param {boolean=} blab whether to allow rows to have keys- default false
* @param {string=} blockstarts the column 1 text at which a cDataSet starts - default - no text search
* @param {cDataSets=} ps the cDataSets collection of which this is a part - default - no collection
* @param {boolean=} bLikely whether to try to figure out the likely start of a cDataSet if beginning of range is blank - default - false
* @param {string=} sKey if blab (label keys allowed) this specifies the column name of the key - default the name of column 1.
* @param {boolean=} stopAtFirstEmptyRow whether input data is delimited by a blank row- default true.
* @param {number=} maxDataRows the maximum number of rows to use - default all rows.
* @return {cDataSet} the cDataSet
cDataSet.prototype.populateData = function(rStart, keepFresh, sn,
stopAtFirstEmptyRow) {
this.xParent = fixOptional(ps,null);
this.parent = function() {
return this.xParent;
// the table dimensions to look at
var rInput = rStart;
if(isUndefined(rInput)) {
rInput = getLikelyColumnRange();
else if (fixOptional (bLikely, false)) {
rInput = getLikelyColumnRange(rStart.getSheet());
// set up name and get actual table range start row
var blockName = makeKey(fixOptional (sn, ''));
var rp = vResize(rInput,1);
if (!isUndefined(blockstarts)) {
if (!blockName) blockName = makeKey(blockstarts);
rp = cleanFind(blockstarts, vResize(rInput,undefined,1), true, true);
if (rp) rp = toEmptyCol (rp);
else return rp;
this.headingRow().create (this, rp);
this.create (blockName, fixOptional(blab,false), fixOptional(keepFresh,false),
fixOptional(stopAtFirstEmptyRow,true), sKey, fixOptional(maxDataRows,0));
return this;
* Commit or Clone a cDataSet to cache and commit the cache.
* @param {Range} optrOut a range specifying either the start of or all of the output data. Default is original source
* @param {boolean=} optClearWs whether to clear the entire worksheet first- default false.
* @param {<Array>.*=} optHeadOrderArray An array of the column headings to be written. Default is all of them
* @param {string=} optFilterHead the name of a column to use to selectively output data - default ''
* @param {*=} optFilterValue if specified, only rows with values matching this value in optFilterHead column will be output
* @param {boolean=} optFilterApproximate if filtering, then whether approximate or exact matching is required- default true
* @param {boolean=} optOutputHeadings whether to output a heading row - default true
* @return {number} the number of rows written
cDataSet.prototype.bigCommit = function (optrOut,
optOutputHeadings) {
// this one does a quick bulk commit
var rTarget = fixOptional( optrOut, this.headingRow().where());
var targetCache = sheetCache(rTarget);
//possible that we clear the target worksheet frst
if (IsMissing(optHeadOrderArray)) {
// its possible to specify only a subset of columns, or reorder them
var headOrder = this.headings();
else {
var headOrder = new collection();
var s = '';
for (var nHeads = 0; nHeads < optHeadOrderArray.length; nHeads++ ){
var hcell = this.headingRow().exists(optHeadOrderArray[nHeads]);
if (hcell) {
headOrder.add (hcell, hcell.toString());
else {
s += (s ? ',' : '') + optHeadOrderArray[nHeads].toString() ;
if(s) MsgBox ("These fields do not exist " + s);
//is there a filter ?
var filterCol = 0;
if(fixOptional(optFilterHead,'')) {
var hcell = this.headingRow().exists(optFilterHead);
if (hcell) {
filterCol = hcell.column();
else {
MsgBox (optFilterHead + " does not exist to filter on..ignoring");
// now output to cache
var n=0;
if(headOrder.count()) {
var outputHeadings = fixOptional (optOutputHeadings, true) ;
if (outputHeadings) n =1;
// we're using cache so no problem stepping through this one by one.
var self = this;
var i = 0;
if (outputHeadings) {
function (hcell) {
function (dr) {
if(self.filterOk(dr, filterCol, optFilterValue, optFilterApproximate)) {
function (hcell) {
return n;
* check to see if a row matches filter specified in bigcommit - used internally
* @param {cDataRow} dr the row to consider
* @param {number} filterCol the column number of column to check
* @param {*} filterValue the value to check against
* @param {boolean} optFilterApproximate if filtering, then whether approximate or exact matching is required
* @return {boolean} whether this row passes the filter test
cDataSet.prototype.filterOk = function(dr, filterCol,filterValue, filterApproximate){
return filterCol ?
(filterApproximate ?
Like (dr.cell(filterCol),filterValue) :
dr.cell(filterCol) == filterValue )
cDataSet.prototype.logIt = function(){
DebugPrint(' datasset',,sad(this.where()));
this.rows().forEach (
function(drItem,drIndex) { // for each row
DebugPrint(' row',drItem.row(),sad(drItem.where()));
drItem.columns().forEach (
function(dcItem,dcIndex) { // for each cell
DebugPrint (' item r,c',dcItem.row(),dcItem.column(),dcItem.value(),sad(dcItem.where()));
DebugPrint(' ncols', this.columns().count());
var self = this;
this.columns().forEach (
function(doItem,doIndex) { // for each column
DebugPrint(' column',doItem.column(),sad(doItem.where()));
this.headings().forEach (
function(dhItem,dhIndex) { // for each heading
DebugPrint(' heading',dhItem.value(),sad(dhItem.where()));
* a cCell
* @class
* @implements {cCell}
* @return {cCell} a new cCell
function cCell () {
* construct a cCell
* @param {cDataRow} par the row this belongs in
* @param {number} colNum the column number
* @param {Range} rCell it's address
* @param {*=} v the value (if not given, will look up the rCell
* @return {cCell} for chaining
cCell.prototype.create = function(par, colNum , rCell, v ) {
this.xColumn = colNum;
this.column= function() {
return this.xColumn;
this.xParent = par;
this.parent= function() {
return this.xParent;
this.xWhere = rCell;
this.where= function() {
return this.xWhere;
this.row = function () {
return this.parent().row();
if (isUndefined(v))
this.xValue = v ;
return this;
* refresh a cCell from it's cache
* @return {*} the value
cCell.prototype.refresh = function(){
return (this.xValue =
* whether or not we are supposed to be keeping the range for this ccell constatly refreshed
* @return {boolean} whether it needs to be kept fresh
cCell.prototype.keepFresh = function() {
return this.parent().parent().keepFresh();
* convert to string
* @param {string=} sFormat the format to use (optional - not yet implemented)
* @return {string} the cCell value converted to a string
cCell.prototype.toString = function(sFormat) {
if (isUndefined(sFormat)) {
return this.xValue.toString();
else {
* the cCell value
* @return {*} the cCell value
cCell.prototype.value = function() {
return this.keepFresh() ? this.refresh() : this.xValue;
* set the cCell value
* @param {*} p the value to set
* @return {*} the cCell value
cCell.prototype.letValue = function(p) {
return this.keepFresh() ? this.commit(p) : (this.xValue = p);
* say whether this needs swapped in a sort
* @param {cCell} cc the cell to compare with
* @param {ESORT=} es the sort order from the ESORT enum
* @return {boolean} swap is needed
cCell.prototype.needSwap = function( cc,es){
switch (es) {
case ESORT.ESORTAscending:
return LCase(this.toString()) > LCase(cc.toString());
case ESORT.ESORTDescending:
return LCase(this.toString()) < LCase(cc.toString());
return false;
* commit the cCell value to the sheet cache
* @param {*=} p the value to set and then commit (default, the current ccell value)
* @return {*} the cCell value
cCell.prototype.commit = function (p) {
if (!isUndefined(p)) {
this.xValue = p;
return this.refresh();
// conversion of cDataColumn VBA class to Google Apps Script
// a collection of data Cells representing one column of data
* a cDataColumn
* @class
* @implements {cDataColumn}
* @return {cDataColumn} a new cDataColumn
function cDataColumn () {
//-------private properties
var pCollect = new collection();
this.rows = function () {
return pCollect;
this.xTypeofColumn = ETYPEOFCOLUMN.eTCunknown;
* return the type of values to be found in this column
* @return {ETYPEOFCOLUMN} the type of column from ETYPEOFCOLUMN enum
cDataColumn.prototype.typeOfColumn = function (){
return this.xTypeofColumn;
* return the type of values to be found in this column - GoogleWire names
* @return {string} the type of column
cDataColumn.prototype.googleType = function() {
switch (this.xTypeofColumn) {
case ETYPEOFCOLUMN.eTCnumeric:
return "number";
return "date";
return "string";
* return the column number for this column
* @return {number} the column number
cDataColumn.prototype.column= function() {
return this.xColumn;
* return the cDataSet to which this cDataColumn belongs
* @return {cDataSet} the column number
cDataColumn.prototype.parent= function() {
return this.xParent;
* return the cCell where the heading value for this column can be found
* @return {cCell} the column number
cDataColumn.prototype.headingCell= function() {
return this.xHeadingCell;
* return the Range that describes this column's range
* @return {Range} the range for this column and its data
cDataColumn.prototype.where = function () {
return this.headingCell().where().offset(1,0,this.parent().where().getNumRows(),1);
* return the cCell at a particular row for this column
* @param (number|string} rowId the string or row number identifying the required row
* @return {Range} the ccell at the given row
cDataColumn.prototype.cell = function(rowId){
return this.parent().cell(rowId, this.headingCell().column());
* refresh the cCell or entire column
* @param (number|string=} rowId the string or row number identifying the required row(default- all rows)
* @return {*} the value of the ccell at the given row, or null if the whole column
cDataColumn.prototype.refresh = function(rowId){
if (isUndefined(rowId)) {
for ( var i=0; i < this.rows().count() ; i ++){
return null;
else {
return (this.cell(rowId)).refresh();
* return a collection of cCells containing unique values for this column
* @param {ESORT=} es the sort order from the ESORT enum
* @return {collection} collection of cCells
cDataColumn.prototype.uniqueValues = function(es){
var self = this;
var vUnique = new collection();
function (cc) {
// just try to add and dont complain if it doesnt work
vUnique.add (cc,cc.toString(),false);
return es == ESORT.ESORTNone ?
vUnique :
( vUnique.sort (
es == ESORT.ESORTAscending ? undefined :
function (a,b) { return (a<b) })
// -- max
cDataColumn.prototype.max = function(){
// -- min
cDataColumn.prototype.min = function(){
* commit the cDataColumn or cCell value to the sheet cache
* @param {*=} p the value to set and then commit (default, the current ccell value)
* @param {*=} rowId the row to apply this to (default, the whole column)
* @return {*} the value of the ccell at the given row, or null if the whole column
cDataColumn.prototype.commit = function(p,rowId){
if (isUndefined(rowId)) {
for ( var i=0; i < this.rows().count() ; i ++){
return null;
else {
return (this.cell(rowId)).commit(p);
* convert cCell to to string
* @param {number|string} rowNum the rowId to get the ccell from
* @param {string} sFormat the format to use TODO
* @return {*} the formated string
cDataColumn.prototype.toString = function(rowNum, sFormat) {
return (this.cell(rowNum).toString(sFormat));
* construct a cDataColumn
* @param {cDataSet} dSet the cDataSet to which this column belongs
* @param {cCell} hCell the cCell holding the header value for this column
* @param {hCell} colNum the column number of this cell
* @return {cDataColumn} the cDataColumn
cDataColumn.prototype.create = function(dSet, hCell, colNum ) {
this.xColumn = colNum;
this.xParent = dSet;
this.xHeadingCell = hCell;
return this;
// conversion of cDataRow VBA class to Google Apps Script
* cDataRow a collection of cCells representing one row of data
* @class
* @implements {cDataRow}
* @return {cDataRow} a new cDataRow
var cDataRow = function () {
//-------private properties
var pCollect = new collection();
//-------public properties ->methods
this.columns = function() {
return pCollect;
* construct a cDataRow
* @param {cDataSet} dSet the cDataSet to which this row belongs
* @param {Range} rDataRow the spreadsheet range for this row
* @param {number} nRow the row number of this cell in the cDataSet
* @param {<Array>.*=} vArray an array of width nRow with the values for this row if known(if not given will be taken from the range)
* @return {cDataRow} the cDataRow
cDataRow.prototype.create = function (dSet, rDataRow, nRow, vArray) {
this.xWhere = rDataRow;
this.where = function () {
return this.xWhere;
this.xParent = dSet;
this.parent = function () {
return this.xParent;
this.xRow = nRow;
this.row = function () {
return this.xRow;
var n = 0;
if( !this.xRow) {
var r = firstcell(this.xWhere);
var nx = this.xWhere.getNumColumns();
for (var i = 0; i < nx ; i++) {
var dCell = new cCell();
dCell.create (this,i+1,r);
this.columns().add (dCell, makeKey(dCell.toString()));
else {
var hr = this.parent().headingRow();
for ( var i=0; i < hr.headings().count() ; i++ ){
var hCell = hr.headings().item(i+1);
var dCell = new cCell();
var rCell = this.where().offset(0,hCell.column()-1,1,1);
var v = vArray[i];
dCell.create ( this,hCell.column(),rCell,v);
this.columns().add ( dCell) ;
// set the type of data
var dc = this.parent().columns().item(hCell.column(),true);
if (!IsEmpty(v)){
if (dc.xTypeofColumn != ETYPEOFCOLUMN.eTCmixed) {
if (IsDate(v)) {
if (dc.xTypeofColumn != ETYPEOFCOLUMN.eTCdate) {
dc.xTypeofColumn =
( dc.xTypeofColumn == ETYPEOFCOLUMN.eTCunknown ?
else if (IsNumeric(v)) {
if (dc.xTypeofColumn != ETYPEOFCOLUMN.eTCnumeric) {
dc.xTypeofColumn =
( dc.xTypeofColumn == ETYPEOFCOLUMN.eTCunknown ?
else {
if (dc.xTypeofColumn != ETYPEOFCOLUMN.eTCtext) {
dc.xTypeofColumn =
( dc.xTypeofColumn == ETYPEOFCOLUMN.eTCunknown ?
return this;
* get the cCell at given column ID
* @param {string|number} sid the column name or number to get the cCell from
* @param {boolean} complain whether to complain if this is an invalid address
* @return {cCell} the cCell
cDataRow.prototype.cell = function(sid,complain) {
var cc = null;
if (! (cc = this.exists(sid))){
if (fixOptional ( complain , true)) {
MsgBox (sid.toString() + " is not a known column heading");
return cc;
* get the value at given column ID
* @param {string|number} sid the column name or number to get the value from
* @return {*} the value
cDataRow.prototype.value = function(sid) {
var cc = this.cell(sid);
if (cc) {
return cc.value();
* refresh the cCell at given column ID
* @param {string|number=} sid the column name or number to refresh(default the whole row)
* @return {cCell|null} the cCell if a single cCell specified
cDataRow.prototype.refresh = function(sid) {
if (isUndefined(sid)) {
function (cItem,cIndex) {
return this.cell(sid).refresh();
* commit the cCell at given column ID
* @param {*=} p the value to commit (default the current cCell value)
* @param {string|number=} sid the column name or number to refresh(default the whole row)
* @return {cCell|null} the cCell if a single cCell specified
cDataRow.prototype.commit = function(p, sid) {
if (isUndefined(sid)) {
function (cItem,cIndex) {
return this.cell(sid).commit(p);
* convert the cCell at given column ID to a string
* @param {string|number} sid the column name or number to format
* @param {string=} sFormat the format to use (TODO)
* @return {string} the converted string
cDataRow.prototype.toString = function(sid, sFormat) {
return (this.cell(sid).toString(sFormat));
* return the cCell at the given column if it exists
* @param {string|number} sid the column name or number to format
* @param {boolean=} complain whether or not to complain if ccel doesnt exist
* @return {cCell} the cCell
cDataRow.prototype.exists = function(sid,complain){
var c = fixOptional (complain, false);
return isTypeNumber (sid) ?
this.columns().item(sid,c) :
this.columns().item(this.parent().headings().item(sid,c).column(), c ) ;
// conversion of cHeadingRow VBA class to Google Apps Script
// a data rows representing headings in a table
var cHeadingRow = function () {
this.xDataRow = new cDataRow();
cHeadingRow.prototype.create = function(dSet, rHeading, keepFresh){
this.xDataRow.create ( dSet, rHeading,0, keepFresh);
return this;
cHeadingRow.prototype.dataRow = function(){
return this.xDataRow;
cHeadingRow.prototype.parent = function(){
return this.xDataRow.parent();
cHeadingRow.prototype.headings = function(){
return this.xDataRow.columns();
cHeadingRow.prototype.where = function(){
return this.xDataRow.where();
cHeadingRow.prototype.exists = function(s,complain){
return this.headings().item(makeKey(s),complain);
cHeadingRow.prototype.validate = function(complain,args){
var s ='';
for( var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {
if (!this.exists(arguments[i],false)) {
if (s) s += ",";
s += arguments[i].toString() ;
if (s) {
if (complain) {
MsgBox("The following required columns are missing from dataset " +
this.parent().name() + ":" + s);
return false;
return true;
// conversion of cDataSets VBA class to Google Apps Script
// a collection of cDataSets
var cDataSets = function () {
//-------private properties
var pCollect = new collection();
var pName ='DataSets';
//-------public properties ->methods
this.dataSets = function() {
return pCollect;
this.dataSet = function(n,complain) {
return pCollect.item(n,fixOptional(complain,false));
}; = function(){
return pName;
this.create = function(sName) {
if (!isUndefined(sName)) pName = sName;
return this;
this.init = function(rInput, keepFresh,
sn ,
blab , blockstarts ,
bLikely ,
sKey) {
ds = new cDataSet();
ds.populateData (rInput, keepFresh, sn, blab, blockstarts, this, bLikely, sKey);
return pCollect.add(ds,;
DebugPrint('datassets',,this.dataSets().count() + ' datasets');
this.dataSets().forEach( // for each dataset
function(dsItem,dsIndex) {
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