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Created September 7, 2012 08:21
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  • Save brucemcpherson/3664315 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save brucemcpherson/3664315 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
roadmapper specific stuff
//create a chart to append to roadmap
var cChartContainer = function (rt) {
var pScRoot = rt;
this.xChart = null;
this.root = function () {
return pScRoot;
this.chart = function () {
return this.xChart;
return this;
cChartContainer.prototype.makeChart = function () {
var rt = this.root();
var shp = rt.shape();
if (rt.chartStyle() != SCHARTTYPES.ctNone) {
// the size of the chart will be a proportion of the roadmap size in parameter sheet
var chtHeight = shp.height() * rt.chartProportion();
// add a panel under the roadamap to contain the chart
this.xChart = rt.addShape(SHAPETYPES.stPanel, shp.left(), + shp.height(),
shp.width(), chtHeight );
// create the google table
this.xBuilder =
DebugAssert( Charts.newDataTable() , 'failed to create a data table builder');
// add the roadmap data
this.chartArray = [];
// transpose if necesay
var chartArray = arrayTranspose(this.chartArray);
// build a table
this.xBuilder.addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.STRING,chartArray[0][0]) ;
for (var i=0 ; i < chartArray[0].length ;i++)
this.xBuilder.addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.NUMBER, chartArray[0][i+1]) ;
// do the rows
for (var i=1 ; i < chartArray.length ;i++) {
this.xBuilder.addRow( chartArray[i]) ;
// now build it
this.xDataTable = DebugAssert( , 'failed to build a data table');
// create the appropriate type of chart
this.xChartBuilder = rt.chartStyle() == SCHARTTYPES.ctShale ?
DebugAssert( Charts.newAreaChart(), 'failed to build area chart') :
rt.chartStyle() == SCHARTTYPES.ctColumnStacked ?
DebugAssert( Charts.newColumnChart(), 'failed to build column chart') :
rt.chartStyle() == SCHARTTYPES.ctLine ?
DebugAssert( Charts.newLineChart(), 'failed to build Line chart') :
DebugAssert (false,'unknown chart type ' + rt.chartStyle());
// tweak it
this.xChartObject = this.xChartBuilder
.setDimensions(shp.width(), chtHeight)
// add it to the panel and commit to the api;
return this;
cChartContainer.prototype.makeAxes = function () {
var oArray = this.root().scaleDates();
//var builder = this.xBuilder;
var v = new Array(oArray.length+1);
v[0] = "Periods";
for (var i=0; i < oArray.length ; i++){
v[i+1] = oArray[i].finishText;
return this;
cChartContainer.prototype.makeSeries = function ( scParent ) {
// its recursive, do the children first
var sc = fixOptional (scParent, this.root());
var self = this;
self.makeSeries( child);
if (!IsEmpty(sc.cost())) {
if ( sc.isData() && sc.cost() ){
// add data for this series
cChartContainer.prototype.makeValues = function ( sc){
//this calcultes the values based on the rules for treatment of the cost
var dsd = this.dLater(sc.activate(), sc.activate(), sc.root().activate());
var dfd = this.dEarlier(sc.deActivate(), sc.deActivate(), sc.root().deActivate());
var dur = dfd - dsd;
var bDone = false;
var oArray = this.root().scaleDates();
var v = new Array(oArray.length+1);
for (i=0; i < oArray.length ; i++){
var sd = oArray[i].start;
var fd = oArray[i].finish;
var efd = this.dEarlier(fd, sc.deActivate(), fd);
var esd = this.dLater(sd, sc.activate(), sd);
var p=0;
//proportion of annual cost occurring in this period
if ( esd > fd || efd < sd || bDone ) {
p =0;
else {
switch (sc.chartCostTreatment()) {
case STREATS.stcAnnual:
p = (efd - esd) / (DateSerial(Year(fd), 12, 31) - DateSerial(Year(fd), 1, 1) );
case STREATS.stcDuration:
p = (efd - esd + 1) / dur;
case STREATS.stcOneOffStart:
p = 1;
bDone = True;
case STREATS.stcOneOffFinish:
if (efd < fd ) {
bDone = true;
else {
DebugAssert ( false,'unknown chart cost treatment' );
DebugAssert ( p>=0,'some deactivate/activate dates must be reversed' );
v[i+1] =p* sc.cost();
v[0] = sc.text();
return this;
cChartContainer.prototype.dEarlier = function (a,b,missing){
var ea = a ? a : missing;
var eb = b ? b : missing;
return ea > eb ? eb : ea;
cChartContainer.prototype.dLater = function (a,b,missing){
var ea = a ? a : missing;
var eb = b ? b : missing;
return ea < eb ? eb : ea;
// emulate excel shapes by using the UI
// public variable holding the panel to contain the shapes
var shapePanel;
function usePanel() {
return shapePanel ? shapePanel : shapePanel = new cUiPanel();
function showPanel() {
return shapePanel;
var cUiPanel = function(){
this.xApp = UiApp.createApplication(); = function(){
return this.xApp;
this.xAbsolutePanel =;
this.absolutePanel = function(){
return this.xAbsolutePanel;
// keep track of the biggest assigned and tweak the panel later
this.xMaxHeight = 0;
this.xMaxWidth = 0;
// a shape will be placed on the absolute panel defined by usePanel().xAbsolutePanel
var cShape = function (isaPanel) {
this.xIsaPanel = fixOptional(isaPanel,false);
this.xShapePanel = usePanel();
this.xBox = this.xIsaPanel ? :;
this.xLeft = this.xTop = this.xHeight = this.xWidth =0;
this.xVisible = true;
return this;
}; = function() {
return this.shapePanel().app();
cShape.prototype.panel = function() {
return this.shapePanel().absolutePanel();
cShape.prototype.shapePanel = function() {
return this.xShapePanel;
}; = function() {
return this.xBox;
cShape.prototype.borderCss = function() {
return '1px solid gray';
cShape.prototype.borderRadiusCss = function() {
return this.xRounded ? '5px' : '0px';
cShape.prototype.commit = function() {
// position and size the box
.setHeight (this.height())
this.panel().setWidgetPosition(, this.left() , );;
// adjust the absolute panel so its always big enough with a small % border
var smallPercent = 1.05;
var x= (this.height() + ) * smallPercent ;
if ( x > this.shapePanel().xMaxHeight) {
this.panel().setHeight(this.shapePanel().xMaxHeight = x);
x= (this.width() + this.left())* smallPercent;
if ( x > this.shapePanel().xMaxWidth) {
this.panel().setWidth(this.shapePanel().xMaxWidth = x);
return this;
cShape.prototype.left = function() {
return this.xLeft;
cShape.prototype.visible = function() {
return this.xVisible;
}; = function() {
return this.xTop;
cShape.prototype.height = function() {
return this.xHeight;
cShape.prototype.width = function() {
return this.xWidth;
cShape.prototype.text = function() {
return this.xText;
}; = function() {
return this.xBox;
cShape.prototype.setHeight = function(height) {
this.xHeight = height;
return this;
cShape.prototype.setWidth = function(width) {
this.xWidth = width;
return this;
cShape.prototype.setLeft = function(left) {
this.xLeft = left;
return this;
cShape.prototype.setTop = function(top) {
this.xTop = top;
return this;
cShape.prototype.setText = function(text) {
this.xText = text;
return this;
cShape.prototype.setRounded = function(b) {
this.xRounded = fixOptional(b,true);
return this;
cShape.prototype.setVisible = function(b) {
this.xVisible = fixOptional(b,true);
return this;
cShape.prototype.setBackgroundColor = function(c) {
this.xBackgroundColor = c;
return this;
cShape.prototype.setColor = function(c) {
this.xColor = c;
return this;
cShape.prototype.setVerticalAlign = function(c) {
this.xVerticalAlign = c;
return this;
cShape.prototype.setTextAlign = function(c) {
this.xTextAlign = c;
return this;
cShape.prototype.setFontSize = function(c) {
this.xFontSize = c;
return this;
var cShapeContainer = function() {
var pChildren = new collection();
this.children = function() {
return pChildren;
this.xSerial = 0;
this.serial = function() {
return this.xSerial;
this.xParent = null;
this.parent = function(){
return this.xParent;
cShapeContainer.prototype.debug = function (s){
function (sc) {
// create--
cShapeContainer.prototype.create = function(rt,pr,rplot,dss){
this.xScType = isUndefined(this.xDataRow=pr) ? SCTYPES.sctframe : SCTYPES.sctdata;
this.scType = function() {
return this.xScType;
this.dataRow = function() {
return this.xDataRow;
DebugAssert ( (this.xDataRow && this.xScType == SCTYPES.sctdata) ||
(!this.xDataRow && this.xScType == SCTYPES.sctframe),'mismatchdata/type');
this.xRoot = rt;
this.root = function() {
return this.xRoot;
this.xWhere = rplot;
this.where = function() {
return this.xWhere;
this.xDsets = dss;
this.xSerial = (this.root().xSerial ++);
return this;
cShapeContainer.prototype.valid = function() {
return this.parent();
cShapeContainer.prototype.dSets = function() {
return this.root().xDsets;
cShapeContainer.prototype.plot = function() {
return this.where();
// target..if parent is confirmed use the parents ID, otherwise go to the data. If blank, use the frame as the target = function() {
var s;
return this.valid() ?
this.parent().id() :
(s=this.fetchKey("Target")) ?
s :
cShapeContainer.prototype.isFrame =function () {
return this.scType()==SCTYPES.sctframe;
cShapeContainer.prototype.isData =function() {
return this.scType()==SCTYPES.sctdata;
cShapeContainer.prototype.assertData = function(sExtra) {
if (this.dataRow()) {
DebugAssert( this.isData() ,'expected a data item ' +fixOptional(sExtra,''));
else {
DebugAssert ( this.isFrame(),'expected a frame ' +fixOptional(sExtra,''));
return this.dataRow();
cShapeContainer.prototype.isRounded = function(s) {
return s == SHAPETYPES.stRoundedRectangularCallout || s == SHAPETYPES.stRoundedRectangle;
cShapeContainer.prototype.whichShape = function(s) {
switch(LCase(s)) {
case "pentagon" :
return SHAPETYPES.stPentagon;
case "rectangle":
return SHAPETYPES.stRectangle;
case "rounded rectangle":
return SHAPETYPES.stRoundedRectangle;
case "chevron":
return SHAPETYPES.stChevron;
case "notched right arrow":
return SHAPETYPES.stNotchedRightArrow;
case "right arrow":
return SHAPETYPES.stRightArrow;
case "right arrow callout":
return SHAPETYPES.stRightArrowCallout;
case "rectangular callout":
return SHAPETYPES.stRectangularCallout;
case "rounded rectangular callout":
return SHAPETYPES.stRoundedRectangularCallout;
case "none":
return SHAPETYPES.stNone;
case "line callout accent bar":
return SHAPETYPES.stLineCallout2AccentBar;
MsgBox ("Used default - cant find shape " + s);
return SHAPETYPES.stDefault;
cShapeContainer.prototype.startScale = function() {
return this.xStartScale;
cShapeContainer.prototype.finishScale = function() {
return this.xFinishScale;
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramStartDate = function() {
var s = makeKey(this.paramCell("containers", "start date", "value").toString());
var dsmallest=0;
if (s == "automatic" ) {
var d = dr.value("activate");
if((d && d < dsmallest) || !dsmallest) {
return dsmallest;
else {
return this.param("containers", "start date", "value");
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramFinishDate = function() {
var s = makeKey(this.paramCell("containers", "finish date", "value").toString());
var dbiggest=0;
if (s == "automatic" ) {
var d = dr.value("deactivate");
if((d && d > dbiggest) || !dbiggest) {
return dbiggest;
else {
return this.param("containers", "finish date", "value");
cShapeContainer.prototype.activate = function() {
if (this.isFrame()) {
return this.startScale() ? this.startScale() : this.paramStartDate();
else {
var mind = this.root().activate();
return this.dateGiven('activate') ?
(this.fieldData("activate") < mind ?
mind :
this.fieldData("activate") ) :
cShapeContainer.prototype.deActivate = function() {
if (this.isFrame()) {
return this.finishScale() ? this.finishScale() : this.paramFinishDate();
else {
var maxd = this.root().deActivate();
return this.dateGiven('deActivate') ?
(this.fieldData("deActivate") > maxd ?
maxd : this.fieldData("deActivate") ) :
cShapeContainer.prototype.text = function() {
return this.assertData('text') ? this.dataRow().toString("Description") : this.paramTitle();
cShapeContainer.prototype.calloutText = function() {
return this.assertData('callOutText') ? this.dataRow().toString("Callout") : '';
cShapeContainer.prototype.sequence = function() {
return this.fieldData("sequence");
cShapeContainer.prototype.cost = function() {
var x = this.fieldData("cost");
return x ? x : 0 ;
cShapeContainer.prototype.custom = function() {
return this.fieldData("custom");
cShapeContainer.prototype.fieldData = function(s) {
return this.assertData() ? this.dataRow().value(s) : null ;
cShapeContainer.prototype.dateGiven = function(s) {
return IsDate( this.fieldData(s));
cShapeContainer.prototype.fetchKey = function(s) {
return this.isData() ?
makeKey(this.dataRow().value(s)) :
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramShapeCalloutTemplate = function(s) {
return this.assertData('paramShapeCalloutTemplate') ? this.fixupCustomCell("callout format").where() : null ;
cShapeContainer.prototype.fixupCustomCell = function(sid) {
var cc= this.paramCustomCell(sid);
return cc ? cc : this.timeBasedRow().cell(sid) ;
}; = function() {
return this.fetchKey("id");
cShapeContainer.prototype.myWidth = function() {
return this.isData() ?
this.root().shape().width() * this.duration() / this.root().duration() :
cShapeContainer.prototype.myLeft = function() {
return this.root().shape() ?
this.root().shape().left() +
(this.activate()- this.root().activate() ) /
this.root().duration() * this.root().shape().width() :
cShapeContainer.prototype.duration = function() {
return this.deActivate() - this.activate();
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramGap = function() {
return this.fixupCustomCell("gap").value();
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramCalloutHeightAbove = function() {
return this.fixupCustomCell("callout % height").value();
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramCalloutMaxWidth = function() {
return this.fixupCustomCell("callout % width").value();
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramCalloutPosition = function() {
return this.fixupCustomCell("callout position").value();
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramExpansion = function() {
return isStringTrue(this.fixupCustomCell("allow expansion").value());
cShapeContainer.prototype.timeBasedRow = function() {
// try to figure out characteristics for a shape based on dates
var self = this;
var rdr = null;
this.dSets().dataSet("roadmap colors").rows().forEach(
function (dr) {
var sd = dr.value("decommission from");
var fd = dr.value("decommission to");
var datafd = self.deActivate();
if ( (!self.dateGiven("deactivate") && (!sd || !fd)) ||
(datafd >= sd && datafd <= fd) ){
return(rdr = dr);
MsgBox ("Could not find time based parameter for deactivate date " +
CStr(self.deActivate()) + " ID " +;
return rdr;
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramHeight = function() {
return this.fixupCustomCell("height").value();
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramFrameWidth = function() {
return this.param("containers", "width", "value");
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramFrameLeft = function() {
return this.param("containers", "left", "value");
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramFrameTop = function() {
return this.param("containers", "top", "value");
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramTitle = function() {
return this.param("options", "title", "value");
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramExpansion = function() {
return isStringTrue(this.fixupCustomCell("allow expansion").value());
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramShapeTemplate = function(s) {
return this.assertData('paramShapeTemplate') ?
this.fixupCustomCell("format").where() :
this.paramRange("containers", "frame", "format");
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramShapeType = function() {
return this.isFrame() ?
this.whichShape(this.param("containers", "frame", "value")):
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramShapeCalloutType = function() {
var cc;
return this.isData() ?
(cc = this.fixupCustomCell("callout") ? whichShape(cc.toString()) : SHAPETYPES.stNone) :
cShapeContainer.prototype.chartProportion = function() {
return this.param("options", "chart proportion", "value");
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramYesNo = function(dsn,rid,sid) {
return isStringTrue(this.param(dsn, rid, sid));
cShapeContainer.prototype.param = function(dsn,rid,sid) {
return this.paramCell(dsn, rid, sid).value();
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramCell = function(dsn,rid,sid) {
return this.dSets().dataSet(makeKey(dsn)).cell(rid,sid);
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramRange = function(dsn,rid,sid) {
return this.paramCell(dsn,rid,sid).where();
cShapeContainer.prototype.chartProportion = function() {
return (this.param("options", "chart proportion", "value"));
// how many branches in my tree
cShapeContainer.prototype.treeLength = function() {
var ht = 1;
function (sc) {
ht += sc.treeLength();
return ht;
cShapeContainer.prototype.myGapAfterMe = function() {
return this.paramGap();
cShapeContainer.prototype.myGapBeforeChildren = function() {
return this.children().count() ? this.paramGap() : 0;
cShapeContainer.prototype.myExpansion = function() {
return this.paramExpansion() ? true : this.biggestBranch() > 1 ;
cShapeContainer.prototype.mySpace = function() {
var ht = 0;
if (!this.children().count()){
ht= this.paramHeight() + this.myGapAfterMe();
else {
if (this.myExpansion()){
ht += this.myGapBeforeChildren();
function (sc,scIndex) {
ht += sc.mySpace();
ht += this.myGapAfterMe();
ht = this.paramHeight() + this.myGapAfterMe();
return ht;
cShapeContainer.prototype.myShapeHeight = function() {
return this.mySpace() - this.myGapAfterMe();
cShapeContainer.prototype.biggestBranch = function() {
var ht = this.children().count();
function (sc,scIndex) {
if (( t = sc.biggestBranch()) > ht) ht = t;
return ht;
cShapeContainer.prototype.find = function(vId) {
var scFound = this.childExists(vId);
if (!scFound) {
function (sc,scIndex) {
if (!scFound) scFound = sc.find(vId);
return scFound;
cShapeContainer.prototype.childExists = function(vId,complain) {
return this.children().item(vId,fixOptional(complain,false));
cShapeContainer.prototype.paramCustomCell = function(sValue,complain) {
var sCustom = this.fieldData("Custom");
if (sCustom) {
var p = this.paramCell("Custom Bars", sCustom, sValue);
if (!p && fixOptional (complain,true)) {
MsgBox ("could not find custom format definition |" +
sCustom + "|" + sValue + "| in parameter sheet");
return p;
cShapeContainer.prototype.shape = function() {
return this.xShape;
cShapeContainer.prototype.shapeType = function() {
return this.xShapeType;
cShapeContainer.prototype.shapeTemplate = function(shp,ptWhere) {
var where = !isUndefined(ptWhere) ? ptWhere : this.paramShapeTemplate();
var sh = fixOptional(shp,this.shape());
// minimize api calls again
var wn = WorkSheetName(WorkSheet(where));
var rn = where.getRow();
var cn = where.getColumn();
sh.setFontSize(sheetCache(wn,'getFontSizes').getValue(rn,cn)) ;
return this;
cShapeContainer.prototype.makeShape = function (xTop) {
var self = this;
// this would be a frame
if (isUndefined(xTop)) xTop = self.paramFrameTop() + this.paramHeight() / 2;;
// none shapes are made invisible but take space
if ((this.xShapeType = self.paramShapeType()) == SHAPETYPES.stNone)
this.xShapeType = SHAPETYPES.stDefault;
//this is the most complex part - creating the shapes of the correct size and placing them in the right spot
self.xShape = self.addShape(this.xShapeType,self.paramFrameLeft(),xTop, self.paramFrameWidth(), this.myShapeHeight());
.setVisible (self.paramShapeType() != SHAPETYPES.stNone);
if (self.isData()){
//this is where it gets tricky
var xNextTop = self.shape().top();
if(this.myExpansion()) {
//if we are allowing expansion of targets then need to make a gap to accommodate my children
xNextTop += self.myGapBeforeChildren();
function (sc) {
xNextTop += sc.mySpace();
DebugAssert (this.scType() == SCTYPES.sctframe, 'spring clean should start at root');
// probably dont need this in gapps
//deleteAllShapes Plot, nameStub
//one off reassociation of items from the root to be children of their target
//no need for recursion since to start with all are associated with the top level frame
var self = this;
function (scParent) {
function (scChild,i) {
if( =={
scParent.children().add (scChild,;
//confirm the parent as found
scChild.xParent = scParent;
//now all we need to do is clean up the children of the frame
for (var n = this.children().count(); n > 0 ; n--) {
var scChild = this.children().item(n);
if (!scChild.valid()) {
//we get here because we didnt find a target yet
if( != {
//and it wasnt the frame.. so
MsgBox("Did not find target " + + " for ID " +;
// confirm the frame as the parent
scChild.xParent = this;
else {
//remove from the frames children as already now child of someone else
this.children().remove (n);
//belt and braces
DebugAssert (scChild.valid(),'logic failure in associate');
return this;
cShapeContainer.prototype.createScale = function(){
var tickType = makeKey(this.param("containers", "ticks", "value"));
if (tickType == "automatic") tickType = this.autoScale(tickType);
return ( this.xScaleDates = this.createTicks(tickType));
cShapeContainer.prototype.scaleDates = function(){
return this.xScaleDates;
cShapeContainer.prototype.createTicks = function(s){
var oTicks = this.limitofScale(s, this.activate(), this.deActivate());
//patch in new scale
this.xStartScale = oTicks.start;
this.xFinishScale = oTicks.finish;
var p = this.paramFrameLeft();
var dheight = this.paramHeight();
var ft = this.paramRange("containers", "ticks", "format");
var ftop = this.paramFrameTop() ;
if (ftop < 0) {
MsgBox ("not enough room for scale - try changing the top parameter");
ftop = 0;
var tScaleDates = [];
var xcds = oTicks.start;
var ticks=0;
var p =this.paramFrameLeft();
while (xcds < oTicks.finish) {
DebugAssert( ticks <= ECONSTANTS.maxTicks,
"no room to show scale " + s + " :choose another scale");
// get end date of the tick for this start date
var oSub = this.limitofScale(s, xcds, xcds);
DebugAssert (oSub.finish > xcds, ' got confused calculating scale');
var w = this.myWidth() * (oSub.finish-oSub.start) / (oTicks.finish-oTicks.start+.0001);
var shp = this.addShape(SHAPETYPES.stRectangle, p, ftop, w, dheight)
p += shp.width();
tScaleDates.push( oSub);
xcds = addDays(oSub.finish, 1);
if (ticks){
return tScaleDates;
cShapeContainer.prototype.autoScale = function(){
DebugAssert( this.scType() == SCTYPES.sctframe,'unexpected type wants dates');
var idealTicks = ECONSTANTS.maxTicks * 0.5;
var tickDiff = ECONSTANTS.maxTicks + 1;
var s;
var sBest ='unknown';
for ( s in {"weeks":0, "months":0, "quarters":0, "halfyears":0,"years":0} ) {
var ob = this.limitofScale(s, this.activate(), this.deActivate());
if( Abs(idealTicks - ob.ticks) < tickDiff ){
sBest = s;
tickDiff = Abs(idealTicks - ob.ticks);
DebugAssert( tickDiff <= ECONSTANTS.maxTicks,"Couldnt find a feasible automatic scale to use for roadmap");
return sBest;
cShapeContainer.prototype.limitofScale = function(s, sd, fd) {
var obj = {};
obj['start'] = null;
obj['finish'] = null;
obj['ticks'] = 0;
obj['finishText'] = '';
obj['startText'] = '';
switch (s) {
case "weeks":
obj.start = addDays(sd, -(sd.getDay() % 7), -1);
obj.finish = addDays(fd, 6 - (fd.getDay() % 7), 1);
obj.ticks = Math
.floor((1 + daysDiff(obj.start, obj.finish)) / 7);
obj.startText = niceDate(obj.start);
obj.finishText = niceDate(obj.finish);
return obj;
case "months":
obj.start = new Date(sd.getFullYear(), sd.getMonth(), 1);
obj.finish = addDays(new Date(fd.getFullYear(),
fd.getMonth() + 1, 1), -1, 1);
obj.ticks = Math
.floor((1 + daysDiff(obj.start, obj.finish)) / 30);
obj.startText = ECONSTANTS.mths[obj.start.getMonth()] + '-'
+ padYear(obj.start);
obj.finishText = ECONSTANTS.mths[obj.finish.getMonth()] + '-'
+ padYear(obj.finish);
return obj;
case "quarters":
obj.start = new Date(sd.getFullYear(), sd.getMonth()
- (sd.getMonth() % 3), 1);
obj.finish = addDays(new Date(fd.getFullYear(), fd.getMonth()
+ 3 - (fd.getMonth() % 3), 1), -1, 1);
obj.ticks = Math
.floor((1 + daysDiff(obj.start, obj.finish)) / 90);
obj.startText = 'Q'
+ (1 + Math.floor(obj.start.getMonth() / 3)).toString()
+ padYear(obj.start);
obj.finishText = obj.startText;
return obj;
case "halfyears":
obj.start = new Date(sd.getFullYear(), sd.getMonth()
- (sd.getMonth() % 6), 1);
obj.finish = addDays(new Date(fd.getFullYear(), fd.getMonth()
+ 6 - (fd.getMonth() % 6), 1), -1, 1);
obj.ticks = Math
.floor((1 + daysDiff(obj.start, obj.finish)) / 183);
obj.startText = 'H'
+ (1 + Math.floor(obj.start.getMonth() / 6)).toString()
+ padYear(obj.start);
obj.finishText = obj.startText;
return obj;
case "years":
obj.start = new Date(sd.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
obj.finish = addDays(
new Date(fd.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 1), -1, 1);
obj.ticks = Math
.floor((1 + daysDiff(obj.start, obj.finish)) / 365);
obj.startText = obj.start.getFullYear().toString();
obj.finishText = obj.startText;
return obj;
DebugAssert(false, 'unknown scale ' + s);
return null;
cShapeContainer.prototype.needSwapBar = function(y) {
var sorder = LCase(this.param("options", "sort bar order", "value"));
var self = this;
var bAscending = ( sorder == "ascending");
if (sorder != "none") {
var mOrder = LCase(self.param("options", "sort bars by", "value"));
case "original":
return (self.serial() > y.serial() && bAscending) ||
(self.serial() < y.serial() && !bAscending);
case "sequence":
return (self.sequence() > y.sequence() && bAscending) ||
(self.sequence() < y.sequence() && !bAscending);
case "activate":
return (self.activate() > y.activate() && bAscending) ||
(self.activate() < y.activate() && !bAscending);
case "deActivate":
return (self.deActivate() > y.deActivate() && bAscending) ||
(self.deActivate() < y.deActivate() && !bAscending);
case "duration":
return (self.duration() > y.duration() && bAscending) ||
(self.duration() < y.duration() && !bAscending);
case "id":
return ( > && bAscending) ||
( < && !bAscending);
case "description":
return (self.description() > && bAscending) ||
(self.description() < && !bAscending);
DebugAssert(false,'unknown sort order ' +mOrder);
return false;
function needSwap (x,y) {
var xLen = x.treeLength();
var yLen = y.treeLength();
var sorder = x.param("options", "sort target popularity", "value");
var bSwapBar = x.needSwapBar(y);
switch(LCase(sorder)) {
case "ascending popularity":
return (xLen < yLen) || (xLen == yLen && bSwapBar);
case "ascending popularity":
return (xLen > yLen) || (xLen == yLen && bSwapBar);
case "no popularity sort":
return bSwapBar;
DebugAssert(false,'unknown popularity sort ' + sorder);
return false;
cShapeContainer.prototype.sortChildren = function(){
if (this.children().count()) {
function (sc) {
sc.sortChildren (needSwap);
cShapeContainer.prototype.addShape =
function (shapeType,shapeLeft,shapeTop,shapeWidth,shapeHeight){
return (new cShape(shapeType == SHAPETYPES.stPanel))
cShapeContainer.prototype.makeChart = function () {
this.xChartContainer = new cChartContainer(this.root());
return this;
cShapeContainer.prototype.chartStyle = function () {
switch(LCase(this.param("options", "chart style", "value"))) {
case "shale":
return SCHARTTYPES.ctShale
case "column stacked":
return SCHARTTYPES.ctColumnStacked
case "line":
return SCHARTTYPES.ctLine
return SCHARTTYPES.ctDefault
cShapeContainer.prototype.chartCostTreatment = function () {
switch(LCase(this.fixupCustomCell("chart cost treatment").toString())) {
case "annual":
return STREATS.stcAnnual
case "duration":
return STREATS.stcDuration
case "one off at start":
return STREATS.stcOneOffStart
case "one off at finish":
return STREATS.stcOneOffFinish
return STREATS.stcDefault
cShapeContainer.prototype.groupContainers = function () {
cShapeContainer.prototype.traceability = function () {
cShapeContainer.prototype.doShapeCallouts = function () {
function actRoadMapper(wp,wd){
//where the parameters are
var rParam = wholeSheet (fixOptional (wp, "Parameters"));
// automatically find where the data is
var rData = getLikelyColumnRange(Sheets(wd));
// get the data and the parameters
var dSets = new cDataSets();
dSets.init(rData,undefined , "data");
dSets.init(rParam,undefined ,undefined , true, "roadmap colors");
dSets.init(rParam,undefined ,undefined , true, "containers");
dSets.init(rParam,undefined ,undefined , true, "options");
dSets.init(rParam,undefined ,undefined , true, "custom bars");
var ds = dSets.dataSet("data");
if (!ds.where())
MsgBox ("No data to process");
else {
//check we have fields we need
if(ds.headingRow().validate(true, "Activate", "Deactivate", "ID", "Target", "Description")){
var rplot = rangeExists(dSets.dataSet("options").cell("frameplot", "value").toString());
if (rplot) doTheMap(dSets, rplot);
function doTheMap(dSets, rplot) {
var scRoot = new cShapeContainer();
scRoot.create (scRoot,undefined,rplot,dSets);
// create s node for each data row
function (dr,drItem) {
var sc = scRoot.find(dr.toString("ID"));
if (!sc) {
sc = new cShapeContainer();
sc.create (scRoot, dr);
scRoot.children().add (sc,;
else {
MsgBox ( + " is a duplicate - skipping");
// clean up the structure and associate ids to targets
// make the shapes
// do the chart if there is one
// add traceability data to each shape
// group everything
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