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Last active April 11, 2021 15:21
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useful chart stuff - for more info see
Option Explicit
' v2.01 -
Public Function createSurfaceChart(ds As cDataSet, n As String, _
Optional xlt As Long = xlSurface, _
Optional targetLegends As Long = 0, _
Optional colorRampName As Variant = "heatmap", _
Optional showLegend As Boolean = False, _
Optional brighten As Double = 1, _
Optional showAxis As Boolean = True) As Chart
Dim cht As Chart, s As Series, dr As cDataRow, dc As cCell, sc As Double, X As Axis
Dim i As Long, m As Long
Dim ax As Axis
' clean up previous attempt
deleteChart (n)
If targetLegends > 0 Then
sc = (ds.max) / targetLegends
End If
'add the chart
Set cht = Charts.add
With cht
.name = n
For i = .SeriesCollection.count To 1 Step -1
Next i
Set X = .Axes(xlValue)
If sc > 0 Then
X.MajorUnit = sc
End If
X.HasMajorGridlines = False
For i = ds.rows.count To 1 Step -1
Set dr = ds.rows(i)
With .SeriesCollection.NewSeries
.name = dr.cell(1).where
.XValues = ds.headingRow.where.Offset(, 1).Resize(, dr.columns.count - 1)
.values = dr.where.Offset(, 1).Resize(, dr.where.columns.count - 1)
End With
Next i
.ChartType = xlt
If Not showAxis Then
For i = .Axes.count To 1 Step -1
Next i
End If
With .Legend
' for some reason legendcount is not ready immediately
Application.Wait DateAdd("s", 1, Now)
For i = 1 To .LegendEntries.count
.LegendEntries(i).LegendKey.Interior.Color = _
rampLibraryRGB(colorRampName, 1, .LegendEntries.count, i, brighten)
Next i
End With
.HasLegend = showLegend
End With
Set createSurfaceChart = cht
End Function
Private Function extractArrayItem(a As Variant, n) As Variant
' take the nth row of array a
Dim i As Long, r As Variant
ReDim r(LBound(a, 1) To UBound(a, 1))
For i = LBound(r) To UBound(r)
r(i) = a(i, n)
Next i
extractArrayItem = r
End Function
Public Function createHotDoughnutChart(ds As cDataSet, n As String, _
Optional xlt As Long = xlDoughnut, _
Optional granularity As Long = 300, _
Optional colorRampName As Variant = "heatmap", _
Optional brighten As Double = 1, _
Optional createLabelRing As Boolean = True, _
Optional labelRingColorRamp As Variant = "lightblue", _
Optional explosion As Long = 10, _
Optional holeSize As Long = 20, _
Optional dataValues As Boolean = False, _
Optional rampAppliesToAllSeries = True, _
Optional fontOverride As Variant = Empty) As Chart
Dim cht As Chart, s As Series, dr As cDataRow, dc As cCell
Dim i As Long, m As Long, co As cDataColumn
Dim aSlices As Variant, mn As Variant, labelSeries As Variant
Dim mx As Variant, j As Long, o As Variant, rmn As Variant, rmx As Variant, useRamp As Variant
Dim aColors As Variant, props As colorProps, k As Long, lab As String, multiRamps As Boolean
' clean up previous attempt
deleteChart (n)
'add the chart
' the doughnut slices in this case will be equally sized
' the heatmap will show the values and fade between mid points
ReDim aSlices(1 To ds.rows.count * granularity)
ReDim aColors(1 To ds.rows.count + 2, 2 To ds.columns.count)
ReDim labelSeries(1 To ds.rows.count)
' this will determine the min/max values to ramp
mn = Application.WorksheetFunction.min(ds.where.Offset(, 1).Resize(, ds.columns.count - 1))
mx = Application.WorksheetFunction.max(ds.where.Offset(, 1).Resize(, ds.columns.count - 1))
' set all values to same for each category, since we want equal sized slices
For i = LBound(aSlices) To UBound(aSlices)
aSlices(i) = 1
Next i
' we'll use these as an extra ring for labels
If createLabelRing Then
For i = LBound(labelSeries) To UBound(labelSeries)
labelSeries(i) = 1
Next i
End If
' the colorrampname could be
' - a library entry .. in which case we pass as is
' - an array of colors .. in which case can pass as is, ramplibrary knows how to handle them
' - an array of entries/colors one for each ring .. so we have to increment for each
If IsArray(colorRampName) Then multiRamps = Not VarType(colorRampName(LBound(colorRampName))) = vbLong
rmn = mn
rmx = mx
For j = LBound(aColors, 2) To UBound(aColors, 2)
' this allows for the max/min to apply across all rings or within rings
If Not rampAppliesToAllSeries Then
rmn = Application.WorksheetFunction.min(ds.column(j).where)
rmx = Application.WorksheetFunction.max(ds.column(j).where)
End If
' this allows for a different ramp for each ring - ramplapplies to all series should usually be true
useRamp = colorRampName
If multiRamps Then useRamp = colorRampName(j - LBound(aColors, 2) + LBound(colorRampName))
For i = 1 To ds.rows.count
aColors(i + 1, j) = rampLibraryRGB(useRamp, rmn, rmx, ds.value(i, j), brighten)
Next i
' for cycling - add the last color at beginning and first color at end
aColors(1, j) = aColors(1 + ds.rows.count, j)
aColors(2 + ds.rows.count, j) = aColors(2, j)
Next j
' create the chart
Set cht = Charts.add
With cht
.ChartType = xlt
.name = n
' delete any series added by default
For i = .SeriesCollection.count To 1 Step -1
Next i
' add the seriess
For i = ds.columns.count To 2 Step -1
Set co = ds.columns(i)
With .SeriesCollection.NewSeries
.name = ds.headings(co.column).value
.values = aSlices
End With
Next i
' add a label series ring
If createLabelRing Then
With .SeriesCollection.NewSeries
.name = ds.headings(1).value
.values = labelSeries
End With
End If
.HasLegend = False
' fiddle with the series colors
For k = ds.columns.count To 2 Step -1
Set co = ds.columns(k)
With .SeriesCollection(ds.headings(co.column).toString)
.HasDataLabels = True
For i = 1 To ds.rows.count
For j = 0 To granularity - 1
' dealing with this point
o = (i - 1) * granularity + j + 1
' note we are already half a granularity along with 1st point
props = makeColorProps(colorRamp _
(1, (granularity * (ds.rows.count + 1)), o + granularity / 2, _
extractArrayItem(aColors, k)))
With .Points(o)
.Interior.Color = props.rgb
lab = ""
' do we need a data label?
If dataValues Then
If j = 0 Then
lab = ds.value(i, co.column)
End If
End If
' label first one of these with series name
If j = 0 And i = 1 Then
If lab <> "" Then
lab = ds.headings(co.column).value & vbCr & lab
lab = ds.headings(co.column).value
End If
End If
' put label or blank it
If lab <> "" Then .DataLabel.Font.Color = props.textColor
.DataLabel.Text = lab
End With
Next j
Next i
End With
Next k
' fiddle with the labels
If createLabelRing Then
With .SeriesCollection(ds.headings(1).value)
.HasDataLabels = True
.explosion = explosion
For Each dr In ds.rows
With .Points(dr.row)
props = makeColorProps(rampLibraryRGB _
(labelRingColorRamp, 1, ds.rows.count, dr.row, brighten))
.Interior.Color = props.rgb
If IsEmpty(fontOverride) Then
.DataLabel.Font.Color = props.textColor
.DataLabel.Font.Color = fontOverride
End If
.DataLabel.Text = dr.columns(1).value
End With
Next dr
End With
End If
' fiddle with holesize
.ChartGroups(1).DoughnutHoleSize = holeSize
End With
Set createHotDoughnutChart = cht
End Function
Public Function deleteChart(n As String)
Dim cht As Chart, i As Long
For i = Charts.count To 1 Step -1
Set cht = Charts(i)
If Trim(LCase( = Trim(LCase(n)) Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Function
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