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Last active July 4, 2024 05:12
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' :do not modify this line - see for details: updated on 15/10/2013 10:52:07 : from manifest:5055578 gist
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' oauth examples
' v1.1
' convienience function for auth..
Public Function getGoogled(scope As String, _
Optional replacementpackage As cJobject = Nothing, _
Optional clientID As String = vbNullString, _
Optional clientSecret As String = vbNullString, _
Optional complain As Boolean = True, _
Optional cloneFromeScope As String = vbNullString) As cOauth2
Dim o2 As cOauth2
Set o2 = New cOauth2
With o2.googleAuth(scope, replacementpackage, clientID, clientSecret, complain, cloneFromeScope)
If Not .hasToken And complain Then
MsgBox ("Failed to authorize to google for scope " & scope & ":denied code " & o2.denied)
End If
End With
Set getGoogled = o2
End Function
Private Sub testOauth2()
Dim myConsole As cJobject
' if you are calling for the first time ever you can either provide your
' clientid/clientsecret - or pass the the jsonparse retrieved from the google app console
' normally all this stuff comes from encrpted registry store
' first ever
'Set myConsole = makeMyGoogleConsole
'With getGoogled("analytics", myConsole)
' Debug.Print .authHeader
' .tearDown
' End With
'or you can do first ever like this
'With getGoogled("viz", , "", "xxxxx")
' Debug.Print .authHeader
' .tearDown
'End With
' all other times this is what is needed
With getGoogled("drive")
Debug.Print .authHeader
End With
' lets auth and have a look at the contents
'Debug.Print objectStringify(getGoogled("drive"))
' all other times this is what is needed
With getGoogled("analytics")
Debug.Print .authHeader
End With
' here's an example of cloning credentials from a different scope for 1st time in
With getGoogled("urlshortener", , , , , "drive")
Debug.Print .authHeader
End With
With getGoogled("urlshortener")
Debug.Print .authHeader
End With
' if you made one, clean it up
If Not myConsole Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
Private Function makeMyGoogleConsole() As cJobject
Dim consoleJSON As String
consoleJSON = _
"{'installed':{'auth_uri':''," & _
"'client_secret':'xxxxxxxx'," & _
"'token_uri':''," & _
"'client_email':'','redirect_uris':['urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob','oob']," & _
"'client_x509_cert_url':'','client_id':''," & _
Set makeMyGoogleConsole = JSONParse(consoleJSON)
End Function
Private Sub showLinkedinConsole()
Dim url As String, cb As cBrowser
Set cb = New cBrowser
' see
' for how to store credentials in a google lockbox
url = "" & _
"AKfycbza96-Mpa47jlqXoPosk64bUfR8T7zO5POZMYyN45InrvX8gm28/exec" & _
With getGoogled("drive")
If .hasToken Then
Debug.Print cb.httpGET(url, , , , , .authHeader)
MsgBox ("failed to authenticate: " & .denied)
End If
End With
End Sub
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