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googlewireexamples -
Option Explicit
' the new google sheets are bit different than the old.
' these are the new versions.
' note that you can also use dbAbstraction for updating, querying and reading sheets.
' however this is a port of the old to the new sheets layout
' public new sheets need to be published, private not.
' v1.0
' note that things have changed between google sheets old and new - public sheets must be published, private sheets need oauth2
' import google workbooks
Public Sub testWorkBookImportPublicSheets()
Dim key As String
' this example imports all the worksheets in a workbook with this Key from a public published sheet
' you need to have enabled oauth2
key = "12pTwh5Wzg0W4ZnGBiUI3yZY8QFoNI8NNx_oCPynjGYY"
If Not importGoogleWorkbookNewSheets(key) Then
MsgBox ("failed to import workbook at " & key)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub testWorkBookImportNewSheets()
Dim key As String
' this example imports all the worksheets in a workbook with this Key from a private sheet
' you need to have enabled oauth2
key = "12pTwh5Wzg0W4ZnGBiUI3yZY8QFoNI8NNx_oCPynjGYY"
If Not importGoogleWorkbookNewSheets(key, , , True) Then
MsgBox ("failed to import workbook at " & key)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub testSelectedImportNewSheets()
Dim key As String
' this example imports the given list of private sheets
Dim listOfSheets As String
listOfSheets = "carriers,exceldemo"
key = "12pTwh5Wzg0W4ZnGBiUI3yZY8QFoNI8NNx_oCPynjGYY"
If Not importGoogleWorkbookNewSheets(key, , , True, , listOfSheets) Then
MsgBox ("failed to import workbook at " & key)
End If
End Sub
Public Function importGoogleWorkbookNewSheets(key As String, _
Optional deleteAllSheetsFirst As Boolean = False, _
Optional replaceConflictingSheets = True, _
Optional oauthNeeded As Boolean = False, _
Optional headers As Boolean = False, _
Optional listOfSheets = vbNullString) As Boolean
' this will import all the sheets in a given Google SpreadSheet
Dim authHeader As String, url As String, schema As cJobject, _
sheetHack As Worksheet, sheetJob As cJobject, accessToken As String
' if not oauth then sheet needs to have been published
If (oauthNeeded) Then
With getGoogled("viz")
If (.hasToken) Then
authHeader = .authHeader
accessToken = .token
Exit Function
End If
End With
authHeader = vbNullString
End If
' this is the endpoint for google VIZ imports
url = "" + key
If (oauthNeeded) Then
url = url & "/private"
url = url & "/public"
End If
url = url & "/full"
Set schema = getSchemaNewSheets(url, authHeader)
importGoogleWorkbookNewSheets = False
' now we really should have the schema
If Not schema Is Nothing Then
' get the sheets in this workbook and their urls
Set sheetJob = getSheetsInSchemaNewSheets(schema)
If Not sheetJob Is Nothing Then
' check we have all the sheets needed
Dim doJob As cJobject, job As cJobject, joc As cJobject
If (listOfSheets = vbNullString) Then
Set doJob = sheetJob
Dim a As Variant, i As Long
a = Split(listOfSheets, ",")
Set doJob = New cJobject
With doJob.init(Nothing).addArray
For i = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
For Each job In sheetJob.children
If (makeKey(a(i)) = makeKey(job.toString("name"))) Then
With .add
For Each joc In job.children
.add joc.key, joc.value
Next joc
End With
End If
Next job
Next i
End With
If (doJob.children.Count <> arrayLength(a)) Then
MsgBox ("did not find all required sheets " & doJob.stringify)
End If
End If
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
' clean up existing sheets id necessary
If deleteAllSheetsFirst Then
Set sheetHack = deleteAllTheSheets
ElseIf replaceConflictingSheets Then
Set sheetHack = deleteSomeOfTheSheets(doJob)
End If
' get the new data
getDataNewSheets doJob, authHeader, accessToken, headers
' final clean up of sheet that should have been deleted
If Not sheetHack Is Nothing Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
importGoogleWorkbookNewSheets = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End If
MsgBox ("unable to get schema from " & url)
End If
End Function
Private Function getSchemaNewSheets(url As String, authHeader As String) As cJobject
Dim cb As cBrowser, jsonData As String, jObject As cJobject
Set cb = New cBrowser
With cb
jsonData = .httpGET(url, , , , , authHeader)
If .status = 200 And jsonData <> vbNullString Then
' first try for aJSON result
Set jObject = JSONParse(jsonData, , False)
If (jObject Is Nothing Or Not jObject.isValid) Then
Set jObject = makeJobjectFromXML(jsonData, False)
End If
If (isSomething(jObject) And jObject.isValid) Then
Set getSchemaNewSheets = getJobjectFromWire(jObject.stringify, eDeserializeNormal, url)
End If
Set getSchemaNewSheets = Nothing
End If
End With
End Function
Private Sub getDataNewSheets(sheetJob As cJobject, authHeader As String, accessToken As String, Optional headers As Boolean = True)
Dim cj As cJobject, job As cJobject, w As Worksheet, _
r As Range, jr As cJobject, jc As cJobject, c As cJobject, url As String, _
cb As cBrowser, jsonData As String, jor As cJobject, s As String, joc As cJobject, start As Long
Set cb = New cBrowser
For Each job In sheetJob.children
' we'll refresh after each sheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' create a new sheet
Set w = sheetExists(job.toString("name"), False)
If (w Is Nothing) Then
Set w = Worksheets.add = job.toString("name")
Set r = w.Cells.Resize(1, 1)
' now get data for this sheet - the vizualisation api needs the access token on the url
url = job.toString("url")
If (accessToken <> vbNullString) Then
url = url & "&access_token=" & accessToken
End If
If (headers) Then
url = url & "&headers=-1"
url = url & "&headers=0"
End If
jsonData = cb.httpGET(url, , , , , authHeader)
If (cb.status <> 200) Then
MsgBox ("failed to get data: error " & cb.status & " for " &
' get as data
Set c = getJobjectFromWire(jsonData, eDeserializeGoogleWire)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
Set jc = c.find("cols")
Set jr = c.find("rows")
' column headings
start = 0
If Not jc Is Nothing And headers Then
For Each jor In jc.children
With jor
s = .child("label").value
If s = vbNullString Then
s = .child("id").value
End If
r.Offset(start, .childIndex - 1).value = s
End With
Next jor
start = 1
End If
' and these are the rows
If Not jr Is Nothing Then
For Each jor In jr.children
With jor
For Each joc In .child("c").children
r.Offset(.childIndex + start - 1, joc.childIndex - 1).value = joc.child("v").value
Next joc
End With
Next jor
End If
MsgBox ("no data for " &
End If
End If
MsgBox ("could not add " & job.toString("name") & " sheet already exists")
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Next job
End Sub
Public Function getSheetsInSchemaNewSheets(schemaJob As cJobject) As cJobject
' discovers the URL of all sheets in the schema
Dim cj As cJobject, job As cJobject, s As String, _
sheetJob As cJobject, url As String, joc As cJobject
' find the child with the feed directory
Set cj = schemaJob.find("feed.entry")
If cj Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("could not find feed urls in schema entries")
' these will be the urls for each sheet to get
url = vbNullString
For Each job In cj.children
Dim jobLink As cJobject, relLink As cJobject, jItem As cJobject
' results will go here
If sheetJob Is Nothing Then
Set sheetJob = New cJobject
End If
' get the name of worksheet
With sheetJob.add
.add "name", job.child("title.text").value
Set jobLink = job.child("link")
For Each joc In jobLink.children
If (InStr(1, joc.toString("rel"), "visualizationApi") > 0) Then
.add "url", joc.toString("href")
Exit For
End If
Next joc
Debug.Assert isSomething(.childExists("url"))
End With
Next job
Set getSheetsInSchemaNewSheets = sheetJob
End If
End Function
' decode data returned from httpGet
Public Function getJobjectFromWire(jsonData As String, _
Optional t As eDeserializeType = eDeserializeNormal, _
Optional url As String = vbNullString) As cJobject
Dim c As cJobject, s As String
Set c = New cJobject
If t = eDeserializeGoogleWire Then
s = cleanGoogleWire(jsonData)
s = CStr(jsonData)
End If
With c.init(Nothing)
.add "url", CStr(url)
.add("data").append JSONParse(s, t)
End With
Set getJobjectFromWire = c
End Function
Public Function deleteAllTheSheets() As Worksheet
' dont want complaints
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
' delete all but one sheet ( you cant delete the last sheet in a book )
While Sheets.Count > 1
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Set deleteAllTheSheets = hackTheLastSheet
End Function
Public Function deleteSomeOfTheSheets(job As cJobject) As Worksheet
' dont want complaints
Dim cj As cJobject, sh As Worksheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For Each cj In job.children
Set sh = sheetExists(cj.toString("name"), False)
If Not sh Is Nothing Then
If Sheets.Count > 1 Then
Set deleteSomeOfTheSheets = hackTheLastSheet
Debug.Assert cj.childIndex = job.children.Count
End If
End If
Next cj
End Function
Private Function hackTheLastSheet() As Worksheet
' rename it to something random
Sheets(1).name = "canbedeleted" & CStr(Rnd())
Set hackTheLastSheet = Sheets(1)
End Function
'--- below - will only work for non-oauth2/ single sheet - use the previous examples for oauth2/entire workbooks
'for more about this
'to contact me
'reuse of code
Public Sub googleWireExample()
Dim dset As cDataSet, dsClone As cDataSet, jo As cJobject, cb As cBrowser, url As String
Dim sWire As String
url = ""
' get the google wire string
' to test, delete the contents of the worksheet sheet 'clone' - this will fill it up
Set cb = New cBrowser
sWire = cb.httpGET(url)
' load to a dataset
Set dset = New cDataSet
With dset
.populateGoogleWire sWire, Range("Clone!$a$1")
If .where Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("No data to process")
' it worked
End If
End With
End Sub
' :do not modify this line - see for details: updated on 4/28/2014 10:14:58 AM : from manifest:5055578 gist
Option Explicit
'NOTE THIS MODULE HAS BEEN DEPRECATED FOR NEW SHEETS, it will still work on old sheets
'For new sheets USE THE GOOGLESHEETS module
'import google workbooks
' :do not modify this line - see for details: updated on 15/10/2013 10:52:07 : from manifest:5055578 gist
' import google workbooks
Public Sub testWorkBookImport()
Dim key As String
key = "0At2ExLh4POiZdE43aGo4TENEWlVOeFBkRlVPcEhIbnc"
If Not importGoogleWorkbook(key, , , True) Then
MsgBox ("failed to import workbook at " & key)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub testPublicWorkBookImport()
Dim key As String
key = "0AodxbO8eOvBZdE93VnNiaVNRdjdxMXJNMWJlNVRMWGc"
If Not importGoogleWorkbook(key) Then
MsgBox ("failed to import workbook at " & key)
End If
End Sub
Public Function importGoogleWorkbook(key As String, _
Optional deleteAllSheetsFirst As Boolean = False, _
Optional replaceConflictingSheets = True, _
Optional oauthNeeded As Boolean = False, _
Optional headers As Boolean = True) As Boolean
' this will import all the sheets in a given Google SpreadSheet
Dim authHeader As String, url As String, schema As cJobject, _
sheetHack As Worksheet, sheetJob As cJobject, accessToken As String
If (oauthNeeded) Then
With getGoogled("viz")
If (.hasToken) Then
authHeader = .authHeader
accessToken = .token
Exit Function
End If
End With
authHeader = vbNullString
End If
' this is the endpoint for google VIZ imports
url = "" + key
If (oauthNeeded) Then
url = url & "/private"
url = url & "/public"
End If
url = url & "/basic?alt=json"
Set schema = getSchema(url, authHeader)
importGoogleWorkbook = False
' now we really should have the schema
If Not schema Is Nothing Then
' get the sheets in this workbook and their urls
Set sheetJob = getSheetsInSchema(schema)
If Not sheetJob Is Nothing Then
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
' clean up existing sheets id necessary
If deleteAllSheetsFirst Then
Set sheetHack = deleteAllTheSheets
ElseIf replaceConflictingSheets Then
Set sheetHack = deleteSomeOfTheSheets(sheetJob)
End If
' get the new data
getData sheetJob, authHeader, accessToken, headers
' final clean up of sheet that should have been deleted
If Not sheetHack Is Nothing Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
importGoogleWorkbook = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End If
MsgBox ("unable to get schema from " & url)
End If
End Function
Private Sub getData(sheetJob As cJobject, authHeader As String, accessToken As String, Optional headers As Boolean = True)
Dim cj As cJobject, job As cJobject, w As Worksheet, _
r As Range, jr As cJobject, jc As cJobject, c As cJobject, url As String, _
cb As cBrowser, jsonData As String, jor As cJobject, s As String, joc As cJobject, start As Long
Set cb = New cBrowser
For Each job In sheetJob.children
' we'll refresh after each sheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' create a new sheet
Set w = sheetExists(job.toString("name"), False)
If (w Is Nothing) Then
Set w = Worksheets.add = job.toString("name")
Set r = w.Cells.Resize(1, 1)
' now get data for this sheet - the vizualisation api needs the access token on the url
url = job.toString("url")
If (accessToken <> vbNullString) Then
url = url & "&access_token=" & accessToken
End If
If (headers) Then
url = url & "&headers=-1"
url = url & "&headers=0"
End If
jsonData = cb.httpGET(url, , , , , authHeader)
If (cb.status <> 200) Then
MsgBox ("failed to get data: error " & cb.status & " for " &
' get as data
Set c = getJobjectFromWire(jsonData, eDeserializeGoogleWire)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
Set jc = c.find("cols")
Set jr = c.find("rows")
' column headings
start = 0
If Not jc Is Nothing And headers Then
For Each jor In jc.children
With jor
s = .child("label").value
If s = vbNullString Then
s = .child("id").value
End If
r.Offset(start, .childIndex - 1).value = s
End With
Next jor
start = 1
End If
' and these are the rows
If Not jr Is Nothing Then
For Each jor In jr.children
With jor
For Each joc In .child("c").children
r.Offset(.childIndex + start - 1, joc.childIndex - 1).value = joc.child("v").value
Next joc
End With
Next jor
End If
MsgBox ("no data for " &
End If
End If
MsgBox ("could not add " & job.toString("name") & " sheet already exists")
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Next job
End Sub
' get the schema for the given workbook
Private Function getSchema(url As String, authHeader As String) As cJobject
Dim cb As cBrowser, jsonData As String
Set cb = New cBrowser
With cb
jsonData = .httpGET(url, , , , , authHeader)
If .status = 200 And jsonData <> vbNullString Then
Set getSchema = getJobjectFromWire(jsonData, eDeserializeNormal, url)
Set getSchema = Nothing
End If
End With
End Function
Public Function getSheetsInSchema(schemaJob As cJobject) As cJobject
' discovers the URL of all sheets in the schema
Dim cj As cJobject, job As cJobject, s As String, _
sheetJob As cJobject, url As String, joc As cJobject
' find the child with the feed directory
Set cj = schemaJob.find("feed.entry")
If cj Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("could not find feed urls in schema entries")
' these will be the urls for each sheet to get
For Each job In cj.children
url = vbNullString
' we're going to use the link for viz api
For Each joc In job.child("link").children
s = joc.toString("rel")
If InStr(1, s, "visualizationApi") Then
url = joc.toString("href")
Exit For
End If
Next joc
' need link + title
If (url = vbNullString Or job.find("title.$t") Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox ("couldnt find the vizapi link or title in the schema")
Exit For
End If
' initialize if first time
If sheetJob Is Nothing Then
Set sheetJob = New cJobject
End If
' add an array item describing the entry
With sheetJob.add
.add "url", url
.add "name", job.find("title.$t").toString
End With
Next job
Set getSheetsInSchema = sheetJob
End If
End Function
'--- below - will only work for non-oauth2/ single sheet - use the previous examples for oauth2/entire workbooks
'for more about this
'to contact me
'reuse of code
Public Sub googleWireExample()
Dim dset As cDataSet, dsClone As cDataSet, jo As cJobject, cb As cBrowser, url As String
Dim sWire As String
url = ""
' get the google wire string
' to test, delete the contents of the worksheet sheet 'clone' - this will fill it up
Set cb = New cBrowser
sWire = cb.httpGET(url)
' load to a dataset
Set dset = New cDataSet
With dset
.populateGoogleWire sWire, Range("Clone!$a$1")
If .where Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("No data to process")
' it worked
End If
End With
End Sub
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