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Created July 18, 2023 11:08
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Cmd caller with error
open System
open System.Diagnostics
open System.Threading.Tasks
type CommandResult = {
ExitCode: int;
StandardOutput: string;
StandardError: string
let processStartInfo executable args =
let startInfo = ProcessStartInfo (executable, args)
startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput <- true
startInfo.RedirectStandardError <- true
startInfo.UseShellExecute <- false
startInfo.CreateNoWindow <- true
let executeCommand executable args =
async {
use p = new Process ()
p.StartInfo <- processStartInfo executable args
p.Start() |> ignore
let outTask = Task.WhenAll [| p.StandardOutput.ReadToEndAsync (); p.StandardError.ReadToEndAsync () |]
do! p.WaitForExitAsync() |> Async.AwaitTask
let! out = outTask |> Async.AwaitTask
return {
ExitCode = p.ExitCode;
StandardOutput = out.[0];
StandardError = out.[1]
let executeShellCommand command =
executeCommand "cmd" command
// Invocation sample
let r = executeShellCommand "msiexec.exe /i" |> Async.RunSynchronously
if r.ExitCode = 0 then
printfn $"{r.StandardOutput}"
eprintfn $"{r.StandardError}"
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