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Created April 8, 2015 03:27
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Modify BaseSystem.dmg inside an InstallESD.dmg
# Adds additional frameworks to BaseSystem.dmg - Python is default
# Modify cpioextract() and xar_source to change what is extracted,
# and from what OS X installer PKG.
# To invoke:
# ./ /path/to/InstallESD.dmg
# or
# ./ /path/to/InstallESD.dmg debug
import sys
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
import plistlib
import shutil
import struct
TMPDIR = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=TMPDIR)
debug = False
if 'debug' in sys.argv:
debug = True
print('Staging sources in %s' % TMPDIR)
# Placeholder, remove later
source = sys.argv[1]
installesdshadow = os.path.join(TMPDIR, 'InstallESD.shadow')
basesystemshadow = os.path.join(TMPDIR, 'BaseSystem.shadow')
hdiutil = '/usr/bin/hdiutil'
def dmgattach(attach_source, shadow_file):
return [ hdiutil, 'attach', '-shadow', shadow_file, '-mountRandom', TMPDIR, '-nobrowse', '-plist', '-owners', 'on', attach_source ]
def dmgdetach(detach_mountpoint):
return [ hdiutil, 'detach', detach_mountpoint ]
def dmgconvert(convert_source, convert_target, shadow_file):
return [ hdiutil, 'convert', '-format', 'UDRO', '-o', convert_target, '-shadow', shadow_file, convert_source ]
def dmgresize(resize_source, shadow_file):
return [ hdiutil, 'resize', '-size', '10G', '-shadow', shadow_file, resize_source ]
def xarextract(xar_source):
return [ '/usr/bin/xar', '-x', '-f', xar_source, 'Payload', '-C', TMPDIR ]
def cpioextract(cpio_source):
return [ '/usr/bin/cpio -idmuv -I %s \"*Py*\" \"*py*\"' % cpio_source ]
def getfiletype(filepath):
return ['/usr/bin/file', filepath]
def runcmd(cmd, cwd=None):
if debug:
print('Running command:\n%s' % cmd)
if type(cwd) is not str:
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, bufsize=-1,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(result, err) = proc.communicate()
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, bufsize=-1,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd,
(result, err) = proc.communicate()
if proc.returncode:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Error "%s" while running command %s' % (err, cmd)
return result
def parse_pbzx(pbzx_path, xar_out_path):
f = open(pbzx_path, 'rb')
pbzx =
magic, pbzx = pbzx[:4],pbzx[4:]
if magic != 'pbzx':
raise "Error: Not a pbzx file"
# Read 8 bytes for initial flags
flags, pbzx = pbzx[:8],pbzx[8:]
# Interpret the flags as a 64-bit big-endian unsigned int
flags = struct.unpack('>Q', flags)[0]
xar_f = open(xar_out_path, 'wb')
while (flags & (1 << 24)):
# Read in more flags
flags, pbzx = pbzx[:8],pbzx[8:]
flags = struct.unpack('>Q', flags)[0]
# Read in length
f_length, pbzx = pbzx[:8],pbzx[8:]
f_length = struct.unpack('>Q', f_length)[0]
xzmagic, pbzx = pbzx[:6],pbzx[6:]
if xzmagic != '\xfd7zXZ\x00':
raise "Error: Header is not xar file header"
f_length -= 6
f_content, pbzx = pbzx[:f_length],pbzx[f_length:]
if f_content[-2:] != 'YZ':
raise "Error: Footer is not xar file footer"
# Resize InstallESD.dmg using shadow file
print('Preparing InstallESD...')
plist = runcmd(dmgresize(source, installesdshadow))
# Mount InstallESD.dmg with resize-shadow file
print('Mounting InstallESD...')
plist = runcmd(dmgattach(source, installesdshadow))
installesdplist = plistlib.readPlistFromString(plist)
for entity in installesdplist['system-entities']:
if 'mount-point' in entity:
installesdmountpoint = entity['mount-point']
print('InstallESD mountpoint is %s' % installesdmountpoint)
# Resize BaseSystem.dmg using shadow file
print('Preparing BaseSystem...')
basesystemdmg = os.path.join(installesdmountpoint, 'BaseSystem.dmg')
plist = runcmd(dmgresize(basesystemdmg, basesystemshadow))
# Mount BaseSystem.dmg with shadow file
print('Mounting BaseSystem...')
plist = runcmd(dmgattach(basesystemdmg, basesystemshadow))
basesystemplist = plistlib.readPlistFromString(plist)
for entity in basesystemplist['system-entities']:
if 'mount-point' in entity:
basesystemmountpoint = entity['mount-point']
print('BaseSystem mountpoint is %s' % basesystemmountpoint)
# Extract Payload from desired OS X installer package
print('Extracting Payload...')
xar_source = os.path.join(installesdmountpoint, 'Packages', 'BSD.pkg')
result = runcmd(xarextract(xar_source))
print('Determining Payload wrapper...')
payloadsource = os.path.join(TMPDIR, 'Payload')
payloadtype = runcmd(getfiletype(payloadsource)).split(': ')[1]
cpio_source = os.path.join(TMPDIR, 'Payload.cpio.xz')
# Check filetype of the Payload, 10.10 adds a pbzx wrapper
if payloadtype.startswith('data'):
# Remove pbzx wrapper with parse_pbzx(), save to file
print('Payload is PBZX-wrapped, processing...')
parse_pbzx(os.path.join(TMPDIR, 'Payload'), cpio_source)
# No pbzx wrapper, rename and move to cpio extraction
print('Payload is not PBZX-wrapped...')
os.rename(payloadsource, cpio_source)
# Extract all or some (using shell globbing pattern) files from CPIO archive
print('Extracting from Payload into BaseSystem...')
runcmd(cpioextract(cpio_source), cwd=basesystemmountpoint)
# Unmount BaseSystem.dmg
print('Unmounting BaseSystem...')
plist = runcmd(dmgdetach(basesystemmountpoint))
# Convert/save modified BaseSystem.dmg + shadow file to new BaseSystem.dmg
print('Converting BaseSystem...')
basesystemnew = os.path.join(TMPDIR, 'BaseSystemNew.dmg')
plist = runcmd(dmgconvert(basesystemdmg, basesystemnew, basesystemshadow))
# Replace original BaseSystem.dmg with BaseSystemNew.dmg
# Because of weird results when straight mv'ing the new dmg on top of the old
# one we're explicitly removing the original DMG and copying the new one.
print('Replacing original BaseSystem...')
shutil.copyfile(basesystemnew, basesystemdmg)
# Unmount InstallESD.dmg
print('Unmounting InstallESD...')
plist = runcmd(dmgdetach(installesdmountpoint))
# Convert/save modified InstallESD.dmg + shadow file to new InstallESD.dmg
print('Converting InstallESD...')
installesdnew = os.path.join(TMPDIR, 'InstallESDNew.dmg')
plist = runcmd(dmgconvert(source, installesdnew, installesdshadow))
# Do clean up
print('Cleaning up...')
os.remove(os.path.join(TMPDIR, 'Payload'))
shutil.move(installesdnew, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])), 'InstallESD.dmg'))
print('\n*** All done! ***\n\n')
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