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Created May 24, 2013 16:23
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Decided to take the Twitter search ( and roughly calculate Twitter's attitude to a topic. Very rough approximation of attitude but it gave me a chance to try some more F# stuff. Some changes which I know I can make next: ty…
open System.Linq
type T = FSharp.Data.JsonProvider<"">
let positives = [| "good"; "awesome"; "sweet"; "nice"; "cool" |]
let negatives = [| "crap"; "terrible"; "poor"; "bad"; "awful" |]
let tweets (tag:string) (since: System.DateTime) =
let enc = System.Net.WebUtility.UrlEncode : string -> string
let rec page n =
if n < 16 then
let data = T.Load(sprintf "" (enc tag) n since.Year since.Month since.Day)
yield! data.Results
if not (Seq.isEmpty data.Results) then yield! page (n+1)
page 1
let rec positiveString (str:string list) =
match str with
| [] -> false
| head::tail -> (if positives.Contains(head) then
else positiveString tail)
let (|PositiveTweet|_|) (tweet:string) =
let lowerString = tweet.ToLower().Split(' ')
|> Array.toList
let result = positiveString lowerString
match result with
| true -> Some ()
| false -> None
let rec negativeString (str:string list) =
match str with
| [] -> false
| head :: tail -> (if negatives.Contains(head) then
negativeString tail)
let (|NegativeTweet|_|) (tweet:string) =
let lowerString = tweet.ToLower().Split(' ')
|> Array.toList
let result = negativeString lowerString
match result with
| true -> Some ()
| false -> None
let main argv =
let searchTerm = Array.get argv 0
let posCount, negCount, indifferentCount = ref 0, ref 0, ref 0
tweets searchTerm (System.DateTime.UtcNow - new System.TimeSpan(5,0,0,0))
|> Seq.iter (fun t ->
match t.Text with
| PositiveTweet tweet -> posCount := !posCount + 1
| NegativeTweet tweet -> negCount := !negCount + 1
| _ -> indifferentCount := !indifferentCount + 1 )
let basicPosPercentage:float = ((float !posCount) / ((float !posCount) + (float !negCount))) * 100.0
printfn "Found %d positive tweets and %d negative tweets\n" !posCount !negCount
printfn "Twitter is %f%% positive about %s" basicPosPercentage searchTerm
|> ignore
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