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Created April 17, 2013 14:39
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Implementation of a rank aggregation algorithm using the paper The solver cvxopt is used with the frontend picos.
from cvxopt import matrix, sparse, spmatrix
import cvxopt.lapack
import picos
class MarkovChain():
def __init__(self, columns, target):
n = len(target)
l = len(columns)
H, m = compute_H(target, n=n)
Ps = build_transition_matrices(columns, n=n)
A = compute_A(Ps, n=n, l=l)
Hs = compute_Hs(A=A, H=H, l=l, n=n, m=m)
# we convert the constants
Hs = map(lambda (Hi, Hi_str): picos.new_param(Hi_str, Hi), zip(Hs, ["H0", "H1", "H2", "H3"]))
# we now start defining the problem
prob = picos.Problem()
gamma = prob.add_variable("gamma")
lambdas = map(lambda (name, val): prob.add_variable(name, val),
zip(map("Lambda{0}".format, range(4)),
[1, l + m, 2, n + m]))
map(lambda l: prob.add_constraint(l > 0), lambdas)
V, (D, U) = build_V(Hs=Hs, lambdas=lambdas, l=l, m=m, n=n, gamma=gamma)
prob.add_constraint(V >> 0)
e2 = picos.new_param("e2", matrix([1, 1]))
prob.set_objective("max", gamma - lambdas[2].T * e2 - 2 * lambdas[0])
self.problem = prob
self.n = n
self.m = m
self.l = l
self.gamma = gamma
self.lambdas = lambdas
self.V = V
self.D = D
self.U = U
self.Hs = Hs
self.A = A
self.H = H
self.Ps = Ps
def solve(self):
beta = compute_beta((self.Hs[0] + self.lambdas[0] * self.D).value, - self.U.T.value / 2)
l, m, n = self.l, self.m, self.n
alpha = beta[0:l]
x = beta[l: l + n]
t = beta[l + n: l + n + m]
return alpha, x, t
def compute_beta(must_inverse, and_multiply):
This holds a tricky part: inverting H0 + lambda0*D and applying it to Ut
Problem: it is semi-definite positive, and may not be invertible
see for available operations
`potri` neglects this lack, so maybe `getri` (or a related function) should be used
inverse = must_inverse.real()
ipiv = matrix(0, (must_inverse.size[0], 1))
beta = +and_multiply
cvxopt.lapack.gesv(inverse, beta, ipiv)
return beta
# Helpers for matrices construction
def ident(q):
return spmatrix(1, range(q), range(q))
def null(q, r=None):
if r is None:
r = q
return matrix(0, (q, r))
def build_V(Hs, lambdas, l, m, n, gamma):
U = sum(map(lambda (l, h): l.T * h,
zip(lambdas, Hs)[1:]))
D = sparse([[ident(l + n), null(m, l + n)],
[null(l + n, m), null(m, m)]])
D = picos.new_param("D", D)
# we now build the SDP constraint
V11 = Hs[0] + lambdas[0] * D
V12 = U.T / 2
V21 = U / 2
V22 = - gamma
V = (V11 & V12) // (V21 & V22)
# also return elements needed to compute the answer
return V, (D, U)
def build_transition_matrices(columns, n):
return map(lambda c: build_transition_matrix(c, n), columns)
def build_transition_matrix(column, n):
mat = matrix(0., (n, n))
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
if column[j] > column[i] or i == j:
mat[i, j] = 1. / (1 + n - column[i])
return mat
def compute_H(column, n):
h = matrix(0, (n - 1, n))
for i, v in enumerate(column):
if v > 1:
h[v - 2, i] = -1
if v < n:
h[v - 1, i] = 1
return h, n - 1
def compute_A(P_matrices, n, l):
A = matrix(0., (l, n))
for i in range(l):
for j in range(n):
A[i, j] = P_matrices[i][j, j]
return A
def compute_Hs(A, H, l, n, m):
Im = ident(m)
Il = ident(l)
In = ident(n)
H0 = sparse([
[null(l, l), - A.T, null(m, l)],
[- A, null(n + m, n)],
[null(l + n, m), Im]
H1 = sparse([
[- Il, null(m, l)],
[null(l + m, n)],
[null(l, m), -Im]
H2 = sparse([
[1] * l + [0] * (n + m),
[0] * l + [1] * n + [0] * m
H3 = sparse([
[null(n + m, l)],
[- In, H],
[null(n, m), - Im]
return H0, H1, H2, H3
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