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Created January 29, 2015 17:33
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Generate graphs for python 2-3 2014 usage survey
import csv
from collections import Counter
from operator import itemgetter
from matplotlib import rcParams
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
rcParams.update({'figure.autolayout': True})
answers_2013 = {"written_python2": (4660, 119),
"written_python3": (2862, 1908),
"more_python2_or_python3": (3692, 1036),
"python3_mistake": (1071, 3603),
"dependencies_python3": (2883, 1808),
"ported_2_to_3": (1554, 3179),
"used_2to3": (768, 3953),
"used_3to2": (91, 4627),
"polyglot": (1473, 3261)}
questions_2014 = {
"written_python2": "Have you ever written code in Python 2.x?",
"written_python3": "Have you ever written code in Python 3.x?",
"more_python2_or_python3": "Do you currently write more code in Python 2.x or Python 3.x?",
"personal_choice": "When starting a personal project, which Python version do you use?",
"versions": "Which Python versions do you regularly use?",
"python3_mistake": "Do you think Python 3.x was a mistake?",
"ported_2_to_3": "Have you ever ported code from Python 2.x to Python 3.x?",
"used_2to3": "Have you ever written/ported code using 2to3?",
"used_3to2": "Have you ever written/ported code using 3to2?",
"polyglot": "Have you ever written/ported code to run on Python 2.x and Python 3.x unmodified?",
"blocking": "If applicable, what keeps you from leaving python 2 for python 3?"}
answers_2014_filename = "survey_answers.csv"
common_questions = set(answers_2013) & set(questions_2014)
new_questions = set(questions_2014) - set(answers_2013)
multi_choices_questions = {"blocking", "versions"} # both are new
def build_graphs():
answers_2014 = parse_answers()
# deal with common questions
for q in common_questions:
deal_with_question(q, answers_2013[q], answers_2014[q])
# strip "python" prefix
prefix_len = len("Python ")
perso = {q[prefix_len:]: v for q, v in answers_2014["versions"].items()}
deal_with_new_question("versions", perso)
deal_with_new_question("personal_choice", answers_2014["personal_choice"],
def parse_answers():
phrase_to_question = {v: k for k, v in questions_2014.items()}
answers = {q: Counter() for q in questions_2014}
with open(answers_2014_filename, "r") as h:
content = csv.DictReader(h)
for row in content:
for phrase, ans in row.items():
if phrase not in phrase_to_question:
q = phrase_to_question[phrase]
if q in multi_choices_questions:
for ans in ans.split(','):
answers[q][ans.strip()] += 1
answers[q][ans] += 1
return answers
def save(fname, dpi=60): # folder must already exist
plt.savefig("../images/python-survey/" + fname, dpi=dpi)
def deal_with_question(question_name, old, new_d):
Build a barchart for the given question
Example input:
old = (4660, 119)
new_d = {'Yes': 6424, 'No': 191}
# first: label old, order new_d
if question_name == "python3_mistake":
# shorten the answer, fill old responses
key = next(k for k in new_d if k.startswith("No, but"))
new_d["No, but..."] = new_d.pop(key)
labels = ["Yes", "No, but...", "No"]
old = old[0], 0, old[1]
elif "Yes" in new_d:
# Yes/no
labels = ["Yes", "No"]
elif "Python 2.x" in new_d:
# Python 2.x/Python 3.x
labels = ["Python 2.x", "Python 3.x"]
raise ValueError("Don't know those keys: %s" % list(new_d))
new = itemgetter(*labels)(new_d)
# normalise
new_answer_count = sum(new)
new = tuple(100 * x / new_answer_count for x in new)
old_answer_count = sum(old)
old = tuple(100 * x / old_answer_count for x in old)
graph_indices = [i for i, _ in enumerate(labels)]
width = .35
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
old_rects =, old, width, color='r')
new_rects =[i + width for i in graph_indices], new, width, color='b')
ax.set_xticks([i + width for i in graph_indices])
ax.legend((old_rects[0], new_rects[0]), ("2013", "2014"))
ax.set_ylim([0, 100])
def deal_with_new_question(question_name, new, relative=False):
# new: {version: count}
new = sorted(new.items())
labels, values = zip(*new)
if relative:
total_answer_count = sum(values)
values = [100 * value / total_answer_count for value in values]
graph_indices = range(len(labels))
width = .70
fig, ax = plt.subplots(), values, width)
ax.set_xticks([i + width / 2 for i in graph_indices])
if relative:
ax.set_ylim([0, 100])
def deal_with_blocking(new):
big_problems = [(p, count) for p, count in new.most_common(5) if p]
labels, values = zip(*big_problems)
graph_indices = range(len(labels))
fix, ax = plt.subplots()
width = .30, values, width)
ax.set_xticks([i + width / 2 for i in graph_indices])
ax.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=45)
ax.set_ylim([0, values[0] * 1.1])
save("blocking", dpi=80)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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