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Created June 1, 2022 12:13
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MPP - Choice & If
{"valueParameterInfo":[["Amount",{"valueParameterFormat":{"contents":[6,"ada"],"tag":"DecimalFormat"},"valueParameterDescription":"Amount to deposit."}]],"timeParameterDescriptions":[["DepositDeadline","Deadline for the deposit."],["ChoiceDeadline","Deadline for the choice."]],"roleDescriptions":[["Chooser","CHooses who will receive the deposit."],["Giver","Makes the deposit."],["Receiver1","The first potential receiver."],["Receiver2","The second potential receiver."]],"contractType":"Other","contractShortDescription":"Simple choice.","contractName":"MPP - Choice & If","contractLongDescription":"The \"Chooser\" can decide whether to give the money deposited by \"Giver\" to \"Receiver1\" or \"Receiver2\".","choiceInfo":[["Choice",{"choiceFormat":{"contents":null,"tag":"DefaultFormat"},"choiceDescription":"Which receiver should receive the doposit?"}]]}
(Role "Giver")
(Role "Giver")
(Token "" "")
(ConstantParam "Amount")
(Role "Chooser")
[Bound 1 2]
(Role "Chooser")
(Constant 1)
(Role "Giver")
(Account (Role "Receiver1"))
(Token "" "")
(ConstantParam "Amount")
(Role "Giver")
(Account (Role "Receiver2"))
(Token "" "")
(ConstantParam "Amount")
(TimeParam "ChoiceDeadline")
(TimeParam "DepositDeadline")
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