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Last active January 9, 2016 23:57
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import Keyboard
import Mouse exposing (position)
import Time exposing (Time, fps)
import Debug exposing(..)
import Signal
import Graphics.Element exposing (show)
import Graphics.Collage
import Color exposing (red, black)
import Window exposing (dimensions)
type alias Point = { x : Int, y : Int }
type alias Dude = { position : Point, direction : Point, orientation : Point }
type Event = Tick Time | Move Point | Orientation Point
opPoint : (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Point -> Point -> Point
opPoint f p1 p2 = { x = p1.x `f` p2.x, y = p1.y `f` p2.y }
getOrientation : Point -> Point -> Float
getOrientation p1 p2 =
let p1x = toFloat p1.x
p2x = toFloat p2.x
p1y = toFloat p1.y
p2y = toFloat p2.y
watch "orientation" <| (radians <| atan2 (p2y - p1y) (p2x - p1x) )
moveDude : Event -> Dude -> Dude
moveDude event dude =
let plus = opPoint (+)
case event of
Tick time -> { dude | position = (dude.position `plus` dude.direction) }
Move p -> { dude | direction = p, position = (dude.position `plus` p) }
Orientation p -> { dude | orientation = p }
initialDude = { position = {x=0,y=0}, direction = {x=0,y=0}, orientation = {x=0,y=0} }
dudeBody : Graphics.Collage.Form
dudeBody =
[Graphics.Collage.filled red ( 10.0),
Graphics.Collage.filled black (Graphics.Collage.rect 8 40)]
toTuple p = (p.x,p.y)
keyboardInput =
let wasd = Move Keyboard.wasd
time = Tick <| fps 30
mouse = (\(x,y) -> Orientation <| watchSummary "mouse" toTuple { x = x, y = y }) position
in Signal.mergeMany [time, wasd, mouse]
mapOrientation : Int -> Int -> Point -> Point
mapOrientation w h p = watchSummary "mapOrientation" toTuple <| { x = p.x - w // 2, y = h // 2 - p.y }
display (w, h) dude = Graphics.Collage.collage w h <|
[Graphics.Collage.rotate (getOrientation dude.position <| mapOrientation w h dude.orientation)
<| Graphics.Collage.move (watch "position" (toFloat dude.position.x, toFloat dude.position.y))
<| dudeBody]
main = Signal.map2 display dimensions <| Signal.foldp moveDude initialDude keyboardInput
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