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Forked from MjHead/options-values-in-code.php
Created September 28, 2023 01:37
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Get option values for JetEngine options pages inside the PHP code
* Method 1
* Can be used for: Any storage type
* page-slug - replace this with your Option Page slug
* option-name - replace this with your option Name/ID
$value = jet_engine()->listings->data->get_option( 'page-slug::option-name' );
* Method 2
* Can be used for: Any storage type
* page-slug - replace this with your Option Page slug
* option-name - replace this with your option Name/ID
$page = jet_engine()->options_pages->registered_pages['page-slug'];
$value = $page->get( 'option-name' );
* Method 3
* Can be used for: Default storage type
* page-slug - replace this with your Option Page slug
* option-name - replace this with your option Name/ID
$all_options = get_option( 'page-slug', array() );
$value = isset( $all_options['option-name'] ) ? $all_options['option-name'] : false;
* Method 4
* Can be used for: Separate storage type + `Add prefix for separate options` is DISABLED
* option-name - replace this with your option Name/ID
$value = get_option( 'option-name' );
* Method 5
* Can be used for: Separate storage type + `Add prefix for separate options` is ENABLED
* page-slug - replace this with your Option Page slug
* option-name - replace this with your option Name/ID
$value = get_option( 'page-slug_option-name' );
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