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Composite Design Patter para Stack Overflow PT (
namespace Composite\Components;
abstract class AbstractComponent implements Component {
* Component Childrens
* @var ArrayObject $childrens
protected $children;
* Flag to condition whether or not Component
* is a leaf or a Composite
* @var boolean $leaf
protected $leaf = FALSE;
* Component Constructor
* Initialized Components' Children ArrayObject and
* sets an ID for the Component
public function __construct() {
if( ! $this -> leaf ) {
$this -> children = new \ArrayObject;
* Adds a new Component
* @param Composite\Components\Component $component
* Component to add
* @throws \LogicException
* Thrown if trying to add a new Component to a leaf Component
public function add( Component $component ) {
if( $this -> leaf ) {
throw new \LogicException( 'A leaf Component cannot have childrens' );
$this -> children -> append( $component );
return $this;
// Auxiliary Methods Defintiion
* Draws Components Childrens
protected function drawChildren() {
if( ! $this -> leaf ) {
$iterator = $this -> children -> getIterator();
for( $iterator -> rewind(); $iterator -> valid(); $iterator -> next() ) {
$iterator -> current() -> draw();
namespace Composite\Components;
interface Component extends Drawable {}
namespace Composite\Components;
interface Drawable {
* Draws a Component
public function draw();
namespace Composite\Components\HTML;
use Composite\Components\AbstractComponent;
class Cell extends AbstractComponent {
* Flag to condition whether or not Component
* is a leaf or a COmposite
* A Table-cell is not really a leaf as more HTML
* can be added to it, but let's keep it simple
* @var boolean $leaf
protected $leaf = TRUE;
* Cell data
* @var string $data
private $data;
* Cell Constructor
public function __construct( $data ) {
$this -> data = $data;
// Drawable Interface method Implementation
public function draw() {
echo ' <td>', $this -> data, "</td>\n";
namespace Composite\Components\HTML;
use Composite\Components\AbstractComponent;
class Row extends AbstractComponent {
// Drawable Interface method Implementation
public function draw() {
echo "\n <tr>\n", $this -> drawChildren(), " </tr>\n ";
namespace Composite\Components\HTML;
use Composite\Components\AbstractComponent;
class Table extends AbstractComponent {
// Drawable Interface method Implementation
public function draw() {
echo "<table>\n ", $this -> drawChildren(), "\n</table>";
table {
border-collapse: collapse;
width: 100%;
table, table td {
border: 1px solid #000;
spl_autoload_register( function( $classname ) {
$classname = stream_resolve_include_path(
str_replace( '\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $classname ) . '.php'
if( $classname !== FALSE ) {
include $classname;
$groups = array(
'Administração' => array(
0 => array(
'nome' => 'nome0',
'ramal' => 'ramal0'
1 => array(
'nome' => 'nome1',
'ramal' => 'ramal1'
2 => array(
'nome' => 'nome2',
'ramal' => 'ramal2'
3 => array(
'nome' => 'nome3',
'ramal' => 'ramal3'
'Financeiro' => array(
4 => array(
'nome' => 'nome4',
'ramal' => 'ramal4'
5 => array(
'nome' => 'nome5',
'ramal' => 'ramal5'
6 => array(
'nome' => 'nome6',
'ramal' => 'ramal6'
7 => array(
'nome' => 'nome7',
'ramal' => 'ramal7'
8 => array(
'nome' => 'nome8',
'ramal' => 'ramal8'
9 => array(
'nome' => 'nome9',
'ramal' => 'ramal9'
$tableGroup = new Composite\Components\HTML\Table;
foreach( $groups as $group => $persons ) {
// Groups
$groupRow = new Composite\Components\HTML\Row;
$groupRow -> add( new Composite\Components\HTML\CellCol2( $group ) );
//-> add( new Composite\Components\HTML\Cell( '' ) );
$tableGroup -> add( $groupRow );
// Persons
foreach( $persons as $person ) {
$nameCell = new Composite\Components\HTML\Cell( $person['nome'] );
$dialCell = new Composite\Components\HTML\Cell( $person['ramal'] );
$personRow = new Composite\Components\HTML\Row;
$personRow -> add( $nameCell ) -> add( $dialCell );
$tableGroup -> add( $personRow );
$tableGroup -> draw();
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