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Last active December 18, 2015 14:38
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Criação de conteúdo programaticamente no Plone a partir do arquivo
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.CMFCore.WorkflowCore import WorkflowException
def create_contents(context, contents):
for content in contents:
options = None
if 'options' in content.keys():
options = content.pop('options')
if not hasattr(context, content['id']):
if options:
folder = getattr(context, content['id'])
for opt, val in options.items():
if opt == 'allowed_types':
elif opt == 'do_workflow':
context.portal_workflow.doActionFor(folder, val)
except WorkflowException:
print '[Warning] WorkflowException: Can\'t %s %s' % (val,
elif opt == 'view_template':
elif opt == 'contains':
create_contents(folder, val)
def setupVarious(context):
# Ordinarily, GenericSetup handlers check for the existence of XML files.
# Here, we are not parsing an XML file, but we use this text file as a
# flag to check that we actually meant for this import step to be run.
# The file is found in profiles/default.
if context.readDataFile('my.namespace_various.txt') is None:
# Add additional setup code here
portal = context.getSite()
# Permitindo adicionar conteudo na raiz do Plone Site temporariamente
portal_types = getToolByName(portal, 'portal_types')
plone_site_type = portal_types.get('Plone Site')
plone_site_type.filter_content_types = False
defaultAllowedTypes = ('File', 'Image', 'Window', 'Link', 'Folder', 'Topic', 'Document')
contents = [
'type_name': 'Folder',
'id': 'boletim',
'title': 'Boletim',
'options': {
'do_workflow': 'publish',
'allowed_types': defaultAllowedTypes,
'type_name': 'Folder',
'id': 'noticias',
'title': 'Notícias',
'options': {
'do_workflow': 'publish',
'allowed_types': ('Folder',),
'view_template': 'noticias_view',
'type_name': 'Folder',
'id': 'mesa-de-negociacao',
'title': 'Mesa de Negociação',
'options': {
'do_workflow': 'publish',
'allowed_types': ('Event',) + defaultAllowedTypes,
'view_template': 'mesanegociacao_view',
'contains': (
'type_name': 'Document',
'id': 'comissao-de-negociacao',
'title': 'Comissão de Negociação',
'options': {
'do_workflow': 'publish',
'view_template': 'mesanegociacaodocument_view',
'type_name': 'Folder',
'id': 'pautas',
'title': 'Pautas',
'options': {
'do_workflow': 'publish',
'allowed_types': defaultAllowedTypes,
'type_name': 'Folder',
'id': 'propostas',
'title': 'Propostas',
'options': {
'do_workflow': 'publish',
'allowed_types': defaultAllowedTypes,
'type_name': 'Folder',
'id': 'acordos-coletivos',
'title': 'Acordos Coletivos',
'options': {
'do_workflow': 'publish',
'allowed_types': defaultAllowedTypes,
'type_name': 'Folder',
'id': 'duvidas-frequentes',
'title': 'Dúvidas Frequentes',
'options': {
'do_workflow': 'publish',
'allowed_types': defaultAllowedTypes,
'type_name': 'Folder',
'id': 'banner-principal',
'title': 'Banner principal',
'excludeFromNav': True,
'options': {
'do_workflow': 'publish',
'allowed_types': defaultAllowedTypes,
create_contents(portal, contents)
plone_site_type.filter_content_types = True
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