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Created November 9, 2016 17:49
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export default {
bindings: {
colors: '<',
selector: '@'
templateUrl: 'views/color-picker.html',
controller: class {
constructor($window, $timeout) {
this.$ = $window.$
this.display = true
$doCheck() {
this.$('.pallete > [data-color]').draggable({
appendTo: 'body',
revert: 'invalid',
helper: 'clone',
containment: 'window',
start: event => {
this.color = $(event.toElement).attr('data-color')
tolerance: 'pointer',
greedy: true,
accept: '[data-color]',
drop: event => this.$({ [ $('wf-custom') ]: this.color })
li(ng-repeat='(name, color) in $ctrl.colors', data-color='{{ color }}', ng-style="{ background: color }", ng-click='$ctrl.color = color')
button.btn-color-picker(ng-style='{ color: "#1565C0" }', ng-click='$ctrl.display = !$ctrl.display') !{'\uf1fc'}
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