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Last active May 23, 2024 22:55
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Usando RedisCache no cache de objetos do Adianti Framework. Localização arquivo: app/lib/registry/RedisCache.php Link artigo:
//namespace Adianti\Registry;
use Adianti\Registry\AdiantiRegistryInterface;
//use Redis;
* Adianti Redis Record Cache
* @version 7.4
* @package registry
* @author Bruno Constantino
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 Adianti Solutions Ltd. (
* @license
class RedisCache implements AdiantiRegistryInterface
private static $instance; // singleton instance
private $redis;
private $config_path;
private $conn_cache;
* Returns the singleton instance
* @return Instance of self
public static function getInstance()
// if there's no instance
if (empty(self::$instance))
// creates a new object
self::$instance = new self;
// returns the created instance
return self::$instance;
* Destruct class
public function __destruct()
//var_dump("Destroying " . __CLASS__ . "\n");
$instance = self::getInstance();
return $instance->redis->close();
* Change database configuration Path
* @param $path Config path
public static function setConfigPath($path)
$instance = self::getInstance();
$instance->config_path = $path;
* Returns the database information as an array
public static function getDatabaseInfo()
$database = 'redis';
$instance = self::getInstance();
$path = empty($instance->config_path) ? 'app/config' : $instance->config_path;
$path = 'app/config';
$filei = "{$path}/{$database}.ini";
$filep = "{$path}/{$database}.php";
if (!empty($instance->conn_cache))
return $instance->conn_cache;
// check if the database configuration file exists
if (file_exists($filei))
// read the INI and retuns an array
$ini = parse_ini_file($filei);
$instance->conn_cache = $ini;
return $ini;
else if (file_exists($filep))
$ini = require $filep;
$instance->conn_cache = $ini;
return $ini;
return FALSE;
* Set database info
* @param $info Database connection information
public static function setDatabaseInfo($info)
$instance = self::getInstance();
$instance->conn_cache = $info;
// AdiantiRegistryInterface
* Returns if the service is active
public static function enabled()
$extension_loaded = extension_loaded('redis');
return FALSE;
$instance = self::getInstance();
$ini = $instance->getDatabaseInfo();
return $instance->connect();
* Returns if the service is active
public static function connect()
$instance = self::getInstance();
return TRUE;
$ini = $instance->getDatabaseInfo();
// Se não tiver conexão definida, define uma conexão local.
$host = $ini['host'] ?? "";
$port = $ini['port'] ?? "6379";
$connectTimeout = $ini['connectTimeout'] ?? "2.5";
$instance->redis = new Redis();
$connect = $instance->redis->connect( $host, $port, $connectTimeout );
return FALSE;
return $connect;
return FALSE;
* Store a variable in cache
* @param $key Key
* @param $value Value
public static function setValue($key, $value)
$instance = self::getInstance();
return false;
$ini = $instance->getDatabaseInfo();
if(isset($ini['lifetimeKey']) && isset($ini['lifetimeKey']) > 0)
/* Setando um tempo de duração do registro em 3600 segundos */
return $instance->redis->setex(APPLICATION_NAME . '_' . $key, $ini['lifetimeKey'], serialize($value));
return $instance->redis->set(APPLICATION_NAME . '_' . $key, serialize($value));
* Get a variable from cache
* @param $key Key
public static function getValue($key)
$instance = self::getInstance();
return false;
return unserialize($instance->redis->get(APPLICATION_NAME . '_' . $key));
* Delete a variable from cache
* @param $key Key
public static function delValue($key)
$instance = self::getInstance();
return false;
return $instance->redis->del(APPLICATION_NAME . '_' . $key);
* Clear cache
public static function clear()
$instance = self::getInstance();
return false;
// Opção 1:
// $prefix = APPLICATION_NAME . '_';
// $keys = $instance->redis->keys($prefix.'*');
// return $instance->redis->del($keys);
// Opção 2:
return $instance->redis->flushDb();
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