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Created August 4, 2017 12:23
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//= require jquery.maskMoney
//= require jquery.mask
var Mask = {
phoneMasks: ['(00) 00000-0000', '(00) 0000-00000'],
maskBehavior: function (val, e, field, options){
return val.length > 14 ? Mask.phoneMasks[0] : Mask.phoneMasks[1];
maskParents: function(mainEl){
$(mainEl).find('.currency-with-neg').maskMoney({ symbol: "", decimal: ",", thousands: "", allowZero: true, allowNegative: true });
$(mainEl).find('.currency').maskMoney({ symbol: "", decimal: ",", thousands: "", allowZero: true});
$(mainEl).find('.stock').maskMoney({ symbol: "", decimal: ",", thousands: "", allowZero: true, precision: 3});
$(mainEl).find('.stock-neg').maskMoney({ symbol: "", decimal: ",", thousands: "", allowZero: true, precision: 3, allowNegative: true});
$(mainEl).find('.total-money').maskMoney({ symbol: "", decimal: ".", thousands: "", allowZero: true });
$(mainEl).find('.phone').mask(Mask.maskBehavior, {onKeyPress:
function(val, e, field, options) {
field.mask(Mask.maskBehavior(val, e, field, options), options);
$(mainEl).find('.date-time').mask('##/##/#### ##:##');
$(mainEl).find('.money').maskMoney({ prefix: "R$ ", decimal: ",", thousands: "", allowZero: true });
setMasks: function(mainEl){
$('.currency-with-neg').maskMoney({ symbol: "", decimal: ",", thousands: "", allowZero: true, allowNegative: true });
$('.currency').maskMoney({ symbol: "", decimal: ",", thousands: "", allowZero: true});
$('.stock').maskMoney({ symbol: "", decimal: ",", thousands: "", allowZero: true, precision: 3});
$('.stock-neg').maskMoney({ symbol: "", decimal: ",", thousands: "", allowZero: true, precision: 3, allowNegative: true});
$('.total-money').maskMoney({ symbol: "", decimal: ".", thousands: "", allowZero: true });
$('.phone').mask(Mask.maskBehavior, {onKeyPress:
function(val, e, field, options) {
field.mask(Mask.maskBehavior(val, e, field, options), options);
$('.date-time').mask('##/##/#### ##:##');
$('.money').maskMoney({ prefix: "R$ ", decimal: ",", thousands: "", allowZero: true });
$(document).on('ready turbolinks:load', Mask.setMasks);
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