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Last active April 28, 2018 19:17
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-- double dash denotes comments
-- $ denotes shell command
-- everything else is Pig Latin, executed in Grunt
-- Data set downloaded from
-- Load data into Hadoop
$ hadoop fs -put ./input.txt input.txt
$ hadoop fs -ls
$ hadoop fs -tail hdfs://localhost.localdomain:8020/user/cloudera/input.txt
$ pig
-- Load
rawData = LOAD '*.txt' USING PigStorage(',') AS (station:int, wban:int, date: chararray, temp: double, temp_count: int, dewp: double, dewp_count:int, slp: double, slp_count: int, stp: double, stp_count: int, visibility: double, visibility_count: int, wind: double, wind_count: int, wind_max: double, wind_gust: int, temp_max: chararray, temp_min: chararray, precipitation: chararray, snow: double, frshtt: chararray);
rawDataSample = LIMIT rawData 10;
DUMP rawDataSample;
-- You should now see 10 sample records with the correct schema.
-- Let's do some manipulations
snowDays = FILTER rawData BY snow < 999.9;
snowDaysOrdered = ORDER snowDays BY snow DESC;
snowDaysOrderedLimited = LIMIT snowDaysOrdered 10;
snowSummary = FOREACH snowDaysOrderedLimited GENERATE station, REGEX_EXTRACT(date, '(\\d{4})', 1) as year, snow;
DUMP snowSummary;
temp = FILTER rawData BY temp < 999.9;
tempWithYear = FOREACH temp GENERATE REGEX_EXTRACT(date, '(\\d{4})', 1) as year, temp;
tempByYear = GROUP tempWithYear BY year;
avgByYear = FOREACH tempByYear GENERATE group, AVG(tempWithYear.temp) AS averageTemp;
avgByYearOrdered = ORDER avgByYear BY averageTemp;
EXPLAIN avgByYearOrdered;
DUMP avgByYearOrdered;
raw = LOAD '/user/hadoop/trabalho/' AS (line:chararray);
yearAndTemp = FOREACH raw GENERATE (INT) SUBSTRING(line, 15, 19) AS year:int, (INT) SUBSTRING(line, 87, 92) AS temp:int;
tempByYear = GROUP yearAndTemp BY year;
avgByYear = FOREACH tempByYear GENERATE group, AVG(yearAndTemp.temp) AS averageTemp;
STORE avgByYear INTO '/user/hadoop/trabalho/output';
[cloudera@quickstart pos]$ gunzip 1901.gz
[cloudera@quickstart pos]$ gunzip 1902.gz
[cloudera@quickstart pos]$ hadoop fs -mkdir /user/hadoop/trabalho
[cloudera@quickstart pos]$ hadoop fs -put ~/Downloads/190* /user/hadoop/trabalho
[cloudera@quickstart pos]$ hadoop fs -ls /user/hadoop/trabalho
Found 2 items
-rw-r--r-- 1 cloudera supergroup 73867 2018-04-27 21:15 /user/hadoop/trabalho/1901.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 cloudera supergroup 74105 2018-04-27 21:15 /user/hadoop/trabalho/1902.gz
[cloudera@quickstart pos]$
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sudo service hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager restart

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  • identificar o token da cidade e da temperatura (map)

  • contar todos os itens do map (cidade)

  • obter a media dos itens (cidade)

  • obter a media geral logo apos contar todos os itens da cidade

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