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Created January 11, 2012 19:49
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Save brunosan/1596420 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Implicit functions are cool, but SLOW in VB Excel.
Public Sub ExtrapolateInput()
Dim xCell As Range
Dim i As Range
Dim country As Integer
CurrentPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path
' Extend forward last Value and backwards first Value
Sheets("Input").Select ' Moving focus there.
Set xCell = Sheets("Input").Range("A1")
For country = FirstCountryRow To LastCountryRow
LogInfo "Extrapolation for " & xCell.Cells(country, FirstYearCol - 1)
xCell.Cells(country, LastYearCol).Select
'Extend Last Value forward
Extrapola xCell.Cells(country, LastYearCol), -1
'Extend First Value backwards
Extrapola xCell.Cells(country, FirstYearCol), 1
Next country
LogInfo "Input Sheet Ready"
End Sub
Public Sub Extrapola(xCell As Range, Dir As Integer)
'Fill current cell with the one on the side.
Dim xSide As Range
If Dir = "-1" Then If xCell.Column <= FirstYearCol Then xCell.Value = "#N/A"
If Dir = "1" Then If xCell.Column >= LastYearCol Then xCell.Value = "#N/A"
If IsError(xCell.Value) Then
'Catch error when Cells has text. Text will be extrapolated
Exit Sub
End If
If xCell.Value = "" Then
'Needs Extrapolation
xCell.Font.ColorIndex = 4 + Dir 'Red for forward, blue for backwards.
xCell.Font.Bold = True
Set xSide = xCell.Offset(0, Dir)
If IsError(xSide.Value) Then
'Catch error when Cells has text. Text will be removed
xSide.Value = ""
End If
If xSide.Value = "" Then
Call Extrapola(xSide, Dir) 'Recursively find the last data.
End If
xCell.Value = xSide.Value
End If
End Sub
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