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Last active June 6, 2017 12:22
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SMRT cave example
extends KinematicBody2D
var walk_speed = 500
var direction = Vector2(0,0)
func _ready():
Globals.set("player", self) # We make the player accessible more easily through Globals.
func _fixed_process(delta):
# Simple movement for our char
if Input.is_action_pressed("player_up"):
direction.y = -1
elif Input.is_action_pressed("player_down"):
direction.y = 1
elif Input.is_action_pressed("player_left"):
direction.x = -1
elif Input.is_action_pressed("player_right"):
direction.x = 1
direction = Vector2(0,0)
extends KinematicBody2D
var direction = Vector2(0,0)
export var dialog_name = "FRIEND_TALK"
export var start_at_message = 0
var can_interact = true
func _ready():
get_node("interactive_area").connect("body_enter",self, "on_body_enter")
func on_body_enter(body):
if body == Globals.get("player"): # Check if the character that entered is the player
if dialog_name != null or dialog_name != "" and can_interact: # check if the npc has something to say and we can interact with
can_interact = false # make the npc non-interactive during the talk
# using some variables to shorten the burden of writing
var smrt = Globals.get("dialog")
var chapter = Globals.get("chapter")
Globals.get("player").set_fixed_process(false) # We disable the player while the dialog happen
smrt.show_text(chapter, dialog_name, start_at_message) # Start the dialog
# we can connect to the signal 'dialog_control' and do different things based on the current state of the dialog
if not smrt.is_connected("dialog_control",self,"on_dialog"):
yield(smrt,"finished") # wait for smrt to emit the finished signal so we can continue
can_interact = true # re-enable the npc interactiveness
Globals.get("player").set_fixed_process(true) # And finally, re-enable the player
func on_dialog(info):
# info is a dictionary that sends the following:
# answer: if a question was answered, it will give the index of the button selected, otherwise it is null
# chapter: the chapter currently active
# dialog: the dialog currently active
# last_text_index: the index of the last text that was displayed
# total_text: the number of texts in the currently active dialog
var smrt = Globals.get("dialog") # Let's grab the dialog system into a 4 letter var
# Check for an answer:
if info.chapter == "intro": # it is good practice to also check what chapter and...
if info.dialog == "friend_talk": # the dialog we're in
if info.answer == 0: # There is only one question on this dialog, we check if the player answered "Of course, I am fearless!"
smrt.stop() # We kindly ask SMRT to stop
yield(get_tree(),"idle_frame") # and wait one frame for it to patch things up and quit nicelly
smrt.show_text("intro","friend_talk_positive") # to finally follow it with a new dialog
if test_move(Vector2(128,0)): # We will make the npc go out of the path
print("changed dialog name from ", get_name())
dialog_name = "friend_talk_positive" # We also change the dialog the npc will talk from now on so when the player interact with it from now on, it will show a new answer.
elif info.dialog == "great_adventure":
var transition = Globals.get("transition") # Grab the transition node
if info.last_text_index == 0: # When the first text finishes"fade") # we play a fade-to-black animation
elif info.last_text_index == info.total_text: # when the last dialog has finished
transition.play_backwards("fade") # we play the same animation, backwards
Globals.set("chapter","after_going_there") # change the chapter
yield(transition,"finished") # wait for the transition to end
extends Node2D
func _ready():
Globals.set("chapter", "intro") # At the start, we set the chapter to intro, so the chars will use this chapter as a base. This will be changed depending on our answer to go or not to go adventuring.
Globals.set("dialog", get_node("CanvasLayer/dialog")) # We put a global reference to the dialog.
Globals.set("transition", get_node("CanvasLayer/transition")) # And a simple transition effect, used during the cutscene of the dialog "after_going_there"
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