- Added a role for new staff: Helper
- This role can only deny bots
- Added configuration option to disable submission of new bots
- Added bot commands
- Updated dependencies
- markdown-it and plugins
- Headers with the same text now have different ids for linking to them in the page
- Tables updated to match the current GFM spec
- Updated emoji list
- Buefy
- Modals now auto-focus
- markdown-it and plugins
- Updated staff list
- Markdown styles updated
- Removed bottom margin from last paragraph
- Changed strong color to match the rest of the styles
- Modified bot API ratelimits to allow more requests, but increased the window time
- Increased guildCount limit
- Removed more unneeded properties from bot responses
- Fixed BotCard tagDescription producing an error when the bot is missing the tag
- Fixed rating calculation for embeds
- Changed non-cdn discordapp.com URLs to discord.com