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Last active March 30, 2019 21:37
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2.0.0 - Design 2.0 Update

The result of months of work. This update brings an entirely new design to the website. Along with it comes a huge list of improvements.


  • All pages an components used on the site have been updated to match the new design
  • Add permission constant for upcoming approver role
  • Replaced the name and description search inputs with one input that does both
  • Added a button to approval page bot cards and bot pages for approvers to see detailed information about bot pages
  • Added a custom error layout
  • Added Google AdSense ads to the home page
  • The edit bot page now shows the name of the bot being edited and if you are the owner or editor at the top
  • Removed hoverable bot tags and replaced them with clickable ones that switch the description
  • Reorganized bot pages to more clearly display information.
    • Moved less important information and actions to a sidebar that scrolls with the page
    • Added warnings for approvers to more easily review bots
    • Added a button for approvers to add bots to the server for testing
    • Added a button for approvers to switch between the rendered and raw page body
  • Added a welcome section to the home page. This includes a quick search box and a list of popular tags that can be clicked to search that tag
  • Moved embeds and API keys to their own pages
    • The embeds page now has buttons to copy links to the embed in Markdown and HTML
    • The API keys page now has buttons to copy keys to your clipboard (even with the key still hidden)
  • Redesigned the user profile page
    • If the user has special roles, they are displayed with nicer styling and icons
    • User stats are displayed along with the username and roles (total bots, total votes, total invites)
    • Bot cards now have a remove button
  • Added a new submission flow to the submit bot page
    • The top of the page now has a progress tracker
    • Before entering in information the page will now check if you are not in the official server and warn you. It will also check if you have reached the limit for submitted bots
      • If the user is not in the official server and clicks the join button, the warning will automatically close after they have joined
    • You will now be asked to enter your bot ID before being able to enter information. This allows the page to check if it's a valid bot and to populate the page with the bot's username and avatar
  • The approval page now shows how many bots are waiting and how many have been waiting for more than 2 weeks
  • The search page now supports query parameters


  • Standardize colors and common styles by importing them from a file instead of copying them everywhere (colors.sass, common.sass, mixins.sass)
  • New style for kbd elements that looks more like a button
  • Add pluralize function to utils. Handles pluralizing a word based on a number
  • Ban component more clearly indicates if you are the mod who created the ban
  • Most pages now work better on small screens
  • Bot cards on the profile page now display more relevant information in a clearer way
    • Improved the indicators for pending approval and being an editor
  • Bot cards on the approval page are much cleaner and display more information
  • Improved the names of navbar links in the mod and user dropdowns
  • Updated Font Awesome to 5.7.1
  • Update to Nuxt 2.4 for performance improvements (Update to 2.5 delayed due to issues)
  • Re-wrote the about page to more accurately reflect us
  • Updated the staff list and converted all avatars to JPEG
  • Updated help text on the edit and submit pages for bots
  • Removed the Bot ID and Owner ID fields on the edit and submit pages for bots
  • Changed some icons to better match their action
  • Improved the subtext for section headers on the home page
  • When logging in you will now skip confirmation if you've previously authorized access to your Discord account
  • The page selectors will now be hidden on the search page when there is only one page of results
  • Search inputs on the home and search page now update the results when pressing enter
  • The tag pages now have all sort options available
  • Slightly changed some subtexts for tags on the tag pages


  • Fixed an exploit allowing Markdown images to be used to make HTTP requests to the API
  • Always align modal footer buttons to flex-end
  • Removed many unused variables and other bad code thanks to the help of
  • Removed the og:url meta tag because it made all pages have an og:url of
  • The tags dropdown on the search page now updates correctly when adding or removing a tag
  • Fixed OAuth requests to Discord
  • Fixed the server function to get a user's data from the Discord API (This was already deployed)
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