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Last active April 25, 2016 00:48
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  • Save brussell98/8fc7e3126ef106867ea35655294eb4e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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@import url(,500) //fonts
@import url(
$bg-image: ''
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=drop-shadow($h, $v, $b, $c)
filter: drop-shadow($h $v $b $c)
-webkit-filter: drop-shadow($h $v $b $c)
=box-shadow($h, $v, $b, $s, $c)
box-shadow: $h $v $b $s $c
-webkit-box-shadow: $h $v $b $s $c
/* End defining start rules */
::-moz-selection, ::selection
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color: $color-main
.hover-info //extension fix
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a, a:hover
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font-size: 20px
font-family: $font-heading
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padding: 10px
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background: none
border: none
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color: $text-head
color: $text-head
display: none
background-color: $color-secondary
border-radius: 0 0 10px 10px
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height: 53px
.status-menu a
color: lighten($text-head, 9%)
padding-top: 2px
color: $text-head
display: none
.search-container #search-button
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border: none
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border-radius: 10px
+box-shadow(0, 0, 10px, 0, #b6b6b6)
background-color: $color-secondary
border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0
color: lighten($text-head, 1%)
font-family: $font-heading
font-size: 2.5em
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color: lighten($text-head, 1%)
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display: none
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color: $text-head
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background: $color-secondary
border: none
color: $text-head
font-size: 1.1em
font-weight: 500
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width: 90px
width: 100px
width: 160px
width: 70px
width: 40px
width: 0
width: 50px
font-size: 1.1em
color: lighten($text-head, 1%)
font-weight: 500
border-bottom: none
font-size: 1.15em
.rewatching, .rereading, .content-status
color: $status-color
.tags .edit, .data-title .add-edit-more a
color: $link-color
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color: $text-main
transition: background-color .1s linear
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background-color: lighten($color-main, 27%)
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margin: 0
height: 25px
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border-left: none
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fill: #fff
fill: $color-main
color: $color-main
font-family: $font-main
background-color: $color-secondary
&.setting:hover .text
.link-list-setting, .link-style-setting
background-color: $color-secondary
color: $color-main
border: none
content: "" !important
color: $text-head
margin-top: 4px
font-size: 17px
background-color: $color-footer
border-top: 1px solid $color-border
font-family: $font-main
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